fake prince

Chapter 1122 There is a tacit understanding

Chapter 1122 There is a tacit understanding

Sure enough, there were already people in the palace, besides the female officials and nuns, these people were sent to help Ye Buhui put on the phoenix coronet and Xiapei.

Both wives and concubines have Xiapei, but no phoenix crown. As a grandson concubine, Ye Buhui naturally has both.

Folk newlyweds can only wear phoenix coronets and Xiapei on their wedding day to enjoy the honor of this day, and often the brides on this day are extraordinarily beautiful.

It can be seen that this phoenix crown and Xiapei are indeed of great help to the improvement of appearance.

Although Ye Buhui is not stunning, she is still a beauty, especially after giving birth. When she heard the sound of footsteps, her bright eyes turned to look at him. Can't help being amazed.

Such a well-dressed Ye Buhui is actually very rare on weekdays. As for people relying on clothes, she is not a gorgeous woman, but under such a well-dressed outfit, she reveals a rare charm.

Seeing that Ye Buhui was also slowly bowing down, Su Ziji smiled and said, "It's very beautiful."

He walked over quickly, held her hand with his hand, and supported her salute. When he found that her hand was a little cold, he knew that Ye Buhui was afraid that he would be very nervous.

Also, I have the experience of later life, have had all kinds of adventures, whether in spirit or body, I am no longer an ordinary mortal.

But Ye Buhui is different. She is an ordinary little girl in this era. Although she has entered the Tao, her body has become stronger, her appearance has also become more beautiful, and she has experienced the change of identity with herself, but even people like herself feel that she is a little girl. Tired, he has to hold his heart, and dare not relax all the time, Ye Buhui is even more stressed.

Thinking this way in his heart, Su Ziji noticed at a glance that there was a fire in the smoke cage in the courtyard, and he felt very hot as soon as he entered, looked at her with pity, and said softly: "It's okay, I'm here."

"Also, who cares about the grandson concubine changing clothes and lighting a fire? It's a good thing to appreciate, and I will reward you with three taels of silver."


No need to say much, just looking at each other like this, she immediately understood that her husband was pitying her, and he was telling her that he would protect her. .

And such a statement shows that Taisun is aware of the uneasiness that he has tried hard to suppress.

Such carefulness and thoughtfulness warmed Ye Buhui's heart, Fu Rongmian, who had been tense due to nervousness, relaxed a little, and nodded towards a smile.

The interaction between the two was seen and remembered by the people sent by the palace, and they were secretly envious in their hearts.

To protect a person, one has to perform in this aspect from time to time, so that the people below will always remember that the concubine is deeply loved and is not someone to be trampled on.

"Wait for me."

When Su Ziji talked to his family, he never said "I" instead of "I". He also needed to change his attire, but compared with the concubine, it was much faster to change his attire, and he didn't need makeup. It is enough to wear Taisun Mianfu, which is much simpler and easier.

Su Ziji was changed later. When the change was good, Ye Buhui was still being put on make-up, so he had to wait for a while before going to the palace with her after Ye Buhui had done everything.

When the husband and wife went out, they both breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the festive atmosphere was more obvious than in the morning.

In fact, a few days ago, many small vendors have been hyping up the festival and selling some festival items.In this regard, this era is no different from later generations. People who can do business for a long time have flexible minds.

As soon as the car passed by, the people on both sides immediately avoided it.

However, because there was no high-profile reveal of their identity, passers-by only knew that the noble person had passed, and they did not know who the noble person had passed.

Su Ziji didn't want to mobilize so many people to worship him on the Lantern Festival.

"The weather is not bad, the festival should be fine."

Looking at the sky, it was covered with a layer of clouds, but it didn't mean rain or snow. As we walked along the official road, Su Ziji stroked her hand and asked, "I think you have something on your mind, are you under a lot of pressure?"

"It's a little bit, you probably don't know, the last time I saw the emperor and the empress to say hello, they didn't say a word, when they retreated, Mrs Qian Xu, the wife of Mr Qian Weiqian, came to talk to me."

"She is Mrs. Yipin, of course I am on good terms with her, but when she turned around, she made indirect remarks and said that you are now a grandson, and the royal family wants to have many heirs, and now I am the only one in the house. Am I jealous?"

"I also said that this is really unnecessary. If the Taisun Mansion doesn't accept it, the emperor and empress will also give it to me, and it will be difficult to get along with at that time."

"You know, I also said last time that you can marry a concubine, and I know that this is inevitable, but what Qian Xu said still hurts my heart, and I feel uncomfortable."

As Ye Buhui said that, he felt discouraged for a while, and his eyes were red.

Su Ziji thought for a while, but also felt helpless, so he had to say: "You really love me, so you tell me the truth. I can't blame you for being depressed these days. Why bother?"

"You and I know each other poorly and poorly. It is said that ordinary people can keep their wives from going to court, let alone you and me? Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Ye Buhui listened to Su Ziji's words, and then he wanted to say something again, but he yelled outside: "The palace gate is here."

Arriving at the gate of the palace, the wives of noble officials and relatives of the emperor came. As soon as Su Ziji appeared in front of the people, he immediately attracted everyone's attention and stepped forward to salute.

"Don't think too much, the banquet is very tiring, let's talk about it when we get back, huh?" Su Ziji shook his hand heavily, let go, smiled, and accepted the courtesy: "Everyone, please get up, please get up!"

The grandson and his wife nodded and entered the inner palace. It turned out that the shifts in the palace had already been arranged, and there was Concubine Wu among them. In fact, the clothes of the emperor and the grandson were very similar, and the clothes of the queen and concubine were also similar. , as soon as he entered, the people around blessed him together: "I have seen the grandson."

According to the rules of the imperial court, the grandson and his wife only saluted the emperor, while the concubines all greeted the grandson, and the grandson and concubine then greeted the concubine, but the latter was a family ritual.

Even if the remaining concubines are the emperor's women, they don't have to salute.

But the emperor didn't set up a noble concubine at all, so he didn't need to greet anyone except the empress.

"Everyone please stand up too."

There are more than a dozen concubines, big and small, most of them are very young, and some are indeed about the same age as Xinping, or even younger, all of them have bright eyes and bright teeth, Su Ziji doesn't look at them much, so he lays his hands on him.

In a blink of an eye, I saw that the banquet in the palace had already been prepared, with a total of twenty or thirty tables. Because of the cold weather, I only served cold dishes and dried fruit snacks. After thinking about it, I heard a loud voice: "The emperor is here, the empress is here!"

"The minister (concubine) pays homage to the emperor, and the empress!" Everyone knelt down and shouted.

"Forget it, everyone get up. Today is a festival and a family banquet. You don't need to be formal." The emperor smiled and raised his hands: "There will be some women who want to come in later, let's all have a banquet, grandson, grandson Concubine, come to me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor and empress are at the same table, and the grandson and concubine are at the same table. They are very close to each other, and the specifications are extremely high.

Just sat down, and sure enough, there was a sound of "declaring the order to enter", a group of young women came in in an orderly manner, and arrived in the hall to salute: "The concubine bows to the grandson Jin'an, the empress Jin'an! The concubine respectfully knocks on the grandson Jin'an, the grandson Concubine Jinan!"

The emperor and empress can accept it calmly, but the grandson and concubine will return the gift.

After such a set of etiquette, from top to bottom, I am afraid that no one will be comfortable, but I have to leave.

Those who were not invited to the palace banquet, although they don't need to be troubled, it also means that they are not valued by the empress, and they may have no future in the future.

Therefore, even if you are tired, you still have to participate, pain and happiness.

Su Ziji had been paying attention to Ye Buhui all the time, but fortunately Ye Buhui didn't show any signs of fatigue, after all he was still young, Ye Buhui sat well during confinement, recovered quickly, and was in good condition.

As for etiquette, she has been back to Beijing for a few years, so it is naturally not the court rookie who needed to practice repeatedly, not to mention smooth, at least fluent.

The most important thing is that Ye Buhui's status is different now. In fact, the etiquette is not much, and there is nothing wrong with it. Su Ziji secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at her, and saw the relief in the eyes of the other party. Finally, this set is It's over.

However, after withdrawing his gaze, Ye Buhui couldn't help but cast his gaze on the woman below.

In fact, it's nothing more than a married woman. Basically, the married women who are eligible to enter the palace banquet are all in their 50s and [-]s. Even if they were beautiful before, they are no longer in their prime.

But it is different in the palace. Although Ye Buhui considers herself a beauty, and since she gave birth, her appearance seems to have grown a bit, with a charm between youthful and mature, and brows and eyes with happiness because of her happy love life , gave her a lot of points.

But that's the case. In the palace, this kind of beauties are just normal, not very protruding, and can barely match the appearance of young concubines, but there are also a few concubines whose beauty is obviously higher than their own. Slightly better, but a very beautiful concubine in the crowd is really like a bright morning star, shining brightly over the crowd.

This is not an exaggeration, the young woman dressed as a concubine is about the same age as her next year, but she is extremely beautiful.

The same skin is as white as fat, but there is a difference between fat and fat. Her skin is as white as fat, and she really has a feeling of being broken by the snap of her fingers, and her hair is blacker, brighter and smoother. At such an important time, the concubine must have carefully groomed, Daily maintenance must also be very careful, but when compared with such a natural beauty, the acquired maintenance is suddenly compared.

Not to mention the graceful figure, the picturesque facial features, and the coquettish eyes that even women would blush a little.

Even a woman like Ye Buhui couldn't help but look at her frequently.

Obviously her attire is the same as that of the concubines around her, but with such an ordinary concubine's attire, she is already dazzling.

Ye Buhui subconsciously wanted to see her husband's expression, but finally held back.

Just at this time, the queen opened her mouth and smiled: "The inner banquet is about to start here, so the grandson concubine will stay with me and accompany me. You are a grandson, so go to the outer hall to meet the courtiers first, don't worry , Grandson Concubine stays here, I will take care of it myself."

This is a very common saying. The Lantern Festival banquet is an inner banquet. The empress, concubine, and married woman sit together, and the concubine grandson also joins the banquet. This is also a kind of kindness.

The Taisun needs to go to the outer hall to have a banquet with the emperor and his courtiers. This is an outer banquet.

Just as soon as she met her eyes, Ye Buhui suddenly shivered, and saw her husband responding, her dark eyes showed a kind of expression, she quickly raised her eyes, just caught the eyes and expression of the queen, and she shivered even more.

The empress has a tacit understanding with her husband. Of course, she will not think it is ambiguous, and more importantly, she is too familiar with it—this is the husband's awe-inspiring eyes with some murderous intent.

What is going to happen?
(End of this chapter)

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