fake prince

Chapter 1128 What is the emperor

Chapter 1128 What is the emperor
Several prime ministers walked slowly behind, distanced from the front, looked at each other, looked at each other, feeling heavy in their hearts.

At today's banquet, the emperor's attitude towards his grandson was wrong. Although you all had similar worries, I really didn't expect that things would happen so quickly. How long has it passed?
Is the speed of the emperor's repentance faster?
It wasn't until the crowd had gone far away that there were almost no one around, and the cabinet ministers who had been silent for a long time, finally changed from being silent to someone who could speak.

After exchanging glances, Xie Zhi said with a little sigh, "No matter what, only the harmony between heaven and family is the blessing of all people."

"That's right." Cui Zhaoquan, who is also the Minister of the Ministry of War, spoke directly: "I'm afraid that what I said today may have caused great disturbances, and it may not be the blessing of the clan."

This is to say that the succession of the heavenly throne is the most important thing to "do not fight after the dust falls", so that no matter who ascends the throne, they will be respectful and respectful as brothers and brothers, and can still maintain their dignity. Intense, no matter who ascends the throne in the future, they will raise the butcher's knife. This is something that history has proven.

"Yes, drowning is like killing a child." He Yuduan also expressed his attitude.

The emperor released political signals and provoked the prince's internal strife. Everyone can understand this, but it is difficult to accept. After all, the emperor staggers when he walks, and still wants to hold on to power?
For this selfishness, it will spoil the overall situation.

Although Qian Wei was summoned by the emperor, he had no second thoughts about the emperor, and he couldn't help frowning: "I mean, but, is the grandson a bit tit-for-tat? To be a grandson and a minister, you should be humble."

Everyone is a discerning person. The emperor said seven steps, and the grandson walked three steps. He is a great talent, but this sharpness is seen in the eyes.

"The grandson is not at fault. This kind of situation, if one retreats, it will be difficult to deal with immediately."

Zhao Xu is the chief assistant, deeply trusted by the emperor, and he was deeply touched by watching the cabinet discussions with a cold eye. In fact, the relationship between the grandson and the cabinet ministers is not close, and the ministers do not have many personal relationships and interests, but now it is almost one-sided. big picture.

In fact, the cabinet is full of eyeliners, and it is even more nonsense to go to private offices to discuss. Now that the main hall is out, there is no one around. It is very rare, so I said: "The cabinet is originally an assistant to reconcile the overall situation. The overall situation cannot be damaged. This is the most important thing. You have to take care to maintain it, and you must not let the Tian family create a gap."

"What Shou Fu said is true!" Everyone nodded, seeing the guards appearing in front of the palace gate, as well as the grandson's Chengyu, they all kept silent, just bowed to signal, while Su Ziji's figure was loose and upright , It is also the first salute, not much to say, at this juncture, it is better not to irritate the emperor.

Seeing the minister go away, Su Ziji was even more thoughtful, murmured with deep eyes.

"Therefore, in its prosperity, the heroes of the world cannot compete with it, and in its decline, dozens of actors and actresses are trapped in it, and they die and the country is destroyed, making the world laugh."

Ouyang Xiu actually didn't know much about politics, and he attributed it to worrying about rejuvenating the country through labor and dying, but Su Ziji suddenly realized when he thought of the scene just now.

"In the past, I mistakenly thought that the emperor was the overall situation. Many times, I can indeed confuse it, but it is different in the end. It has actually been vividly expressed just now."

"When the emperor is in his prime, the overall situation is the emperor, and we share our fate together."

"The emperor will grow old and die, but the overall situation is still there, and the system is even young. At this time, differences appear."

"The interests of the overall situation and the system have conflicted with the interests of the emperor. Therefore, it is not because I am virtuous and talented that all officials help me, let alone this poem."

"It's that I represent the new life of the system and the overall situation, which is more in line with its interests."

"That's why it faintly coincides with Qi."

"It can be said that the overall situation is to some extent the sky, so the emperor is the emperor. The sky does not change, and the emperor inherits from generation to generation. If the overall situation is broken, the destiny does not exist. It is really difficult for the ancients to determine the name."

"However, if you think that the general trend is with me, you can relax, you really deserve to die."

"It's still the same thing, the emperor really has to make up his mind to kill me like a dog's ear."

As soon as he thought of this, his entire vision suddenly widened. He knew how to deal with the great government and how to make moves. Su Ziji lowered his eyes and saw half a phantom of rosewood wood floating in his vision with a faint blue light.

"[The Way of Politics] +8000, Level 18 (11380/18000)"

"I have a famous saying. I don't care about the flood after I die. Whose head should I put this sentence on? Is it the King of Shu or the King of Qi?"

The palace in front of me is deep and vast, and the snowflakes are intertwined like a curtain, falling to the ground, when the outer banquet is over, the inner banquet is also over.

Ye Buhui bid farewell to the empress, and also walked in front of the female relatives, the empress personally ordered Yu Hanlai to send the concubine grandson out and join her grandson.

For a moment, the two parties converged.

Su Ziji looked Ye Buhui up and down, and saw that although his beloved wife was a little silent, she didn't show any indignation. It should be that no one made her look bad at the banquet.

That's right, the inner banquet is the queen's home court, even if the emperor has murderous intentions towards him, but at the inner banquet, it is impossible to surpass the queen and do anything to the concubine.

Besides, the emperor didn't need to do anything to the concubine grandson, as long as the concubine grandson was finished, the concubine grandson would be the wife of the grandson, so she would naturally follow her.

The emperor didn't know that this granddaughter-in-law was a Taoist, so naturally he wouldn't do anything to Ye Buhui.

But he knew in his heart that these were the same thing, now that Ye Buhui came out safely, Su Ziji heaved a sigh of relief, stepped forward, held Ye Buhui's hand, and said with pity, "Why are your hands so cold again?"

Immediately, she was a little dissatisfied with Concubine Grandson's attire, because she could only wear this one, and she couldn't add clothes casually under it. Although the clothes were heavy and bulky, and had the function of keeping warm, they were far less comfortable than her own clothes.

Su Ziji thought that when he got the right, he had to make some improvements, at least in terms of comfort.

This thought flashed by, Su Ziji took advantage of the time to hold Ye Buhui's hand and bowed his head to talk, and whispered seven names to Yu Hanlian who was beside him: "No one else is available, these few people are available."

Yu Han was slightly stunned, and immediately reacted. While seeing off the two of them respectfully, he said in a low voice, "Yes, I know about it. Also, the emperor summoned Luo Pei."

Su Ziji was stunned and did not speak. From the perspective of others, it was Su Ziji who was talking to the grandson and concubine, while Yu Han respectfully sent the grandson and concubine out. It looked normal, but in the eyes of someone far away, But a little dazzling.

"Princess?" The female official who was following the princess glanced at the pair of bi people in the distance, panicked, and could not help but whisper.

Princess Xinping, who was watching, withdrew her gaze and said lightly, "Talking, I have my own measure."

After that, it seemed as if she had really let go, and she didn't look at the two who left hand in hand.

Su Ziji noticed that someone was watching him from a distance, but this kind of thing was not unusual for him, and it was even more uncommon to meet him in this palace, so he didn't go to see the person watching him at all. who is the person.

As for Ye Buhui, she should have noticed it too, but one is that she has the same idea as Su Ziji, and it is not surprising that there are people who dare to stare boldly in this palace, and the other is that she is thinking about One thing, and not focusing elsewhere.

Ye Buhui began to change into his regular clothes as soon as he came out of the palace gate and got into the bullock cart. The dress of a grandson concubine was too heavy, so it would be better if he could take it off sooner.

Su Ziji also changed into regular clothes. Men's regular clothes are much easier to change than women's. After changing, he sat aside with his chin resting on one hand, meditating.

Ye Buhui didn't look at him at first, but his pensive appearance was really attractive, Ye Buhui's hand movements immediately slowed down, his eyes fell on him, and he was even reluctant to look away.

Su Ziji was unaware of this, and was still thinking about what happened today.

Suddenly I heard Ye Buhui ask in a low voice: "Is Concubine Chen pretty?"

"Huh? What concubine?" Su Ziji just came back to his senses, he was a little confused, so he looked at his beloved wife, not quite understanding what she was asking.

What concubine did you not regret talking about just now?

Memories gradually come back, Concubine Chen?
Su Ziji didn't notice how many concubines came at all, except for a few concubines with princes and daughters, he might take a look at them out of political considerations, know that they are coming, and analyze their backs through their attitudes. That's how the family thinks.

Except for these high-ranking concubines who may affect the plan, and those young concubines who have not given birth, he didn't even look at them carefully.

He stayed for a few seconds before realizing what Ye Buhui was saying, and he was a little speechless.

I don't regret that it came out of nowhere!
Su Ziji was a little helpless: "How is it possible! She is the emperor's grandpa's woman!"

He purposely pointed out her identity, telling Ye Buhui that not only was it because she was the emperor's woman, so she would not look at her at all, but also because she was also his nominal grandfather's woman!
Good guy, although in history, there are many emperors who conspired to seize their father's women, and there are also many foreign ministers and princes who coveted their harem concubines, but this is already my grandfather's woman. A woman with such a status is thoughtful?
This is simply impossible!
Don't say that no matter how beautiful she is, she is just an ordinary person, even if she is a fairy, he will not be tempted.

I am not someone who will be deceived by beauty, responsibility, practice, and ambition are far more important to me than women!

Ye Buhui also knew that she was a bit stupid for asking this question. She drooped her long eyelashes to hide the emotions in her eyes. She looked a bit like a kitten who had done something wrong. After seeing her like this, she also dissipated, leaving nothing but dumbfounding.

It's just that Ye Buhui went to the banquet properly, but suddenly asked this question after it was over, could it be that something happened to him?

Thinking of this, Su Ziji's expression gradually became serious.

Someone really did something to Ye Buhui under the eyes of the queen, and the matter became serious, so he asked, "But what happened?"

Hearing Su Ziji's gentle inquiry, Ye Buhui's eyes were slightly sore, and finally raised his head, shook his head, and said, "It's okay, don't take what I just said to heart."

In fact, when Su Ziji answered like that, she almost blurted out: "What about Xinping?"

She wanted to ask if her husband had no feelings for Xinping, but her rationality controlled herself and endured this sentence.

But sitting, she couldn't help thinking about what happened at the inner banquet in her mind.

At the inner banquet, Princess Xinping recited a new poem. Although she didn't say who wrote it for her, Ye Buhui, as a woman, has always been keen in this regard, not to mention that she has an intuition that surpasses ordinary people. , I immediately realized that this poem was written by my husband for Princess Xinping!
This understanding made Ye Buhui barely maintain it during the inner banquet, and he didn't show any abnormality. In fact, his heart was already a little messed up.

Lowering his gaze, recalling the scene at the banquet, thinking of Princess Xinping's smile, Ye Buhui felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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