fake prince

Chapter 1121 is related to the Great Repayment Pill

Chapter 1121 is related to the Great Repayment Pill
A person who claims to be a concubine?
Naturally there would be no one else, Su Ziji immediately thought of the empress, and glanced at the sky, it was still early, and the news brought by the little fox showed that it was a secret visit.

Although it was still early, the palace banquet for the Shangyuan Festival was already held early, because there were a lot of procedures to go through, and there was not much time to waste. Now the whole mansion is already busy.

I believe that it won't be long before someone will come from the palace to guide them through the process. After all, being a grandson and concubine is not easy in days like the palace banquet of the Shangyuan Festival.

This is very different from the princes, county kings, and princes in the past.

Su Ziji said to the little fox: "Tell the person who comes, see you in the secret room."

This secret room was set up by Su Ziji not long ago, just to meet the person sent by the empress.

Meeting someone from the empress' empress should not be known by outsiders.

The little fox immediately ran out and became the grandson and concubine's pet. Even if people noticed its comings and goings, it would not think elsewhere.

After a while, the little fox came back again, this time bringing back the news that the other party had gone to the secret room.

There are different entrances and exits to the secret room. One of the entrances and exits in the main courtyard is in the compartment next to the study.

Press the mechanism, and the heavy bookshelf full of books "rolled" away, revealing an entrance inside and stone steps for a moment, as if it was winter, so a layer of frost hung on it.

And as Su Ziji went in, the bookshelf would close again.

When Su Ziji stepped in, he didn't intend to take the little fox with him, but a white shadow flashed, and before the bookshelves closed again, the little fox slipped in by himself. .

Seeing this, Su Ziji could only smile and shake his head, but he didn't drive it away.

No matter what its identity is, as long as it is loyal to itself and has no second thoughts towards itself, even if it has its own position, Su Ziji can tolerate and tolerate it.

This is one's own way of being a king, and only depends on the result.

Going along the stone steps against the wall, the held lamp illuminates the secret room, and those who have been waiting inside will immediately kneel down and bow down when they see each other.

"The servant has seen the young master!"

The person who came spoke in a high-pitched voice, and he sounded like an eunuch, but he was dressed like an ordinary steward, and he was not young, so Su Ziji looked at him under the light, and he looked familiar.

"My servant, Zhou Zhong, is under Eunuch Yu's command, and I have met my grandson several times." The eunuch said respectfully, and took a token: "This is a token from Eunuch Yu."

"Well, I remember." When Su Ziji went to visit the queen in the queen's palace, he had contact with this person. This is indeed the eunuch in the queen's palace. You can take it off as soon as you take it off.

Su Ziji asked him to stand up, and then asked: "Eunuch Yu sent you to find Gu, what's the hurry?"

Both myself and Ye Buhui would be very busy today, if there was no urgent matter, the queen would not have sent eunuch Zhou Zhong to find me.

Zhou Zhong didn't make a fuss, and immediately said: "My lord, this servant came out in the name of buying new year's goods, and had half an hour to rest, so I took the opportunity to come here, and I can only say a few words before going back. If there are too many, I'm afraid The emperor's people will find out."

"The empress asked the servant to give you two sentences. The first is the emperor's intentions for you, which may be related to the Great Return Pill. In addition, the empress did not spy out. I only hope that this sentence can be of some help to you, my lord. help."

Maybe it has something to do with Da Huan Dan?

Su Ziji's heart sank when he heard this, but he also knew that this was not the time to think about these things. The other party came in a hurry and probably had to leave immediately, so he asked directly: "The last time about the manpower in the palace, ma'am Is there an answer?"

"Is there anyone in the palace who can be used by the empress? Guards and eunuchs, besides the empress's palace, is there anyone else who can be used?"

"My lord, the second thing about your empress is this." Zhou Zhong replied quickly: "Yes, the empress also had some staff in the palace back then, distributed in each hall and gate, and even had guards."

"Now some of these people have been transferred, some have been demoted, and some are still in critical places. But after 20 years, I'm afraid not many are really available."

"The old lady didn't bring me the list for you, for fear of making a mistake."

This is human nature, and people take tea to cool down, which is a common principle everywhere.

Although the queen has not left yet, she has been locked in her own palace for 20 years, rarely going out, and not caring about palace affairs. The mind is still the same, and I am afraid that many people have already had their minds and voted for other masters.

It's all unavoidable.

But Su Ziji said: "It's okay, the next time my father-in-law sees me again, I will bring the list to Gu, and I will distinguish it by myself."

This is no problem, Zhou Zhong immediately said: "This servant understands, so I will tell the empress, and the people around your majesty are very difficult to move."

"The little master wants to borrow a knife to kill someone, but he is afraid that it will be self-defeating."

"However, there is only Zhang Gui, whose position is not very high, but who manages external procurement and connects internal and external, so his position is relatively important."

"Your Majesty means that you can climb and bite Ma Shunde, but in fact it is only a plank road, and the target of secretly hiding Chen Cang is this person."

"After this person dies, the empress can install someone to communicate with the inside and outside for the young master."

"I understand."

"Since the young master understands, the servant will leave first, and when the opportunity arises, I will quickly give the list to you, young master."

Saying that, Zhou Zhong didn't have time to talk to Su Ziji, so he left in a hurry.

Seeing the leaving figure, Su Ziji couldn't help frowning, his expression was indistinguishable and complicated.

"The mother is strong for the son, and the queen is actually paving the way for the prince. This step by step is so far-reaching. If the prince is determined to change the palace, he is really sure. It is a pity that he killed himself early."

"It's all cheaper for me now."

"But now, I have something to tell you." Su Ziji stroked the little fox, and said darkly: "Go and monitor Sun's Silk Clothes Shop and Zhennanbo Mansion, but don't go near Zhennanbo Mansion. There seems to be a big monster there, if you get close, you will be in trouble."

"I have already sent someone to monitor and buy eyeliner from nearby shops, you just need to be under the supervision from behind."

This is Su Ziji's method, that is, if he comes forward in the name of the Taisun Mansion, it will easily arouse intense vigilance and change - why did your Taisun Mansion do this?
Therefore, the Taisun Mansion has adopted a subcontracting system, and it is not in the name of the Taisun Mansion—for example, in the name of a small shop, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.

Then as long as you pay attention to the people who come in and out of the nearby shops, write down a sum, and hand it over to this shop, you can get rewards - not much money, just a few tens to a hundred coins.

If there are not many, it can reassure the people in the shop. If there are too many, people will be afraid, and they may even report it.

Really, this subcontracted intelligence station can also be withdrawn.

The little fox was very familiar with this, and agreed again and again.

"Let's go, it's getting late, let's go out." Su Ziji came out of the secret room and went to Ye Buhui's residence, and as soon as he entered, all the maids in the courtyard knelt down.

(End of this chapter)

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