fake prince

Chapter 1124 Could it be a secret induction

Chapter 1124 Could it be a secret induction


The eunuch carried the square table into the hall. It is impossible to wait for people to arrive before serving this kind of banquet. The table has already been prepared, and the table is in accordance with the grade and specification. The delicacies have been served and neatly arranged.

More than 100 civil and military officials, headed by the cabinet, all stood and greeted each other. The dozen or so princes and royal families of the county kingdom were more relaxed, and some even winked and joked on this occasion.

Suddenly, someone stopped talking and whispered, "King Qi is here."

I just looked over, and sure enough, I saw King Qi coming over with a brilliant crown and a crown. King Qi seemed a little tired, his eyes were a little blue, but he was in great spirits, saluting when he saw people.

After waiting, some people commented: "I heard that King Qi wrote a letter of apology, so the emperor released him."

"It's not just that, I was injured in the previous battle, and I heard that it's not going to work, but after raising it, it recovered, and now it's as strong as a dragon, and as powerful as a tiger, it's able to defend the three daughters every day."

"Hiss..." The officer who listened gasped, envious.

"King Qi is safe, is this..." Someone murmured after thinking too much.

"You think too much, grandson has been established, the throne has been set, Ning Fu has him?"

King Qi faintly heard something, his body was shocked, and he was about to get angry, and suddenly realized that the towering sky here is so high that he must not slap his father in the face, he snorted coldly, and stepped up the steps.

In a blink of an eye, he reached a corner, and someone came to meet him.

"Hasn't that person come yet?" King Qi glanced and asked gloomyly.

"I heard that Dai Wang was allowed by the emperor to visit the palace and the gates one by one." The person who came was an eunuch, and answered in a low voice. .

"Hmph, he really is a vulgar son from the countryside." King Qi was contemptuous, he couldn't even recognize the palace now, the eunuch listened with his hands down, and didn't speak, King Qi didn't want to talk too much on this occasion, and wanted to leave, when suddenly his heart moved: "You said he was inspecting the gates?"

All the gates of the palace are guarded by personal guards, which can be said to be the emperor's closest line of defense, which is no small matter.

I don't know why, just hearing this, I panicked.

"Yes, but according to the eyeliner, they are all passed by at a glance, and there are not many conversations, let alone anyone in particular." The eunuch said softly.

"Gu knows, keep an eye on Gu." Qi Wang was reluctant to feel relieved, but his heart was still calm, just like this gloomy sky, it seemed that the good mood just now was swept away.

"Your maidservant sent off the grandson respectfully." Su Ziji walked out of the Hanging Flower Gate, walking steadily, as if he was appreciating, and asked casually after a long time: "Have you seen most of the palace?"

"Yes, if we go any further, we will go to the Outer Palace." Eunuch Ji is in a good mood, more than half of the errands have been done, in his opinion, the grandson is indeed strolling around, there is nothing suspicious about it.

Seeing that the grandson seldom talked, Eunuch Ji felt that the grandson was tired. Thinking about it, half the palace is not small, and there are several miles to go, so he said: "Your Highness, you have walked a lot, should you take a rest?" ?”

"This place is not very suitable, let's live outside." Su Ziji said.

Taisun was willing to avoid suspicion, so naturally he had nothing to say, and the group continued walking along a narrow alley.

Su Ziji is actually not tired, but tired of heart. Just now, almost half of the palace passed by. Some palaces have two or three people on the list, so just order a few more and ask a few questions. Some palaces have no one. People on the list also casually point out one or two people and ask a question or two.

Because every time I walk through a palace, I always come here to ask questions like this, and I hardly stop. Basically, the people who are asked are asked a sentence or two in public. No one will think that Su Ziji is trying to win people over, let alone would find this problematic.

But after walking more than half a circle, Su Ziji wanted to shake his head a little bit.

He has almost asked about thirty or so people on the list, but most of them are useless.

This list was only filled in by the empress and Yu Han after screening, but the result was still the same. It is conceivable that although the empress still has a dignified position, her influence inside and outside the palace has long since disappeared.

Some were even directly controlled by the emperor.

Although this was unexpected, it was reasonable. Eunuchs and court ladies were the most popular. Many people took refuge in the empress only because the emperor couldn't please him.

Now the queen doesn't care about things and can't give herself a future, so she naturally has to rely on others.

Not to mention, grandeur.

"Fortunately, there are still a few available." Su Ziji was not disappointed when he got such a result, but secretly sighed, how expensive it is to be famous now, and how difficult it is to succeed in counterattacks in history.

"If it weren't for my supernatural powers, I'm afraid there would be no chance."

"Think about it, too. In history, the princes have a foundation of ten or twenty years, and there is also a matrilineal family. I am poor and white, and I have only been in Beijing for two or three years. Who can I rely on?"

"Even so, the emperor is very suspicious of me. Is this the emperor's suspicious nature, or does he have a premonition?"

Su Ziji continued to move forward, and there was another hall in front of him. When he looked up, he saw that the surroundings seemed remote, and he couldn't see the name of the hall. The nearby wild wormwood was overgrown, and it seemed that a mouse was scurrying by. It was too deserted.

Su Ziji recalled the route. This place is next to the cold palace, so it should not be the residence of the favored people, but this place gave Su Ziji a vague sense of weirdness.

So Su Ziji looked at the place silently, and found that there were indeed no people here. The spring breeze swept through the palace, but it was still cold, and the surroundings were silent.

At this time, a eunuch came over, seeing that the grade was neither high nor low, and that he was about thirty years old, he saluted to himself.

This person was not on the list, so Su Ziji just asked casually: "This is such a temple, why is it so deserted?"

"Your Highness, this is Qinhua Palace."

"The former dynasty used to be the main hall, but this dynasty has long since been disused. There was Concubine Zheng Li from the time of Taizu who lived in the Feiyan courtyard. After she died of illness, this place was vacant and no one moved in." The eunuch said flatly, as if Nothing suspicious.

Even Eunuch Ji was not unusual, these words were in line with his cognition, but Su Ziji smiled, as if listening casually, but his heart froze, his eyes lowered, and he saw half a phantom of red sandalwood.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +330, Level 14 (6563/12000)"

"This person turned out to be a master of alchemy."

"And he's still a member of Yin Guandao."

"Yin Guandao's plans are not small. He actually sent his direct disciples to be castrated into the palace to serve the emperor and handle Fengshui, alchemy, and washing for the emperor."

"That's all, there are... Dragon Balls!"

Su Ziji looked at the eunuch with a look of shock. Although he quickly hid it, his heart almost beat violently.

No wonder I feel that this palace feels a little weird to me. There is actually a thing called Jiulongyi in this palace?
Dragon Ball!

The emperor actually has dragon balls, but unfortunately, this kind of treasure seems to be hidden by the other party, so there is not much information brought out, and no specific use can be seen, but it is related to the Great Return Pill, a possibility seems to be jumping out .

Su Ziji didn't ask any further questions, he knew in his heart that since this palace hides such an important thing and has a close relationship with himself, there is absolutely no way there is no one here!
I'm afraid that there are not only people, but also experts inside, who are watching him.

And if the people who followed him secretly, as well as the people inside, were aware of his abnormality at the moment, it would be a great trouble for him.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji nodded: "I see."

He asked people to get up, and led them to go on, as if he was just asking casually, but the eunuch watched Su Ziji and his party go away, and couldn't help frowning.

"What's wrong, uncle?" A question came from the side of my ear.

"It's not wrong, just ask a question and leave." Meng Lin thought for a long time before replying, just wondering: "But why did you come here?"

"Deputy Supervisor Ji, who is leading the way, belongs to the emperor, and he doesn't know about it. It can't be intentional."

"Could it be that this is the secret induction?"

(End of this chapter)

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