fake prince

Chapter 1120 Shocked and inexplicable

Chapter 1120 Shocked and inexplicable
"Huh? The emperor, it really is the emperor..." Su Ziji groaned, and slowly opened his eyes, his face was also a little bad, and a tinge of blood suddenly appeared.

Although the feeling had weakened before, I could feel that the aura on the letter was still there, but it was separated, and the feeling was very hazy, but just now, Su Ziji felt that the aura attached to the letter had been The power is wiped away.

To be able to do this, to erase the aura left by himself as a great grandson, and this aura is so life-threatening, there is no one else in Weijiahai except the emperor.

Although Su Ziji had already guessed the result when the letter faintly went to the palace, he still couldn't help but feel depressed.

At this moment, Su Ziji coincided with the emperor's thoughts: "Although we have made preparations, this has come too soon."

"The emperor is so suspicious that he read the letter himself."

Su Ziji guessed that the emperor didn't read all the letters. After all, there were so many people, and it took a lot of effort to read each letter.

People with low status, even if they interact with them, the emperor probably wouldn't care what to write in the letter.

Those who were read by the emperor should all be people with high positions, special status, or military power.

For example, the letters between Su Ziji and several important ministers must have been sent to the palace, and the emperor opened them for reading.

Princess Xinping is an emperor's daughter, so her identity is naturally different from other people. Even if she is not favored, the emperor will personally open and read the letters between her and her.

Su Ziji leaned lightly on the back of the chair, feeling heavy in his heart.

"The emperor and the prince didn't fight each other at the beginning. The honeymoon period lasted for a few years, but now, how many days have passed since I became the grandson?"

Su Ziji was a little surprised by the speed of the emperor's repentance. Although he had made some preparations, it was still far from enough. Su Ziji was stunned for a long time, and when he was thinking, someone came in suddenly and said in a cold breath: "Your Highness, Luo Governor Pei Luo has entered Beijing and sent someone to come!"

Su Ziji was taken aback, then stood up and called, "Let him in..."

"Yes!" It didn't take a moment, and a person was ushered in. This person was not tall, with a slightly bow-legged body. When he came in, he stepped on the floor and creaked. He seemed to be a warrior who was used to riding a horse. He kowtowed to Su Ziji and saluted Su Ziji. .

"Get up and talk, your master has arrived in Beijing today, is your body safe?"

The first question was about the body, the man felt warm, kowtowed again before getting up, and said: "My master is in good health, but a little thin."

"The master said that he came to Beijing. As a minister, the first thing he did was to go to the palace gate to wait for an audience and listen to the emperor's instructions."

"If the emperor has an appointment, he doesn't dare to make personal friends. He should visit after the errands are finished. Therefore, he sent a villain to come to confess his crime."

It's clear when you hear this, the so-called appointment is related to Chunwei, but even if this person is a family confidant, don't dare to let him know, otherwise, who told you Luo Pei, the emperor will appoint you as Chunwei's chief examiner?

"However, my master has benefited a lot from Taisun's previous teachings, so he should understand it."

This is the most important thing, it is to make it clear that I am on your side and will definitely cooperate in this process.

"Your master's meaning, Gu already understands." Su Ziji seemed a little surprised, changed the subject, and asked again: "I heard that Master Luo met an assassin when he was in Southwest Province?"

"Yes, for the 20th year of Chengshou, that is, last year, my master, for areas with a large number of Han people, converted the land to the natives, and gave favors to native officials with few Han people and many mountainous areas, so that their descendants would continue to share the localities. If there is any disrespect Those who settle cases, kill each other, use soldiers to aid evil, and harm soldiers and civilians will not be allowed to succeed in seizing officials."

This person spoke very clearly, and said one by one: "There is Yang Yingde (Chinese name) in the local area. He sent someone to assassinate my lord. The lord was furious and sent [-] troops to conquer him. It lasted eleven days and captured Yang Yingde with the force of thunder. Pingzhi, beheaded to show the public, and the Southwest immediately established peace."

"Your master is a great talent." Su Ziji was very happy to hear that, and actually confirmed that this person was indeed loyal to Luo Pei, and he was not an undercover spy, so he said immediately: "What is your name? "

"The villain is Robert."

"Come here, give me ten taels of silver, and you can withdraw."

"Yes!" Luo Ba withdrew, Su Zijifang suppressed his smile, and pondered, Luo Pei was already in place, and his strength had increased.

"It has to be said that since I became a grandson, the forces of all aspects, although slowly, are gathering all the time, just like a hundred rivers returning to the sea."

"Even if you don't take the initiative, you will be full-fledged in ten years."

"Unfortunately, the emperor won't give me such a long time." Su Ziji smiled to himself, only to realize that he had squeezed a letter in his hand, and it was crumpled.

"It's a letter from Zhennanbo."

Su Ziji pinched his eyebrows. In fact, it is very tiring to absorb experience and thinking in this way. It is only once or twice, hundreds of times, even with his own practice, it is a bit overwhelming.

"The work of sorting out the officials is almost finished, and it will be easier in the future."

In fact, Su Ziji was a little slack, because this letter was not important.

Yes, others can seek refuge. Although Xungui will actually get close, it is unlikely that he will really end up supporting him. The reason is very simple. For Xungui, especially hereditary Xungui, there is actually not much the court can give.

Xungui couldn't afford to risk his life and family, most of the time he meant to mix up scenes and affection.

At that moment, he was concentrating on going up casually. Suddenly, Su Ziji's face changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly. Because he stood too hastily, he even knocked over the teacup on the table, and fell down, smashing it to pieces.

"Your Highness?" A voice came from outside.

"It's okay." Su Ziji said, lowering his eyes and looking away, he saw half a piece of red sandalwood, but his face was ashen.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +3105, Level 14 (9203/12000)"

"It's just a reply, but I have so much experience." Su Ziji pressed the hot water and splashed it on the red and swollen hands. , all of your black hands are inside?"

Or the person who wrote the letter put it in his mind, so although the information brought out is small, all of them are top secret.

"The emperor is actually refining the Great Returning Pill, and this Returning Pill is very special. He wants to use the dragon to win the dragon? Although there is little and fragmented information, it is definitely not good for me."

"Also, this person supported Taizu back then, so Taizu was able to seize the world, and now he has supported King Qi?"

Su Ziji was inexplicably shocked, and it took him a long time to smile grinningly: "Okay, what an insignificant Zhennanbo mansion, it turns out to be a big fish that can eat people!"

"Even Gu is counted, playing between applause."

Su Ziji lingered in the room, it took a long time to suppress his anger, took a deep breath, and was about to make a sound, when suddenly a little fox came from outside, chirping.

"What's the matter?" Su Ziji had suppressed his mood at this moment, motioned for it to jump up, let it flip through the book casually, and began to pick words.

The little fox immediately pulled out a few words and pointed at them hastily.

"Yes, the people in the palace came here and claimed to be the empress's people?"

(End of this chapter)

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