fake prince

Chapter 1119 Like a Snowball

Chapter 1119 Like a Snowball
Su Ziji watched the wild Taoist leave, feeling a little melancholy.

The matter of children's love is not unimportant, and the matter of Princess Xinping is not just to use, let alone regret.

In terms of benefits alone, Xinping is arrogant and indulgent. Although the kings of Shu and Qi are brothers and sisters with her, they are not the same mother, and the relationship is very shallow. If one of the two kings becomes the throne, Xinping's life will not be so easy in the future.

Oneself, but can give several times.

So there is no loss of interests, only her feelings are melancholy, how to respond to this?
At this moment, someone reported outside the door: "Your Highness, Bianxuan is here."

Bianxuan is here?

Su Ziji restrained his mind and said, "Let them wait in the flower hall."

"Yes." The sound of footsteps outside went away.

Su Ziji also got up, tidied up a bit, and then went out. The study is not far from the flower hall. Since Su Ziji cleaned up the mansion, those who can work in the mansion, especially the main courtyard, are still loyal.

But Su Ziji still met the ten people brought by Bianxuan in the flower hall, he just glanced at them and nodded secretly.

"They are all masters."

These ten monks are worthy of being well-trained people. They look ordinary from the outside, but they all have martial arts. Although they are not at the level of Cen Rubai, they can all be regarded as first-class masters in the world.

Such people are low-key and not very vigilant, but they can play a big role when it is critical. .

"The poor monk pays his respects to the grandson."

Su Ziji was still very satisfied, and after Bianxuan brought the ten people to visit, he slightly raised his hand: "Get up, Bianxuan, the ten people you brought will be included in the mansion, and they will be treated as soldiers in the mansion. You lead it yourself."

Bian Xuan lowered his head, and immediately responded: "Yes."

Su Ziji asked again: "Except for these ten people, will the rest come over one after another?"

Bianxuan replied: "Yes, Uncle Shi said, if you come together, you will definitely attract attention, which is not good. It is better to come here in batches, and the specific placement depends on your arrangement."

Su Ziji nods his head again, hearing that this person is really good in his work.

"Where are you from?" Su Ziji casually asked a monk.

"We are all of the real generation, the poor monk Zhenjue, who was born in Liangtao County."

"The poor monk Zhenji, a native of Lingyi County."

"Poor monk Zhenxuan, from Zhangxin County."

"From Liangtao County? I heard that there is a copper mine in Liangtao County. Is it true?" Su Ziji asked casually.

Zhenjue is the brother of the ten-member team. I don't know what the grandson asked about this topic, so he put his hands together and answered: "Yes, there are thousands of people in the county who mine and smelt, and make money on the spot. No matter how specific, the poor monk will not know." .”

"You are from Lingyi County. I heard that there is a famous mountain, Jinlu Mountain, where there are golden deer. Is it true?"

"There is a golden deer mountain, but I have never seen a golden deer." Zhenji said very little, a little dry.

Afterwards, he asked a few more questions, one question and one answer, Su Ziji could feel that Bianxuan was not necessarily loyal to him, but he was indeed determined to support him.

Even for those ten people, Su Ziji also asked one or two questions one by one, making sure that these ten people were all ready to obey their orders, and even prepared to risk life or death.

"The rise and fall of the Brahma Sect, is it all in one fell swoop?"

This is certainly for the sake of Fanmen, but Su Zi always employs people without asking the reason, only looking at the result.

Such a result already made him feel that it was all right.

The only thing that makes Su Ziji sigh a little is that his relationship with Bianxuan, it is impossible to return to the past.

Su Ziji stood there, looking at Bianxuan who was bowing his head and answering respectfully, suddenly remembered the time when he talked calmly with him as a friend in the past.

Not only the Bianxuan who came to Beijing to meet, but also the old friend Yu Lu Fangxi and others who met in the past.

It's just that Yu Lu, Fang Xi and others have never had any conflict of interest with him, and they don't have the ability to do something.

It's not like Bianxuan, who has this ability, so the two have only reached this point now.

Not only was Su Ziji sighing secretly like this, but Bianxuan who stood answering was also thinking about his past with his grandson.

He still remembers to this day that when he first came into contact with this not grandson, he was overwhelmed by his demeanor. Although the two were not close friends, they were indeed friends.

Who would have imagined that it has only been so long, and things have changed.

The two were relatively speechless, and suddenly they were at a loss for words. Su Ziji thought for a while, and was about to speak, when someone came in and said, "Your Highness, Zhennan Bo's residence has replied."

"Well, give it to me!" Su Ziji looked at the time and thought for a while: "You must be exhausted after a long journey, go down and rest!"

"Come here!" Su Ziji shouted after taking Zhennanbo's letter casually, and sure enough, when he saw someone coming, it was Bo Yan who saluted respectfully, "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

"You take Bianxuan and others to the Fubing Wing to resettle them, and tell the main register hall to treat them as official Fubing, and add Bianxuan team regular treatment."

"Yes, I will do it here." Seeing that Bo Yan was wearing a ninth-rank official uniform, he responded swiftly and led people there deftly, and he couldn't see the original Jianghu habit at all.

At this moment, the door moved, and a gust of cold wind came in through the gap. Su Ziji smiled and closed the window, and sat by the window, just meditating.

"Sure enough, people can change."

"Bo Yan is gradually returning to her heart!"

Su Ziji couldn't help thinking about a few nails in the mansion, and secretly smiled. In fact, these nails are easy to pull out, and it's not too difficult to collect them, but they don't need them. Spies also have the function of spies.

"The letter to Xinping has gone out."

Su Ziji's expression moved, he closed his eyes and meditated, as if he was resting his mind, but he felt that the letter brought out by the wild Taoist had left the door. He explained at the time that this letter was delivered by others, and as expected, the letter was taken out by his grandson The door of the mansion was not directly sent to the princess mansion, but transferred to another place.

Everything was as expected, Su Ziji continued to sense, and felt that the letter had gone elsewhere, he only stopped for a while, and then went to the direction of the palace.

Here, it feels like nothing.

This is normal, the imperial palace is the center of hundreds of millions of people, although it is not like in previous years, even the big monsters have to be extremely suppressed when they go to the capital, but even if the spirit tide returns, it is not something outsiders can spy on.

"Sure enough, I went to the palace, and the emperor watched, really everywhere."

Su Ziji opened his eyes, and there was a trace of coldness in them.

In fact, as long as you know that this letter is indeed sent to the palace, who else can take away the letter written by the grandson on the way to deliver the letter, except for the emperor's people, who else has such ability?

Royal Palace
Since a few days ago, the palace has been lit up. Although it is still daytime, there are already various rehearsals for the celebration of the Lantern Festival, and the inside and outside of the palace are very lively.

Probably only on such a major festival, the palace people in the palace can relax a little bit and have fun.

Because no matter how strict the master is, he will basically not be too harsh on the palace people on this kind of day.

And when it comes to the Lantern Festival, spring is not far away.

Although the weather is still cold, in the past few months, from autumn to winter, the bleak and cold feeling made people in the deep palace a little tired.

Now that spring is here, some people try to change out of the overly heavy winter clothes. Although they are still a little thick, they are much more refreshing.

The concubines also have some interest in dressing up. Although the emperor is old, the number of times he went to the harem in the past six months was limited, and the concubines gradually lost their desire to compete for favor, but most of the concubines are still young. Trapped in this deep palace, between square inches, is almost suffocated.

Things that I dare not do in ordinary days are all done in festivals like the Shangyuan Festival. Even changing into spring clothes, talking and laughing with the maids, the atmosphere in the palace is much lighter than before, and not so dull.

But this lightness does not include the place where the emperor is.

Imperial Palace·Qinhua Palace

Located in a remote corner of the imperial city, it is very secluded and deep with many palaces.

Although it was early spring at this time, the weather was still cold. Even in daytime, the sunlight outside seemed to be unable to warm the palace at all. Only the eunuch stood expressionlessly in the darkness with his hands down.

A figure sat at the table, looked down at the letter in his hand, with a gloomy expression.

On the cover of the letter was written a letter from Princess Xinping, and the characters were very familiar. This was a letter written by the good grandson to his daughter Xinping.

Although he hadn't opened it to see the contents inside, the emperor was already displeased.

Prior to this, the emperor had read more than one written reply, some of which were intercepted on the way, and he read them in advance, and some of them were picked up by his people afterwards, so he read them.

The letter was drawn out, and the emperor opened it up to look carefully. Although it was daytime, but because of the dim light, candles were also lit. At this moment, the candles lit by the side were slightly shaken by the wind, which made the emperor's expression look very complicated. .

The content of the letter was very ordinary, and it could even be said that there was nothing of value. It was just an ordinary and simple thank you greeting, and finally wrote a poem.

I have to say that even if I have malicious intentions towards this good grandson, I have to admit that my grandson is really good at writing poems, and this poem is really good.

However, these were not the emperor's concerns. He put the letter aside and picked up another piece of paper.

Under the candlelight, this piece of paper is densely packed with people's names, and Su Ziji will find here that the list on this piece of paper is not only the names of people who have not only replied to the letter, but also have contacts.

Xinping's name is at the bottom.

Although Princess Xinping is an imperial daughter, she does not seem to be special compared to the people on the list.

Among the people the grandson has been with, there are hundreds of households of Habayashi Guard, nobles, and even elders. Princess Xinping is just one of them, and she is inconspicuous among them.

Looking at such a list, the emperor couldn't help being silent.

"It's like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger."

Although the emperor himself knew that as long as the identity of the crown prince was determined, as long as the acting king became the grandson, such a situation would be inevitable. After all, he was old and was no longer what he used to be. move closer.

But the emperor was lucky not to experience such a scene.

And even if you're mentally prepared, it's still too fast.

How long did it take for Dai Wang to be recognized?In just a few years, I used to be nothing more than a commoner in a small town, and later passed the imperial examination all the way, that's it, just some literary names.

It's only been two or three years since I came back to be the current king, but it's only been a mere one or two months since I became the great grandson, so there are so many people getting close?
"Hey, he really is a loyal minister."

The emperor sneered, but after a second thought, although there seemed to be a lot of support on the surface, the slow-growing Dragon Ball still gave him a lot of relief—at least for now, these are still superficial efforts, just reciprocity.

There are so many people who are willing to congratulate and socialize, but because of their status as grandsons, they don't really get close, at least not right now.

But as soon as the emperor's eyes fell on the densely packed list, he couldn't help but feel palpitations. He looked away, not wanting to look at these names again, when he suddenly saw a list.

"Huh? Luo Pei has already returned to Beijing? Are you waiting for my reception at the gate of the palace?" The emperor's eyes were gloomy, and suddenly he hit Xin hard, saying: "Come on, call Ma Shunde over."

Even if you want to raise dragons, it will not be smooth sailing, you must interrupt the snowball trend, Chunwei is not far away, you must set up nets to catch fish.

(End of this chapter)

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