fake prince

Chapter 1117 The Weight of the Cauldron

Chapter 1117 The Weight of the Cauldron
"Let them talk!" Su Ziji ignored what Wen Ru would say to Bian Xuan after he entered the room, as expected, he just waited outside.

Ye Daoist followed by his side, seeing His Highness's expression was indifferent, it seemed that he was not in a good mood to talk, so he stepped back and stood to one side after he finished talking about the business.

When Wen Ru entered the room, the wild Taoist took a glance and saw that Bian Xuanben was only reciting scriptures with lowered eyes. He found that the person who came in was Wen Ru, and he got up to meet him. It can be seen that Wen Ruo is not an ordinary monk.

But neither he nor His Highness deliberately listened to what the two said, and even walked a little further away when the two were talking, which can be said to be very considerate.

"It's just that this time Wen Tathagata came, Bianxuan still refused to bow his head, even if Bianxuan had friendship with His Highness, I'm afraid he would die."

His Highness may have some tolerance towards friends, but this tolerance is not unlimited.

Just when the wild Taoist was thinking like this, Su Ziji suddenly took out the Brahma scripture again, and was surprised to find that His Highness actually pulled out a note from the Brahma scripture.


The previous scene suddenly reappeared in his mind. This time, the wild Taoist understood why His Highness suddenly softened before. It stands to reason that even if the two sects of the Brahma and Dao offered the Buddhist scriptures, it would not be enough for His Highness to soften his attitude immediately. I didn't quite understand it at the time, but seeing this scene now, what else do I not understand?

It wasn't the Brahma Sutra itself that softened His Highness, but the note in the Vatican Sutra!
However, even if the wild Taoist was thoughtful, he didn't try to peek at the contents of the note, let alone ask, but took a step back, looked away, and stared at the room where Bianxuan was imprisoned.

"Hmph, I really don't have an ulterior motive."

Su Ziji lowered his eyes, and saw half a phantom of red sandalwood, which almost overlapped with the Buddhist scriptures, floating in the field of vision with a faint blue light.

"Find the Bayeux Brahma Sutra, do you want to learn it?"

Under the shadow of half a piece of red sandalwood, nothing can be concealed, but in the Buddhist scriptures, there is a piece of emerald green leaves the size of a palm, with a faint golden light, and thousands of characters on it.

You don't need to explore, you know that this is the dharma left by the Arhat, and the heart and heart are connected. If there is a destiny, you can immediately understand the Sanskrit Dharma.

"It has almost the same function as my red sandalwood tin..."


"Is the imprint broken up, just gaining Taoist comprehension?"


"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +2130, Level 14 (6098/12000)"

It was broken up, and only one out of ten of his insights remained. Su Ziji didn't regret it at all. He didn't deliberately avoid the savage Taoist. He took out the note and read it twice carefully. Suddenly, the note ignited without fire, burning Lost.

The paper was already long, and it was burned very cleanly. When the wind blew, the paper ash dissipated immediately, leaving no trace.

After finishing this matter, Su Ziji suddenly said lightly: "Do you know the allusion about the weight of the tripod?"

The wild Taoist looked sideways, knowing that His Highness would not discuss casually, but although he was originally from the Jianghu, he had read more scriptures after entering the palace, not before, so he immediately replied: "I know a thing or two."

"In the past, the Chu army attacked the army, and then they went to Luo, watched the troops in the Zhou border, and asked for the size of the crown."

"The king and grandson of the Zhou Dynasty said to each other: Virtue is not in the tripod. Virtue is not bright, although it is small and heavy. When adultery returns to confusion, it is big and light. The destiny has not changed. The importance of the tripod cannot be asked."

Sure enough, Su Ziji asked: "Then how much do you think is the lightest tripod?"

Ye Taoist pondered for a while, and said: "The tripod is related to hundreds of millions of people, even though it is the lightest, it is as heavy as a mountain."

"That's right." Su Ziji seemed to be reminiscing, his eyes somewhat lost, and he said slowly: "Actually, I really look down on those who are emperors, generals and ministers, but seek Taoism."

"From Yigu's current perspective, even the so-called arhat career is actually just a posthumous posthumous posthumous title at the sixth rank by the imperial court. Above the fifth rank, all of them are Arhat Bodhisattvas. How can we seek the Brahman Dharma?"

"Cultivation in the Taoist sect is even more important, and it is not enough to talk about it."

This seems to be different from the reality. The reality is that the Taoist sect is prosperous, and the Brahma sect is just a newcomer, far behind, but the wild Taoist did not refute, but just listened.

"Not to mention the Son of Heaven, the tripod is the lightest, and it is heavier than the Brahma God. Begging for a piece of money with a thousand gold, this is the stupidity of the emperor who seeks the Tao of Brahma."

"Of course, once you die, you will understand this, and you will regret it."

"The most important thing is not this, but, no matter how pious Dao Brahma is, emperors, generals and ministers will never be able to go to the Brahma realm."

Speaking of this, Su Ziji couldn't help but laugh.

How many sutras have been obtained, and the truth has been learned, no matter it is the Taoism or the Brahma, there is actually one thing that is kept secret-in fact, the emperor, the general, and the lightness of the tripod are also heavier than the mountains, so it is impossible to go to other places. Can go to the blessed land of dragon spirit.

Therefore, no matter how pious you are, how many temples you donate, and how many dharmas you practice in life, it will have no effect, and there is no one bit of merit for the soul after death.

Of course, Su Ziji also understands that if people know this and confirm it, the officials will naturally have no interest in Dao Fan, so it will not be good for Dao Fan's spread and interests.

It's just that it is useless in essence to not hinder the belief of officials and people.

This is the reason why Su Ziji broke up the inheritance of the Beiye Buddhist Sutra, not only was it useless, but it also gave out a lot of energy, even the Taoist method, in fact, broke up and started again, and became Jianggong Zhenzhuan Pill Law.

Unless, you can live forever.

The wild Taoist was thinking, and wrote down the words, Su Ziji's eyes changed, he stopped, and the two people in the room came out.

"Meet the grandson!"

Although Bianxuan was imprisoned here, apart from having no freedom, he was not wronged much. Su Ziji had no interest in humiliating such a person.

But if Bianxuan hadn't lowered his head and been unable to figure it out, Su Ziji wouldn't have kept it. At this moment, Bianxuan came out with Wenru, and his expression looked different from before.

Wen Ru walked in front of Bianxuan, and actually bowed down to salute.

The savages beside him didn't expect the monk to be so open-minded, so they couldn't help being surprised.

What Ye Daoist didn't expect was that Bianxuan also bowed down to pay respects to His Highness.

Su Ziji didn't look at Bianxuan at all, even though Bianxuan had changed at this time, he turned his attention to Wenru and asked, "Really?"

This question is obviously not about the side, but about what is written on the note.

"The poor monk dare not deceive His Highness." Wen Ru clasped his hands respectfully and said, "The poor monk can prove with his actions that it is not a joke."

"Even if the poor monk is insane and dares to joke, the Brahma sect behind the poor monk will not dare to joke with His Highness about this matter."

Su Ziji and Wen Ru looked at each other for a moment, finally he seemed to believe what he said, and stretched his eyebrows: "It's not easy for you to come from a thousand miles away, and Bianxuan has lived in the mansion for a long time, since the teacher is here, I will accompany you Take a look at the scenery of the capital."


Although I didn't expressly say that I believe in permission, this attitude already agrees.

Su Ziji only said to release Bianxuan, but in fact all the monks who were detained were also released.

These monks followed Wen Ru Bianxuan out from the back door, their expressions were a little dazed, as if they didn't understand what was going on one by one.

The middle-aged monk waiting at the back door followed Wen Ru. He had already prepared for it. He called a temporary bullock cart and lined up so that all the monks could climb on it. He ordered, "Go to Qingyuan Temple."

No one knows this place, but the last time he was convicted and banned for a while, the coachman didn't take it seriously, he yelled, the ox cart moved, and he went all the way back.

On the way, in the first bullock cart, the middle-aged man finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "Master, it has been hundreds of years since I was introduced to Brahma School, and the accumulation up to now is only three hundred vajras. Leave everything to the grandson?"

As soon as these words came out, Bian Xuan was not surprised at all, but among the monks who were brought out, there were several seniority or senior positions who were also in the car, and they all looked over in surprise.

Not to mention that he didn't know that Brahma Sect still hid such a secret. Even if he knew it now, he still didn't understand why the core strength cultivated by such painstaking efforts should be dedicated to the grandson.

However, the monks who were imprisoned with Bianxuan respected Wen Ru very much, so they just waited for Wen Ru's answer.

Wen Ru glanced away, and didn't answer first, but asked: "Since the first introduction, the Sanskrit Dharma was first introduced, what is the law established?"

"First of all, be a great virtue to prove it."

A monk who was obviously familiar with the scriptures and knew more about the secrets clasped his hands together.

Everyone also understands that the first step of preaching is to pull the tiger's skin and find a local virtuous person for guarantee. If it doesn't work, it's okay to forge it.

The theory of Daoist Huafan is actually released by the Fanmen themselves.

If you want to be in other worlds, you can also transform the ancestors of martial arts into Sanskrit, the ancestors of Confucianism into Sanskrit, and so on.

"Again, preaching to the people."

"If the public opinion is established and the tradition has been established, it must be recognized by the national law. Therefore, the last step is not to follow the sovereign, and it will be difficult to establish legal affairs."

"These three steps must never be reversed."

"If the foundation is not established, we will rely on the laws of the country. For people like this, the prosperity and decline depend entirely on the powerful. Once they fall out of favor, it will be difficult to prosper."

"However, the support of the national law is absolutely indispensable, so now we have reached the third step, the grandson is a very good foundation of the national law."

"Don't talk about the three hundred diamonds, even if it's me, I won't hesitate to lose all of them here."

Wen Ru glanced at these people in front of him, and said word by word: "This is the key to the rise of Brahma Sect. If things fail, our Brahma Sect will be hit. Eliminate the wrath of the lord."

"And the remaining people will continue to endure and preach the Dharma among the people, and preach the Dharma in the surrounding countries. One day, or more than ten years, decades, they will be able to solve the problem and revive the Buddhist Dharma."

"Only by taking root among the people can we survive forever."

Hearing these gatha words, all the people present were excited and chanted the Sanskrit name together: "I understand that even if the body is smashed to pieces, the Brahma Dharma will surely flourish."

At that moment, Qingyuan Temple arrived and filed in. Before long, everything was in order. In front of the big bell, Bianxuan looked calm and pushed the wood heavily to strike the bell.

"boom boom"

Although it was too close, it was less melodious and dull, and more sonorous, but after listening to the continuous sound of wooden fish, there were monks chanting sutras in unison: "So I heard that for a while, Brahma was in the lonely garden of Zhishu in the country of Savatthi, Together with a thousand or two hundred and fifty people, including the Great Neighborhood, when the Brahma God eats, he wears his robes and holds his bowl..."

(End of this chapter)

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