fake prince

Chapter 1123 No need for this person

Chapter 1123 No need for this person

Su Ziji lowered his eyes and said to the queen: "Sun Chen is relieved to hand over Bugui to the empress. Bugui wants to get closer to you, as long as you don't think we are annoying you."

Currently in the palace, the most reassuring thing is the empress, with the empress here as escort, Ye Buhui will not encounter trouble at the inner banquet, he replied with a smile, it is not formulaic, with a hint of intimacy of a junior.

"Where is it bothering you?" The Queen's smile became more genuine, and she waved to Ye Buhui with a smile: "Good boy, come, come to Ben Gong."

"Yes." Ye Bugui replied, standing beside the queen.

One of her hands was also held by the queen, and the two of them looked like grandparents.

Everyone looked at it, and the fact is the same. The two of them looked at each other together, giving people a sense of harmony. Subtly, their expressions were somewhat similar.

"As expected of the concubine grandson, the person who will be in charge of Fengyin's mother's rites in the future, the empress Xiao Xiao!"

"Could it be that the clothes are similar?"

"Not only, but the temperament, the eyebrows, the demeanor are somewhat similar, the so-called phoenix spirit, or is that it?"

Not talking about the secret thoughts of the wives, Su Ziji looked at the emperor and asked: "Your Majesty, Sun Chen has never seen what the palace looks like, so I wonder if we can meet today?"

This request is not excessive.

According to the previous rules, they lived in Da Nei.

Now "Chengyu's Blessed Courtyard" no longer lives in the East Palace, but Su Ziji is already a grandson, a majestic prince of a country, coming to the palace is no different from a courtier, and most of them have never been there. When I heard it, I laughed, but when I thought about it, I was surprised.

There is still an essential difference between the grandson and the prince, and the request here is not too much.

What the emperor was thinking in his heart was unknown to outsiders. Hearing Su Ziji's request, the emperor seemed to think for a while before nodding.

"Oh, I forgot about it. Taking advantage of the festival, you can go around later and get to know each other better."

The queen said, "Yu Han."

"The old slave is here." The eunuch Yu Han came out and responded respectfully.

"You go see off the grandson." The queen's eyes fell on her body, as if ordering casually.


Yu Han bowed, and of course led Su Ziji to go out. It was getting late at this time, and the sky was overcast. As soon as he came out of the palace, the palace maid came over, squatting back quietly with all her clothes on. Su Ziji and Yu Han I ignored it, turned around, and slowed down, as if watching.

There are lanterns hanging under the corner eaves of the corridor, and the rockery is hazy like fog under the light. Walking out of the inner hall, there is no one here, and it is also a blind spot of perspective.

So Yu Han pointed around openly, as if to introduce, but Keke said the names one by one quickly, but there were more than thirty people.

"I don't know if Your Highness remembers it. If there is any ambiguity, I will say it again." Yu Han said, the reason why he didn't use a note is that people will know it's wrong when they see it, but the speech is normal, and they can't hear it from a distance.

"No need, I remember it already." Su Ziji has an indelible eye and a photographic memory. Naturally, it is not difficult to memorize these temporarily.

Yu Han leaned over at this time, taking advantage of the opportunity for Su Ziji to sort out some of his messy clothes, he whispered: "These people may still be obedient, but it's hard to say for sure."

There are more than [-] people left who may be obedient, not too many, but not too few.

After all, the queen has lost her rights for 20 years. Even if the emperor respects the queen and honors the queen, it is true that she has lost the right to manage palace affairs.

At that time, the empress closed her palace because her only son was exterminated and unable to face the emperor.

On the other hand, it might not be a way to retreat to preserve strength.

If the queen was still in charge of palace affairs at that time, the emperor was afraid that he would not sleep well at night, and felt that someone would harm him at any time, so how could he tolerate the queen all the time?
Not to mention 20 years, even two or three years, it is estimated that the love will be gone, and it is impossible for the queen to live longer than now.

"Can we all meet today?" Su Ziji asked Yu Han.

Yu Han was taken aback, Taisun wants to meet these people at this time?Do you still want to deal with these thirty people in one day?
How is this possible?And talking too much, this is dancing on the emperor's head, I'm afraid it will arouse the emperor's vigilance immediately.

Seeing Han's embarrassing expression, Su Ziji guessed that this person wanted to quarrel, so he explained: "There is no need for a formal introduction, just to meet and have time to say a few words."

Only then did Yu Han feel relieved, if he only had a glance at each of them and said a word or two, it could still be done with difficulty.

Anyway, the grandson asked the emperor to take a tour of the palace. Some people took the grandson to go around. When the grandson occasionally met him, he would ask a question or two. These thirty or so people were mixed in with everyone. suspicion.

"It's easy. You can go to the various halls and gates to have a look. I'll just remind you." Yu Han nodded slightly at Su Ziji, agreeing. In fact, this is the time the two can talk. At [-]:[-], Yu Han turned the corner again and saw the eunuch bowing outside, as if to respond.

"Eunuch Ji, by the emperor's order, take the grandson around, I can't leave my mother for too long, so I will trouble you." Yu Han said on his own initiative.

"It's the villain's honor to give the villain a chance to flatter him."

Eunuch Ji looks like a seventh-rank eunuch, but in fact he is not too young in the palace, after all, he is no bigger than a fifth-rank eunuch, so he responded with a smile.

Su Ziji was bright in his heart, and smiled, turned around the corridor, and saw that all the halls and pavilions were hung with lanterns, shining on the snow, and because he saw a beautiful lantern not far away, he pointed to it and asked, "Who lives there?" ?”

The grandson asked, and Eunuch Ji hurriedly laughed with him: "It's Concubine Yu's bedroom, and Concubine Chen also lives in the side courtyard."

"Concubine Yu? She is the mother concubine of the emperor's youngest son. She is only 11 years old now." Su Ziji thought to himself, "As for Concubine Chen, is she the brightest person on the stage just now?"

She was younger than Ye Buhui, but she overwhelmed the audience, and even Ye Buhui kept looking sideways, trying to observe her expression, but according to her own opinion, she had not lost her vitality, but she was still a virgin.

"The old emperor is no longer capable of human affairs at this age. Why is such a woman placed in the palace and sealed as a concubine? Would it be good to have a look at it?"

But to be honest, there are too many beautiful women in the palace, even if this is outstanding, it is not a big deal, Su Ziji just mumbled, and said: "I just want to see the palace, but this is where the concubine is, so I can avoid suspicion." , you don’t need to introduce it in too much detail, just take a general look at it.”

After hearing this, the eunuchs around him breathed a sigh of relief, and Eunuch Ji even agreed with a smile, "Yes, slaves obey orders, grandson please."

A group of people walked through an alleyway, speaking to the truth, I don’t know why, no matter in palaces or gardens in this era, there are such gloomy and gloomy alleyways, with high and deep walls, or to prevent the secrets of various halls and rooms from coming and going. ?

After going out, Eunuch Ji took it with him, and suddenly said: "Follow this road to the south, and you will find Yanfu Palace. There are four concubines, big and small, living in Yanfu Palace, and then there is Yingchun Palace..."

"Ahead is Hande Courtyard of Yanfu Palace, which is where Concubine Zhao lives."

Su Ziji knew that there were people from Hande Court among the thirty or so people, so he nodded his head, and the people who followed ran forward to remind them.

The grandson went out and walked around in such a solemn manner, it must not be a casual stroll, someone in front reminded those low-level concubines and palace people who could not attend the banquet to avoid and not to bump into the grandson.

Some people also went to the front to check the situation. Although the grandson was only walking around the palace, but still, the rules are indispensable. Even if you know there is no danger, you have to go. Otherwise, if something happens, no one can afford it. It also has the meaning of reducing irrelevant women and grandchildren.

Ever since the grandson knew that he would pass by or come in, the people in this palace became busy.

Hande Courtyard is the residence of Concubine Zhao. Although she is not one of the four concubines, she is just an ordinary concubine, but she is also a concubine. In recent years, she is still favored, and the Hande Courtyard she lives in is not considered remote.

Concubine Zhao is at the Empress's place at the moment, and there is no master here in Hande Courtyard, so the slaves and maidservants naturally obey the female officials and eunuchs in charge.

A man called Wei Gonggong was one of the great eunuchs of Hande Court.

He and the two eunuchs, together with the nanny in charge and the female officer, ordered the people below to clean up the door immediately, making sure that no mistakes were made when the grandson passed by. Take your anger on your head?

When Su Ziji brought people over, several principals of Hande Court had already brought them to kneel down to welcome them.

"Slave Wei Gui has seen the grandson." As soon as he approached, a group of people greeted him, the leader was an eunuch, his face was pale and beardless, and he kowtowed heavily.

"Wei Gui?" Su Ziji looked down from above, his eyes flashed a little confused, he waved his hands and gave way, and said: "Today's festival, there is no need to mobilize teachers and mobs, just walk around in the palace, take a look, and get to know each other." a bit."

"Tell me, how many halls and courtyards are there in Yanfu Palace?"

In the eyes of others, the grandson was just being casual, and Wei Gui immediately complied respectfully: "His Royal Highness, there are six halls in Yanfu Palace, which are Chongde Hall, Hande Court, Wenxu Court, Anfu Court, Qingping Court, Qingming Court, Ping Chong Court."

"This Hande Courtyard is the residence of Concubine Zhao."

After hearing this, Su Ziji nodded lightly: "I know."

Did not stop, led people to continue.

Wei Gui was inexplicably shocked. In fact, when he heard that the grandson was coming, his heart sank, and the panic for a long time surfaced in his heart.

Although the process of welcoming him was not revealed at the moment, he had planned for a long time and thought about a lot of things to say later. No, Taisun really just asked a general question and passed away, not talking to himself at all.

"Could it be, empress empress, have you really given up on us? Or didn't you tell the grandson at all?"

I should have been lucky, but for some reason, a sense of loss and fear arose.

Out of the Hande Courtyard, along the corridor and across the artificial hills and flower palaces, the grandson just watched with a smile, his eyes wandering, without asking any more questions, and remained silent for a long time.


The people on the list of 30 people have already been inspected by the empress, and they are relatively reassuring people, but in fact, the first Wei Gui has already had a relationship with King Qi early.

Although they are not very close contacts, but being able to communicate, it shows that they have thought carefully. If there was a reason before, but they returned to Beijing and were recognized, but they did not change their course.

If you are really loyal to the queen, how could you not know that it is a choice of betrayal to still associate with King Qi when the queen's relatives and grandchildren come back?
This person is no longer available.

(End of this chapter)

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