fake prince

Chapter 1126 My Enemy

Chapter 1126 My Enemy
a side hall

The emperor was changing clothes, changed his clothes, looked at himself in the mirror, and felt that he seemed to be more energetic than before?
The emperor twisted his neck and sighed secretly: "I am old, I am deceiving myself!"

White hair, wrinkles, thinness, and even the heaviness in the body, as well as the secret ailments that torment him day and night, all tell himself that the twilight is deep and the days are numbered.

"That's all, I'm going to the court." For a moment, the emperor even thought of asking his grandson to host the banquet, but he immediately suppressed it.

The emperor knew how much time it would be, and knew that it was time to start the banquet.

At this moment, an eunuch quietly walked in, came to the ear of the emperor, and whispered a few words.

The emperor's hand that was pulling the collar paused, and said lightly: "Really? The grandson just made a general inspection, and didn't ask any more questions?"

"Yes, along the way, the grandson would only ask a few questions to anyone he met, and he would only stop for a while at any place. When he came back, he would rest in a side hall and drink a cup of tea. It was Ji Liuliang who suggested it on his own initiative, and he just asked what kind of tea was served."

"The grandson has gone to various gates, can you contact the guards?"

"No, everyone in the team stared at it, and there were six people who watched the record. There was no difference in the comparison, and they only asked one or two questions."

"Now, Taisun has gone to Hanzhang Hall and is waiting at the gate of the hall."

"Really, so honest?" The emperor was surprised in his heart. He always felt that it was more than that, but he also knew that this was done without contact with each other, and the records were compared. There was absolutely no possibility of falsification. He lowered his jaw, which means he knew it.

"Go to the outer hall!"

"Yes!" The eunuch bent down, and slowly retreated. Outside, Chengyu had already prepared, and the palace servants stood with their hands down.

Hanzhang Hall is the hall of court meeting, very grand, the emperor took a ride and walked around the main entrance, and from a distance, he saw three groups of people--the nobles of the clan, civil officials, and military generals.

Although these people were all standing, they greeted each other, and some even joked. When they saw the emperor coming by car, they immediately stopped talking and "huh" the black crows knelt down.

The emperor walked down the road with heavy steps, and seeing his grandson kneeling to greet him, he smiled and said: "Get up, grandson, it's cold, and the ground is cold too. I say, you really don't need to be formal!"

"This is the emperor's favor, but etiquette is the way of all ages, but Sun Chen dare not be presumptuous..." Su Ziji said respectfully.

When I became a king and grandson, and had subordinates, I understood the meaning of "respect is worse than obedience". The attitude is really very important. Knowing that the emperor has bad intentions, he would not let the emperor let him down on such a trivial matter. People seize the opportunity to attack, anyway, with their own physical fitness, no matter how cold the weather is, it doesn't matter if they wait outside and kneel for a while.

Seeing that the grandson was so respectful, the emperor couldn't help being slightly satisfied, and remembered the report, saying that although the grandson had arrived outside the palace, he didn't go in by himself, and he didn't communicate with the ministers, just exchanged a few pleasantries, which made the emperor quite satisfied, but, Just seeing such a grandson in his prime, the emperor felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

The emperor tried his best to suppress this emotion, and when passing by the grandson, he said: "You have a heart, it's too cold outside, come in with me."

As he spoke, he stepped into the main hall, sat on the emperor's throne, and ordered: "Call in!"

Immediately, the joy of Dan Bi was great, the officials had been waiting inside, and they were all a little drowsy. When the eunuch called in, no matter how sleepy they were, they all woke up with a jolt.

Officials who are eligible to enter the palace banquet are at least four-rank officials, and they are all officials with real power.

In addition to these officials, there are some families who have titles and can still be remembered by the emperor.

Some vacancies have titles, but they have long since declined, and the old people are gone, so they may not even be eligible to enter the palace to participate in this banquet.

All these conditions were screened, and the remaining people, there were also hundreds of people, sitting in a dense crowd, one person at a table, low tables and low chairs.

The emperor and grandson came in one after another, and these people also entered in a solemn file according to rank, saluted with the class, and shouted "Long live" and "Thousand years" in unison!
Kowtow to the emperor, but also to see the grandson.

These two people, one is the emperor and the other is the prince, the salutes are actually different. The emperor looked at himself and then went to meet the grandson's officials, glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Everyone who loves you, please be flat."

He glanced at the grandson standing in front again: "Come here, give the grandson a seat."

This is what it should be, Su Ziji naturally would not refuse, but sat down in front of the officials after thanking him.

"Today is the Shangyuan Festival, a happy day. After the Shangyuan Festival, we will open the seal and open the Yamen, and we will be busy again."

"Today's Shangyuan Banquet, since it is to invite the great officials, the monarch and ministers to enjoy together, and also to have some hopes for the coming year, I have to say a few words here." The emperor sat upright on the throne, and his voice was not disturbed in the silence. Slowly, it resounded clearly in the hall, full of confidence and majesty.

And all the officials bowed to face each other, Manchu even stopped breathing, and the empty and solemn palace was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling.

Su Ziji slightly raised his head, glanced down, and felt shocked in his heart. Only on such occasions can he see the emperor's control.

"Taizu not only lifted the three-foot sword, wiped out the gang of thieves, and created my great Zheng foundation, but also reigned for 11 years, revived the century-old decadence, rectified the administration of officials, and refreshed the government."

"I am blessed with the virtues of the great ancestor, inheriting the country. I dare not say that I am diligent and tireless in government all day and night. At least I can say that I am diligent in seeking governance."

"In the past 20 years, some people say that now is a prosperous age, but last year, three provinces, [-] counties were hit by floods, and another [-] counties were hit by drought. , although it was leveled down by the counties and counties sooner or later, it also shows that it is far from the time of peace."

"Although I am old, my heart is still not extinguished. You must work harder to assist me in creating the world of Dazheng."

Hearing this, Su Ziji changed color slightly.

"Of course, Zhu Qing is trembling and working extremely hard. I also see it in my eyes, so these exhortations are just talking casually-give a feast!"

After a while, the clock Lu Qiming, all the officials kowtowed their heads to express their gratitude to the music, and the court ladies and eunuchs filed in and served all the national meals.

It is difficult to eat and drink well at such a palace banquet.

The food that was served was basically cold. After all, even if it has been warm since the imperial kitchen came here, the spring breeze is cold. When the wind blows, it will cool down even if it is hot. , it tastes good to eat, but these are not serious food in the eyes of many people.

Although the wine is good, who would dare to drink too much here?
But no matter who it is, they must show a smiling face and thank the emperor for giving them the opportunity to enter the palace to bathe in the emperor's grace.

Whoever is still pulling a face at this time and making the emperor unhappy, then I am afraid that he will be unhappy in the next year.

Su Ziji sat there, and the dishes were put on the table. His eyes seemed to be on the table, but in fact his eyes were empty, just thinking.

"In all fairness, even though the emperor killed the crown prince, it was not good for me."

"But when Taizu passed away, there were still variables in the world. The emperor had been on the throne for 20 years, but he was basically cleared up, and all the variables were basically unplugged."

"So the emperor's prestige is really not small."

"The only thing is two points. First, although the world has been peaceful for 30 years, it has not been 50 years. There is still the last wind of the troubled times."

"If it's 50 years, I'm afraid I won't have the slightest chance."

"Secondly, the emperor is really old. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that his life expectancy is only between one and two years, so everyone silently supports me."

"There are more than [-] people on the list, five eunuchs are available, and there is only one deputy thousand household and one hundred household available in the guards."

"In fact, it is also a manifestation of this general trend."

"But my hero, the enemy's enemy, my enemy, and the enemy's hero, if it is an ordinary emperor, it will be fine. The general situation is here, and it is impossible to even destroy me."

"The imperial court and ministers will never allow it. If they don't allow it, the emperor can't do it."

"However, Shangjian's achievements are not small today, and its authority is growing day by day. Although it is declining, it still has this power if it wants to go against the law."

"Really abolish me, full court civil and military, who can really help me?"

"Even the emperor is wise, and his achievements are not to say he is at its peak, so I vowed to kill him."

"It is absolutely impossible for the emperor to decide between life and death."

Su Ziji's eyes were dark, maybe today's court banquet may actually be the emperor's show of power, but the more it is like this, the more he needs to change the Xuanwu Gate.

Even if the winning rate is not high, it must be done.

"Also, Nine Dragon Ball, test me, I only got this little information, how do you monitor me?"

"Is it hindering my great career?"

Su Ziji's mind quickly turned to this matter. Just as he was thinking about it, a gust of wind blew from outside the palace. The emperor looked outside, and there was an eunuch beside him who heard the sound and knew what he meant, so he went out and walked around. He came back and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it's snowing outside, and there are small snowflakes floating around. The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and this is a good sign!"

Anyway, regardless of whether it is a good omen or not, you have to say that. When the emperor heard it, he nodded with a smile and clapped his hands.

Both Baiguan and Su Ziji stopped what they were doing and looked at the emperor above.

The emperor's eyes fell on Su Ziji, and he said lovingly: "The talents and learning of the grandson are now known to the whole world, and I am very happy."

"It's rare that my Ji family has a poet."

"It's a grand event to have a banquet today, with snow falling outside the palace. Why don't you ask Taisun to compose a poem with this snow as the title!"

This sounds a bit wrong, what is called a "poet", to the imperial court, it is nothing more than poetry to entertain ministers, it is fine for others to have this title, it is really not very good for a grandson to have such a hat.

Su Ziji knew for a long time that at today's banquet, the emperor would make some moves for fear, and he heard these words right away.

So he immediately got up and responded.

In the end, I agreed, and the emperor said again: "If you only write ordinary poems, it is really meaningless. How about... Grandson, how about you write poems in seven steps and write a good story?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of the few important ministers who had been faintly uneasy before became solemn, and the other courtiers couldn't help frowning, both surprised and uneasy at the emperor's proposal.

It is not a good thing to write a poem in seven steps. The most famous example of a poem in seven steps is that the elder brother wanted to kill his younger brother. Why was the emperor so confused that he actually asked his grandson to write a poem in seven steps?
Not to mention that this matter is spread, I am afraid that there will be undercurrents in the capital and even the local area, and some troubles will arise. Just look at the eyes of the king of Qi and the king of Shu, and they can't help straightening up, sweeping away the decline of the original grandson of Dianli , I knew it was not good.

The cabinet ministers looked at each other, and they all saw each other's shocked and heavy eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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