fake prince

Chapter 1130 Take Care, The Emperor

Chapter 1130 Take Care, The Emperor
Luo Pei leaned forward and said: "I have already written it down. It's just that I have little talent and learning. Back then, I was only the second-ranked Jinshi, and the ranking was very low. The emperor asked me to be in charge of this spring. I'm afraid I can't afford it."

Just now I supported the grandson, I thought the emperor would be furious, but I didn't want the emperor to look very good, and said that I was a "good advice" as soon as I entered the palace, "I made a mistake for a while, you are a minister who is loyal to the emperor and the country", so I have to Said, bigger than expected.

Soon, he was given an important task. Originally, this would surprise him greatly, but he received the letter from the grandson in advance, but now his heart sank, and he acted solemnly and respectfully, and declined to the emperor.

The emperor waved his hands and smiled: "Chunwei is a major national event. The important thing is not talent and learning, but loyalty to the country and me."

"You have always been loyal and acted in the public interest, and I took your heart, so I appointed you as the examiner. You must not disappoint me."

When it came to this point, he couldn't refuse. Luo Peiben lowered his head, and when he heard this, his head sank even more. He couldn't see his expression for a moment, and in a blink of an eye he responded solemnly: "If so, I will respectfully accept your order." , What instruction does the emperor have?"

The emperor restrained his smile, and ordered the eunuch to seal the examination questions and put them in the cabinet to lock them up. Then he said slowly: "Chunwei is a national code of talent, not only related to the future of thousands of candidates, but also related to the lifeline of the court. One upright and upright official will bring peace to all the people, and one corrupt official will make all the people tortured, how can it be ignored?"

"Qing is the governor of the Southwest, and he has done a lot of service in quelling the chaos. According to the imperial system, he should be awarded a title. I have ordered the Ministry of Rites to investigate this matter."

"However, since Qing is the chief examiner, I have only one instruction, which is to be ten thousand and one thousand, not to harm the country for personal gain."

"If you report it to the public, I will reward you. If you leak the test questions and ruin the country's affairs, not only the original credit will be lost, but your life will also be lost. Taizu's handling is a lesson from the past. Don't say that I did not predict it." and also."

Luo Pei heard this, he was already an official at that time, and he remembered the scene where all thirteen examiners beheaded in the execution ground, his face was already pale, and he left his seat and kowtowed: "I understand, I take the decree to thank you!"

It's nothing. Thinking about the old things back then, you should have such a state of fear. If not, it would be wrong. The emperor waved his hand: "Today Shangyuan, you can kneel down and reunite with your family, huh?"

"Yes!" Luo Pei kowtowed heavily and was about to stand up, bowing down again: "So, I'm leaving, Your Majesty, please take care of yourself."

As he spoke, his voice was still slightly hoarse, and then he took a few steps back and left from the palace gate.

"Hey, could it be for the sake of the country? Why would I want to do this?" The emperor murmured as he looked at his receding figure, and couldn't help coughing violently as soon as he sat down. The emperor drank some water.

Even this seemingly ordinary water has been carefully prepared. It has the effect of moistening the throat, but has no side effects, and the taste is very light.

Eunuch Zhao thought, if the emperor couldn't hold on anymore, he would have to take some more pills.

Seeing that the time between taking the medicine was getting shorter and shorter, Eunuch Zhao became more and more uneasy, feeling that things were getting worse and worse.

"If the emperor's health deteriorates rapidly, I am afraid that what is waiting for the grandson is not a smooth succession to the throne, but some terrible things."

"At that time, I am waiting for the servants who may know about it, and I am afraid that everyone will be unable to escape."

As a close servant, Eunuch Zhao has been in charge of the Imperial City Department for ten years. Although he has recently handed over the power to Ma Shunde, he still knows countless secrets, but he dare not think about it.

Just take Luo Pei just now, he is respectful and loving, but he is afraid that if this person goes out, he will not be able to return, and this also makes Eunuch Zhao frightened, he has to think more about what he dare not think about.

There was a slight sound from outside, and someone came in to report and presented a new poem.

Eunuch Zhao took the new poem, glanced at it quickly, and handed it to the emperor.

Taisun has been following people by his side, and if a poem can be sent over, it must be written by Taisun.

Although he just glanced at it hastily, he also knew that the lyrics were excellent, and it seemed to be related to feelings?
Is this written by the grandson to the concubine?
Eunuch Zhao glanced at it hastily, and he could see what the theme of the poem was. The emperor lowered his eyes and stared at it, and naturally he knew who and why Taisun wrote it.

He looked at the new words with a somewhat complicated expression.

The grandson and the concubine are both young couples, they came here hand in hand, they have a very good relationship, even because the grandson loves the concubine so much, some noble girls in the capital even felt that if they could marry the grandson as a concubine, Also excellent.

It's not difficult to understand, the grandson is only the crown prince now, but presumably in less than ten years, he will be able to become the one above ten thousand people, and by then, his concubine will be equally expensive.

How many people would not be tempted to get such a handsome and affectionate husband, as well as a noble status, an incalculable future and huge benefits to the family?
The emperor looked at the new words, but what he thought of was that their sweet appearance now was really like him and the empress back then.

This word is almost full of Yuanxiao, and it can also be seen that the grandson has deep affection for the concubine.

For quite a long time, he and the queen...

The emperor suddenly felt a pain in his heart, clutching his heart, a little out of breath.

"Your Majesty!" Eunuch Zhao hurried over when he saw it, and was about to serve him, which seemed to mean that he was going to take the elixir for him.

The emperor waved his hand with one hand: "...it doesn't matter."

Eunuch Zhao observed carefully, and found that although the emperor looked bad, he did not look like he had to take medicine, so he returned to his original position.

It's just that when he retreated, Eunuch Zhao's lips moved a little. He is a personal eunuch with a lot of power, and he learned who the grandson met today.

Others think that Taisun just met them in general, but he was also a Queen's person back then, so he knew some inside information-many of the people Taisun met were Queens!
Say or don't say?

I have always been loyal to the emperor, but I was also loyal to the empress back then. I had to choose between the two loyalties, but I was actually more inclined to the emperor.

After all, he was the emperor's person first, and then he received the kindness of the empress and the former prince. This relationship, he is also a clear mirror in his heart.

Having said that, the grandson will probably lose manpower, and the emperor will be more vigilant towards the grandson and the queen.

Don't say it, isn't this seeing something that is not conducive to the emperor happen?

Just thinking about this, I heard the emperor say: "Xu Shun, go and call Ma Shunde here."

Ma Shunde?
Hearing the name, Eunuch Zhao moved his fingers subconsciously, but he didn't dare to look up.

The eunuch named Xu Shun went out to summon Ma Shunde, and afterward, Eunuch Zhao heard the emperor say, "Stand back."

This "you", no one else, is yourself.

Apart from himself, Xu Shun was the only one who was serving in the hall this time. Others were pure objects in the eyes of the emperor, and they were all little eunuchs standing far away to wait on him, so he was not qualified for what the emperor said.

"Your servant will leave." Eunuch Zhao was silent for a while, and said respectfully, then he also took a deep look at the emperor, and slowly retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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