fake prince

Chapter 1118

Chapter 1118
Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the early morning of the Lantern Festival. Su Ziji got up early, had breakfast, and then dealt with today's affairs in the study.

A few days ago, the capital city has been filled with festive atmosphere, especially in the palace. The lights have been on since the tenth day of the first lunar month, and it is said that the lights will not go down until the seventeenth day of the first lunar month.

"Your Highness." Ye Daoist opened the door and came in, smiling: "This is a letter from Princess Xinping."

Su Ziji took it and slowly took it apart.

Ye Daoist didn't look at the letter, he just dropped it on the table, and said: "The rest of the guests who came here have all answered, and you have read all their replies, and this is the only one left."

"You have worked hard since you came up, and now you can rest."

Su Ziji nodded: "I see."

While saying this, he subconsciously squeezed the center of his eyebrows with his fingers, got up unconsciously, and looked around before reaching the steps. At this time, someone was hanging lanterns on the eaves nearby. The eight palace lanterns are very beautifully painted, and there are also riddles above.

Farther away, there are many figures in the yard, and it can be vaguely seen that they are all people decorated with lanterns and festoons.

"What is Your Highness thinking?" Seeing Su Ziji staring blankly, Ye Taoist couldn't help asking.

"I'm looking at these lanterns and festoons, and I'm jumping with joy. During the Chinese New Year, it's already considered lively, but when it comes to the Shangyuan Festival, all the people inside and outside the imperial city are celebrating. I heard that the emperor will also watch the lanterns to receive congratulations."

Su Ziji seemed to be thinking, and said slowly: "But I have already told you, there is a kind of aura that makes me faintly uneasy in these things..."

Ye Daoist was also thoughtful about this remark, but only comforted him: "But Your Highness, you have already done what you should do, and you can only do your best and obey the destiny."

"It's right to do one's best, but I'm still a little bit unwilling to listen to the fate." Su Ziji breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were a little confused.

This is all my own feeling. In order not to affect the mood of those around me, I only mentioned it to the wild people.

Rao is no longer an ordinary person, but he is still a little tired after being busy with various things during this period of time.

Especially thinking of attending the Lantern Festival Palace Banquet today, Su Ziji couldn't help but want to sigh.

When I was not a grandson in the past, I never imagined that being a crown prince would be so tiring. Not only do I have to participate in many things, but I still have to participate in many things, but it feels like a waste of time, but it’s impossible not to participate.

If it were someone else, who had not been nurtured since childhood, or who had been a county king or prince for more than ten years, it would be too much for a while, and he would be in a hurry.

Su Ziji was just a little tired when he was the crown prince, which surprised many people.

However, even if he was a little tired, Su Ziji would be happy.

Since he sat in the position of Prince Chu, he didn't intend to be pulled down again.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji had already opened the letter in his hand, and when the letter was pulled out, there was a faint fragrance of coldness.

The paper she used to reply to the letter was unusual at first glance, but since Su Ziji came to Beijing, the degree of concern for these foreign objects has been declining. In the past two years, he has not paid much attention to the fashion of pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so I really don't know what kind of paper Princess Xinping used.

It feels good to the touch, and the plum blossoms are written line by line on the paper, which is very pleasing to the eye.

I have to say that as a princess who was once favored, Princess Xinping's calligraphy is not very good, but it is not bad, and she is definitely attractive to people.

Su Ziji frowned, watched slowly, and at the same time, a reminder sounded in his ears.

"[Qin Yi] +300, level 6 (780/6000)"

Along with the reminder, there are also looming scenes in front of Su Ziji's eyes, some of which complicate Su Ziji's mood.

He couldn't help being a little silent. The return letter he sent to Princess Xinping was actually a very formulaic greeting and thank you. Later, he asked a random question and asked her for advice on her field of expertise. It was no different from the letter to others.

The name is to ask for advice, but in fact it is to take the opportunity to use magical powers to investigate the situation, so as to understand Princess Xinping's position.

No matter how she is a princess who has fallen out of favor, she is still a royal princess, the daughter of the emperor, and she might be able to play a role at critical moments.

Not only the letter, but the mood I had when I wrote the letter was the same as treating others.

I really didn't expect that Princess Xinping paid so much attention to me just asking a question about piano art. She stayed up all night and didn't even have time to eat. She checked a lot of information and asked many famous teachers.

Su Ziji could feel, in the looming scene, her bloodshot eyes and her unspeakable intentions.

This feeling is too sincere and too heavy, not to mention, he also got a glimpse of a secret in Xinping. These days, she has even planted eyeliner in the palace to inquire about the news and prepare to report it to herself.

"This... ugh!"

This made Su Ziji, who originally only wanted to take advantage of her, a little bit unbearable.

With a secret sigh, his eyes fell on the letter, and he couldn't help but feel a little disgusted in his heart. It's fine if he doesn't accept such a heart, and it's a bit base to take advantage of a woman's feelings for him.

"But Huangtu's great cause, there is no addiction to cleanliness, I can only repay it in the future." Su Ziji put the letter down, thought for a while, spread out a piece of paper, and wrote the letter seriously.

Originally, after writing a reply letter, the other party wrote a reply letter back, there is no need to reply, even if you reply, you don't have to be serious, otherwise you will come and go, and then you will come and go, wouldn't it be endless?
But Su Ziji's mind flashed the figure of her who had been inquiring all night but never mentioned anything in the reply letter, sighed secretly again, and started to write.

After writing the words of thanks, Su Ziji thought about it and wrote another poem.

It is the Shangyuan Festival now, so writing a poem with the theme of Shangyuan Festival will neither seem strange nor cause her to misunderstand it, which is very good.

"Tonight is the Lantern Festival in the hometown, sitting alone in Xiangman village.

Relying on the scriptures to be a companion, I am happy to invite you without a car or horse.

In spring, the plum blossoms in the grass pavilion move first, and the moon is full, and the snow in the empty courtyard has not disappeared.

In the first collection of lanterns in the hall, Chongwei should be read all over the place. "

After finishing writing, he read it again, and then Su Ziji sealed the envelope and told the wild Taoist that he did not need to deliver the letter himself, but handed over the letter to the person who came, and asked the person to deliver it to Princess Xinping.


The wild Taoist did not see that His Highness had any thoughts on Princess Xinping. After all, the relationship between the two should not be entangled, so His Highness should just feel sorry for Princess Xinping. The favored mother and concubine may be useful in the future.

Without doubting him, Ye Taoist left with the letter.

When I went out, I saw someone leading a group of monks inward. The leading monk was wearing a black blindfold to cover one eye, but he still couldn't hide his handsome demeanor. Who else could it be if it wasn't Bianxuan?
The monk led by Bianxuan looked very strange, and seemed to be no different from the previous monks, but he felt a little disobedient to the savage Taoist, as if he had brought some sharp edge. ?
Is there something magical about these ten people?
Thinking of what happened before, Ye Daoist thought secretly, before he could face the imprisoned Bianxuan with a cold face, but now he could smile at the released Bianxuan, the two passed by and nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Lu!"

Bian Xuan also nodded with a smile, he was born with a better bearing, even if he was blind in one eye, the impression he gave when he smiled like this was unusual, with a bit of elegance and a bit of coquettishness.

(End of this chapter)

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