fake prince

Chapter 1129 One Night Fish and Dragon Dance

Chapter 1129

At this moment, a white shadow flashed outside the ox cart, like a fox barking, Su Ziji was thoughtful, he didn't speak, and swayed with the ox cart, Ye Buhui leaned on the cushion, feeling a little drunk and dizzy Su Ziji wanted to sleep, but Su Ziji didn't bother, instead he asked the maid softly at this moment: "Did someone make things difficult for Concubine Grandson?"

The maid who was able to go to the palace banquet with Ye Buhui was naturally identified by Su Ziji carefully, and there was no problem with her loyalty. She did not dare to say more, lowered her head, and whispered: "Your Highness, the grandson concubine has never been troubled by others. It's just... there was very little food at the banquet."

Although the maid only answered briefly, Su Ziji had already answered through the maid, and instantly got some pictures of the inner banquet.

Among them, there is a picture of Princess Xinping taking out a poem and reciting. Once this picture comes into view, what else can't be understood?
"It turned out that Xinping took out the poem. Bugui knew that I wrote it to Xinping, and he was a little jealous." Su Ziji thought to himself, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. It's kind of cute that he doesn't regret like this.

This method of quickly obtaining accurate information also makes me very satisfied.

"This supernatural power is very good, but it's a pity that the higher the status, the less effective it is."

"Below the seventh rank, you can just ask orally, which is very effective, but above the seventh rank, you must ask for advice formally, and the incidental gains are relatively small, and the fifth rank and above are even rarer."

"If it is above the third grade, even if you sincerely ask for advice, the other party will give an answer, and you can only know the good and evil of the person towards me."

"If you can use it casually if you are above the seventh rank, it will be almost invincible."

It's a pity, but it's pretty good right now.

At this time, the ox cart had already reached the area where the people were celebrating, and there were many lanterns outside. Su Ziji thought about why Ye Buhui was depressed, and thought about shouting again, so he said to the driver in front, "Stop!"

Ye Buhui also woke up from his drowsiness at this time, and looked over in bewilderment.

Ye Buhui, who was wearing regular clothes, looked like an ordinary pretty young woman at the moment, and Su Ziji couldn't help but smile with a somewhat dazed look in his eyes.

Ye Buhui was more and more puzzled by her husband's laughter, and touched her face with her hands, worried that something was on her face, which made her husband laugh.

Then she realized later that the ox cart had stopped. Was it her husband who stopped the ox cart just now?

"Husband, what is this?" Ye Buhui asked in confusion.

Under her gaze, Su Ziji took her hand and smiled: "I don't regret it, it's rare to come out, why don't you go back after admiring the lanterns?"

As he said that, he jumped out of the car first, and when he turned around, he gently hugged Ye Buhui down.

"Ah." Ye Buhui didn't expect him to act like this, so he couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

Although she is not very old, for a long time, she has worked hard to make herself fit for the appearance of a wife who matches her husband, and she has not shown a lively and girlish posture.

But in fact, she was originally a very vivacious and lively girl. At this moment, she was carried off from the bullock cart and lightly landed on the ground. Her eyes swept across the bright lights, and her originally gloomy mood seemed to clear up a lot.

It's really lively here!
It's not like she hasn't seen this kind of bustling scene before, but it's still very different from the bustle of dignitaries, and this kind of bustle of universal celebration.

"Go over there!" Su Ziji was still holding her hand, seeing the curiosity on her face, he motioned her to go forward.

Ye Buhui nodded, and was dragged forward.

Seeing this, the maid didn't follow after all, but walked in the crowd with a few guards, following behind the grandson and concubine.

The bullock carts were parked by the side of the road, and the driver stayed behind.

In the crowd, Su Ziji and Ye Buhui intertwined their fingers like this, and walked forward.

There is a sweet smell in the air, which should be snacks sold by small traders carrying burdens.

Although Su Ziji felt that if he bought some snacks to eat at this time, it would be more festive, but the son of a daughter can't sit still, so he wouldn't take Ye Buhui to take the risk of eating outside under such circumstances. Food from strangers.

Walking around, there are mostly young couples. Although there are many ordinary-looking people, they look intimate and beautiful under such beautiful lights.

Ye Buhui not only looked at the lights, but was also affected by the atmosphere, especially her husband, her lover, and her family, who just held hands and walked along the river without talking, just looked at the lights on both sides. , also made her smile.

Someone in the front suddenly exclaimed, Ye Buhui also looked towards it, and found that the opposite was a lantern, shaped like an exquisite dragon and phoenix, at least three people tall, intertwined with dragons and phoenixes, very bright and beautiful.

Ye Buhui watched in surprise. Although she had been in the capital for so long, she rarely watched lanterns like this. Such a lively scene and such beautiful lanterns made her dizzy.

Su Ziji was originally pulling her away, but later it became her pulling Su Ziji away.

Su Ziji didn't look at the lights very much. Ye Buhui, who had been watching the lights, gradually became happy seeing her looking at the beautiful scenery. The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and then he leaned into her ear with a smile: "No Regret, looking at this lantern festival, I suddenly have something to say to you."

"Oh?" Ye Buhui immediately turned around, ready to listen, at this moment, a white shadow flashed past, before passers-by could rub their eyes, Su Ziji had a small note in his hand, and Ye Buhui's There was a little white-haired fox in his arms, and it was chirping at Su Ziji.

Ye Buhui was naturally familiar with the little fox, he was a little surprised to see it suddenly jump up, but not too shocked, and rubbed its head.

"Nonsense, why did you come out with me? There are so many people, what should I do if I get lost?"

"Zhen Nanbo's handwriting is wrong. It wasn't Zhen Nanbo's writing, but the son's, but the son was possessed by a big demon?"

Su Ziji glanced at it quickly, just thinking about it, then smiled and patted it on the head, seeing the little fox calmed down, he said to Ye Buhui: "It's very smart, it won't get lost, and , don't disturb the atmosphere between me and Concubine Taisun."

This was said to the little fox. Afterwards, Su Ziji approached her like this, and said softly:

"Eastern wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night. It blows more and falls, and stars are like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road. The sound of phoenix flute moves, the light of jade pot turns, and fish and dragons dance all night.

Moth snow willow golden strands.Laughter filled with dark fragrance.People look for him thousands of Baidu.Looking back suddenly, the man was there, in a dimly lit place. "

Coincidentally, when Su Ziji's voice fell, clusters of fireworks flew up in the distance, exploding one after another in the sky.

Ye Buhui looked up at the fireworks all over the sky, reminiscing about her husband's poems, he couldn't help being crazy.

Royal Palace
Decorated with lanterns and festoons, hung with star-like lamps, making many palace buildings bright as day, and the maids and eunuchs were also walking to watch the lanterns.

But even if the nobles above ask them to have fun, for them, it is a bit of a task, who dares to really let go of having fun and watching?
Even with a smile on his face, his voice was still low and his steps were light. He was always looking around, fearing that the nobleman would arrive and accidentally offend him.

This is the long-standing survival rule of the palace people, and it is not an instinct that can be erased by a festival celebration.

Also because of these reasons, even though there are many people in the palace, it is still far less lively than outside, revealing a suffocating loneliness.

The emperor stood at the entrance of the main hall and watched for a while, then felt bored, and walked back, but Luo Pei, who was sitting sideways reading, immediately stood up.

"Have you finished reading all the exam questions?" The emperor seemed very kind, with a smile on his lips, and gestured for Luo Pei to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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