fake prince

Chapter 1127 The world is hot and cold

Chapter 1127 The world is hot and cold

"I see!"

Su Ziji's heart sank after hearing the emperor's words, and he felt that it was expected.

To be honest, it doesn't matter whether poetry is poetry or not. I can deal with it even if I make up a random poem. The emperor's intention can be seen clearly by looking at the shining eyes of King Qi and King Shu, as well as the suspicious eyes of officials.

This is a political signal.

This is not unreasonable. On the contrary, this is the most common method used by officials and superiors to release signals and then control the direction of the wind.

As soon as this wind blows, not only the king of Qi and the king of Shu regained their confidence, they fought against themselves, and most of the officials who originally wanted to get closer to them may have hesitated and waited and watched.

This can interrupt the general trend of snowballing without any effort.

But knowing it clearly, there is no solution. Of course, this is not a panacea. In this case, as long as you continue to occupy the title of grandson, it will play a screening role.

Even so, I have to deal with it myself. The important thing is not to lose my bearing and manners.

With a calm attitude, you can still invest, but when you are at a loss, everyone stays away.

But since the emperor made such a trick, he didn't have any psychological burden to spread rumors and instigate himself.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji got up and bowed: "The emperor will write a question, and Sun Chen will take the lead, so he will make a fool of himself."

As he spoke, he calmly faced the complicated gazes of all the officials, and got up to take a walk in the atrium. It must be said that this immediately caught the eyes of many people.

The great-grandson was wearing a royal uniform, but he did not overwhelm him. This step made people forget the world at first sight. Many people couldn't help but think to themselves: "The emperor is too harsh on such a great-grandson."

Instead of taking seven steps, but after taking three steps, he stopped and recited a poem:

"There is no youth in the new year, and we are surprised to see grass buds in early February.

Baixue thinks the spring is late, so she wears the garden tree as flying flowers. "

After the last sentence, Su Ziji bowed towards the top: "Sun Chen is not talented, use this poem to celebrate today's snow scene."

All the officials present were silent, all of them were Jinshi. Even if they were not good at it, they could still appreciate it. This poem has a new meaning in the usual scene, which can be said to be a skillful workmanship.

There are no flowers in the new year, the word "du" reveals the anxiety of longing for the spring, and the word "surprise" has the surprise after getting rid of the winter cold, with a restraint and a rise, ups and downs
And the following two sentences "Bai Xue thinks the spring is late, so she wears the trees in the garden to make flying flowers". On the surface, there is snow but no flowers, but in fact, the snowflakes fly down through the trees, but they can also embellish the spring scenery, showing the author's open-mindedness.

If it is alone, it is still first-class. If it is used in this scene, when the emperor suddenly suppresses it, this poem is simply wonderful and memorable.

"Not to mention only three steps, Taisun's poem is simply a work of good fortune."

"Nice poem!"

All the officials were quiet for a moment, but someone was talking, and all the people in the seat looked together to see who was so short-sighted, but they saw that it was a fifth-rank official who didn't look familiar, half intoxicated by poetry, half dumbfounded, It seems that they don't understand why everyone looks at him like this.

"When you reach the fifth rank, is there such an official?"

Waiting for the emperor sitting on it to see who is talking.

"The grandson has a poem like this, and we will congratulate Shangyuan and the emperor." At this time, someone stood up and spoke in the upper seat, and everyone was even more surprised. The officials below don't understand, don't they understand if they are above the third rank?

Looking at each other in dismay, I immediately understood that this is Luo Pei, who had joined the grandson early, and as the crown prince, he defended the grandson, or is it a matter of course?

"I'll congratulate Shangyuan, and congratulate the emperor." With this person taking the lead, it seemed that the silence was broken, and people in the crowd praised one after another. For a while, the atmosphere became lively.

"People's hearts are available!"

Su Ziji thought that the emperor sent out a signal, and he would be suppressed. He never expected that an ignorant minister suddenly said this sentence, breaking the deadlock, and Luo Pei stood up directly, supporting himself , immediately changed the situation.

"Or, the emperor is old and has a grandson. The most important thing for the government and the public is to be stable and transitional. However, the emperor's sudden move at today's banquet made the people of insight somewhat dissatisfied."

"It's okay for the emperor to play tricks, but at this juncture, it's not okay."

All the officials dared not question the emperor, but when he really finished a poem within seven steps, how could he not be amazed by the beauty of the poem?
"This is a hundred officials, just don't know what's wrong with it, and congratulate according to common sense——Celebrate the festival, make beautiful poems, congratulate the grandson, isn't that a matter of course?"

If Su Ziji realized something, his eyes swept over, and he saw the officials congratulating, the hall was full of joy, and even a few elders who were usually mature and prudent also showed admiration to him.

At this moment, the emperor sitting on it seemed to have really become a loner who was isolated from the crowd.

This situation only lasted for a moment, Zhao Xu had already stood up, and said loudly: "Today's festival, not only grandsons write poems, but all officials also have to write poems."

"Your minister asks a question, the world worships nine layers of clothing, and the sage reigns like a flying dragon."

It's not just Zhao Xu, but Qian Wei responded: "Looking at the place where the pheasant fans are open, long live the auspicious atmosphere."

After receiving the two poems, the emperor couldn't help but smile, raised his glass and sipped it, while all the officials seemed to have a tacit understanding, one by one from top to bottom, each chanting line was matched.

This is a tradition. Although the emperor was all smiles, he was terrified in his heart.

In the past, although I also felt the consequences of my old age, it was not as obvious as it is now.

When the emperor was young, a single word was like thunder, even the prince and prime minister, it was just the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, no one dared to disobey, but now, before he collapsed, he was already a little cold.

People's hearts are shifting, and the world is hot and cold, which can be seen.

The resentment in his heart rushed to his heart for a while, and the muscles on his face twitched when he heard the eulogy repeatedly, and he almost couldn't hold back on the spot to show an angry expression.

"However, this is common sense. The most important thing now is that I can regain my youth."

Originally, the purpose of making this grandson a grandson was just for longevity and for the dragon spirit to be strong. In the eyes of the emperor, a grandson was a "medicinal material", and the process of making him a grandson was nothing more than a process of "processing".

As a result, the current situation is very obvious. Even the emperor underestimated the influence of the title of grandson on all officials, and overestimated his own patience and patience.

The emperor felt that he could hardly bear it anymore, but he could only bear it.

Because the emperor didn't seem to be very interested, the emperor didn't bother to watch the banquet even if the singing and dancing were good, and because he was the emperor, he didn't need to wrong himself too much, so he sat indifferently, and the officials and nobles couldn't see it. These?
Naturally, even if they were cheering, unconsciously, the whole atmosphere was a little awkward and indifferent. Looking at everyone carefully, although they were all smiling, their expressions were a little stiff.

Especially the kings of Shu and Qi, their faces were slightly green, and they were a little at a loss. It was obvious that this situation was not expected.

After the banquet was finally over, everyone including Su Ziji secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"I will send you off to the emperor respectfully."

Including Su Ziji, everyone saluted the emperor and watched the emperor leave. Then, with a smile on his face, Su Ziji glanced around, then turned around and left.

When the emperor's grandson went out, King Qi let out a cold snort, stretched out his sleeves and left, only the officials and nobles dared to go out, and only then did they go out, there was a constant "buzzing" sound.

The cabinet ministers who stood up walked slowly and looked at each other with solemn expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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