fake prince

Chapter 1125 This person is available

Chapter 1125 This person is available
"Grandson, do you want to go around the inner palace?" Eunuch Ji asked after him.

The eunuchs on the list have basically met, and it is meaningless to stay any longer. There are still a few of them, who are among the guards at the forbidden gates in front. Look along the way!"

"Yes!" Eunuch Ji replied, but he made a big circle, and the distance was not close.

Su Ziji didn't intend to let someone use Chengyu to carry him there, but he planned to just walk like this and smooth his thoughts along the way.

He mused, basically turning around, but unfortunately, there are too few people available, only five of the eunuchs are still available, and there are five or six left to fight for, but it will take time to fight for it, and now I just can't catch up.

Although I didn't have much hope at all, but there are only five available people, which is still a little less for me.

These five people are not in very important places, and their grades are not high. If they are really used, I don't know if they will be effective.

"His Royal Highness, after walking so far, why don't you go to the front side hall to rest for a while, this place has been separated from the inner palace, and is no longer the empress's residence." Eunuch Ji's tired legs were weak, he looked around and thought about it, Taisun is young and looks very relaxed, not sweating at all.

There are quite a few palaces that are cleaned up like this but unoccupied. As long as you don't enter the concubine's residence, there is nothing wrong with taking a rest.

"Yes!" Su Ziji swept his eyes away and nodded. Although he was not tired at all, he didn't want people to know that he was physically strong, so he should take a rest, so he took a rest.

"Why don't you go soon?" Eunuch Ji asked someone to tidy up the front side hall and let Su Ziji sit down. In this way, there is no one in the palace, and there are eunuchs to manage it. Such people are not necessarily those who don't use them, because most of them are also in charge of the eunuch. .

This is basically the case in the Sutra Pavilion or the emperor's private treasury.

Su Ziji sat down, the eunuch who was in charge of managing the place was not there, but a steward was there, came in immediately, and personally served the grandson to rest and drink tea. .

Su Ziji took a sip, the fragrance was tangy and the taste was good, so he asked casually, "What kind of tea is this?"

The eunuch lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "Your Highness, this tea is called Luchun, and it is a spring tribute tea. There is still ice and snow here, and the south is full of spring, so there is spring tea to pay tribute to."

green spring?Never heard of it.

"His Royal Highness, this tea was brought into the palace as a tribute from a large island in the extreme south. Although it is not very precious, it is rare outside the palace."

"Oh why?"

"Because tea is worth it. To make tea to bring out the beauty of green spring, you need a kind of spiritual spring, and this spiritual spring, apart from the tea tree, is only found in the palace."

The eunuch said with a smile.

As for whether this matter is true or not, it is actually not important, but it is interesting to listen to such soft narration while drinking tea.

Su Ziji smiled: "This is interesting, I know."

After finishing speaking, his heart moved, and his eyes swept over the eunuch lightly again - it was a surprise that this person was not on the list, but he was available.

However, there were quite a few people by his side. Although Eunuch Ji was not there, they were obviously resting outside, but they were all the emperor's people. Su Ziji didn't show anything. After drinking tea, he asked: "You talk interesting, What is your name?"

"Slave Yang Weishi."

"Go on, don't make the foreign court wait too long." Su Ziji got up and said, although there is still some time before the foreign banquet, but he has to go some time earlier, it is rare that there is a reason to walk around in the palace, Su Ziji Also unwilling to give up such an opportunity.

Now check the various doors and bans.

Although there was no rain or snow, the sky became darker, and a dozen people turned to Suzaku Gate.

Seeing this, the group of people felt a little uncomfortable, but Su Ziji was a grandson, and he was ordered to inspect, who dared to show anything, just followed silently, and Su Ziji pretended not to see these reactions.

"In fact, the guards rarely patrol the inner city. There are night guards in the inner city, and there are very few guards against thieves. The main thing is to strictly control the lights. If there is a fire, it will be terrible. If there is a thunderstorm, the thunder will destroy the temple." Ji Gonggong still smiled. , introduced calmly: "The other thing is to prevent the servants from gathering to gamble and cause trouble. Besides, there are 1 rooms, and the total number of servants and maids is close to [-]. There must be rules."

Su Ziji nodded with a smile. Indeed, even if there are guards and soldiers, the scope of inspection has been planned, and they are not allowed to enter at ordinary times.

When a group of people rushed to Zhuquemen, they saw steps and wing rooms. At this time, the guards on duty at Zhuquemen heard the news and came out to welcome them.

Eunuch Ji pointed and introduced: "There are five gates in the imperial palace, and each gate has different guards. Generally speaking, each gate has 500 people, but the rank is based on thousands of households."

"Each thousand households are on duty, and they don't have a fixed location. This is today's Suzakumen's rotating duty in Jinze Township."

There was a banquet in the palace, the guards were naturally busy, they had to be on guard against accidents, they were very vigilant, seeing the grandson coming, all the guards were busy paying respects, but they didn't speak.

Su Ziji smiled and asked them to stand up, and asked Qianhu Jinze Township: "Do you take turns to guard?"

Jin Zexiang was born very ordinary, but he looked tall and strong, and replied respectfully: "His Royal Highness, the humble and colleagues are indeed on duty in turn, changing every three days."

Just talk back, there is nothing superfluous.

After a question and an answer, Su Ziji received the thought fragments of Jinze Township, and he couldn't help but sigh secretly. This person is loyal to the emperor, not only is he unusable, but he is afraid that he will become a deadly enemy in the future.

This is normal, the pro-army Qianhu who can be on duty in the palace must be someone who belongs to the emperor, and must be very trusted to be entrusted with important tasks.

The possibility of such a person being able to use it is very small.

Even if the emperor is old, as long as the emperor does not die and the grandson does not take the throne, it is impossible for people to obey the orders of the grandson.

Su Ziji was not disappointed, so he casually asked the Deputy Qianhu on the side. This person was called Ge Shiming. Ge Shiming was elected as a bodyguard by the empress back then.

Naturally, it was on the list, but due to previous experience, Su Ziji didn't hold much hope, so he asked casually: "The guard on duty, someone specially brought the dinner?"

Deputy Qianhu Ge Shiming hurriedly replied: "Back to His Royal Highness, someone will deliver meals at every meal time, and it is even more lavish during festivals."

Su Ziji seemed to be taken aback, and asked again: "Is there any wine?"

"Your Highness, the rotation is important. There is no alcohol. Drinking alcohol is not a small crime. At the beginning of the law, you will be whipped thirty times!"

Su Ziji nodded, indicating that the guards would continue to be on duty, but he turned and left without even asking his name. He seemed calm, but his heart jumped with joy.

This Deputy Qianhu Ge Shiming turned out to be available, and dared to die for the queen and himself!

A deputy thousand household, although not a thousand households, but being able to subdue a deputy thousand household in the pro-army can play a big role at critical times, which is definitely a great harvest. It can be said that my own plan can only be realized here possibility.

God helped me, Su Ziji was secretly happy, but he didn't show it, and when he thought about this person's profile, he couldn't see anything special.

If you want to say kindness, let alone the list, it is the original 300 people, which one does not show kindness?
Maybe remember, that's just a few people.

People's hearts are really unpredictable and incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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