fake prince

Chapter 1131 Forget it

Chapter 1131 Forget it
When he left, Eunuch Zhao lowered his head, and the emperor didn't see the expression of the servant girl he used to use.

Silence exited the hall, and when Eunuch Zhao went out, along with the cold wind, there were two figures walking quickly.

The eunuch leading the way had a flattering smile on his face, but the smile was obviously aimed at the person who was led in.

Ma Shunde also saw Eunuch Zhao who had withdrawn at this moment, neither of them spoke, but Eunuch Zhao saw the expression of this person when they passed by.

I don't know if it's psychological, but it's a proud face and mocking eyes.

Is Ma Shunde mocking himself that even if he returns to the emperor's side, he will still not be trusted as before?


Eunuch Zhao returned to the residence, the little eunuch greeted him, and then retreated after a signal. The room became silent. He sat on a chair, listening to the voices coming from a distance outside, as if he was isolated from the world. The loneliness filled my heart.

He suddenly felt that even if he came back this time, the emperor treated him no better than before.

Just like a mirror, when a broken mirror is round again, there are always cracks.

There were fireworks constantly blooming in the sky outside the window, he stared blankly at the fireworks outside, recalling the scene when he served the emperor in the past, he couldn't help feeling sad in his heart.

In the entire palace, there was probably only one place where the people inside were genuinely happy from top to bottom.

"Your Majesty, look, how beautiful the fireworks are today! It's so festive! It seems that even God is happy for you and His Highness!" A female officer and the queen stood at the gate of the palace and looked at the fireworks blooming in the sky in the distance. Just kidding.

The queen didn't take off her makeup, and she wore a cloak enough to wrap her whole body over her formal attire. She looked up at the sky, with a smile on her face, but she was deep in thought.

"I haven't been in power for more than ten years. In fact, the tea is already cold. Although I have burned some old stoves, it is a bit warmer. After all, it is not as good as before."

"Even if I think about it, I don't have much confidence in the list of more than [-] people."

"Oh, I don't know why, my grandson is a deep person, but recently I feel like I can't wait for me."

"You just watch from outside, you don't need to come in to serve the palace." After watching for a while and thinking for a while, the queen was somewhat tired, so she walked into the palace, but she was in a particularly good mood today, so she directly told the people beside her , don't have to come in to serve her, let them play outside.

However, even so, there were still older palace officials who were unwilling to leave the Queen's side and followed in.

Fearing that the queen would be cold after standing outside for a long time, she brought a small cup of bird's nest and asked the queen to use some.

The old man's attitude towards her was like holding fragile colored glass.

But the queen didn't want them to worry, these people, in fact, some maids who followed her from her mother's house back then, who were younger than her, now have gray hair in a blink of an eye.

"You don't have to stand by the rules, just use some!" The queen was in a good mood today and her appetite was better than before, so she used a small cup of bird's nest and said.

After rinsing her mouth, she recalled what happened at the previous banquet, and couldn't help shaking her head again.

Princess Xinping showed the poems to others. As soon as she heard them, she knew that the person who wrote the poems was probably her grandson.

However, as long as Xinping has a sense of proportion, the queen will not do anything specially.

"Get water to remove makeup, I'm planning to rest." A burst of tiredness struck, the queen was going to remove makeup and go to sleep, just after removing makeup, she heard light footsteps coming from far and near.

Looking up, she found that the person who came in was Wei Ji, the eunuch she had sent out before.

Wei Ji bowed to the queen, and reported: "Your Majesty, the servants followed the grandson and concubine Taisun out, and saw them get off the ox cart on the way, and walked for a while, not only rewarding the lanterns, but also the concubine Taisun. wrote poetry."

"Oh?" The queen was originally brushing her loose hair, when she heard this, she paused.

"What poem is it? Did you hear it?"

The eunuch replied immediately: "The servant has already made a note."

As he spoke, he took out a roll of paper from his sleeve and handed it over with both hands.

He has excellent hearing and a good memory. Eunuchs with such abilities are usually sent to perform such tasks.

So he also heard that poem, and wrote it down quickly in order not to forget it.

The handwriting is only delicate, not very good, but because of the goodness of this poem, the queen felt a little dazed after touching the paper and reading it.

"The crowd looked for him a thousand times. Looking back suddenly, the person was there, in a dimly lit place."

This poem is really well written...it's great!

"That's good, that's good." The queen thought, in this way, she wouldn't have to worry about something going on between her grandson and Xinping.

Otherwise, for a girl like Xinping, she was really worried that her grandson did something wrong, and even a little bit of something wrong would be enough for the emperor to catch him.

As long as there is no conclusive evidence, and the matter has been exposed before and exposed again, it is useless for the emperor to do anything.

But what if he was caught?

This is a big scandal, enough to justify the name and abolish the grandson.

Therefore, these two people must not have any real contact, and her grandson and granddaughter-in-law have a good enough relationship, which can prevent this trouble to some extent.

The queen was therefore satisfied.

"When you ascend the throne, I will open one eye and close one eye."


A cold light flashed in the queen's eyes: "Although I still like Xinping, I have to give up..."

But people are like this. Once a certain aspect can be reassuring, people often think, can there be a better result?

The same is true for the empress. While feeling satisfied, she thought: "The grandson and concubine have a good relationship, which is naturally good, but this... isn't it a little bit better?"

The queen pondered for a moment, and asked, "Is there another concubine in Taisun's mansion?"

Yes, or not, such things, as long as people who have been paying attention to the Taisun Mansion, will not be unclear.After all, this kind of thing is not a secret.

Wei Ji lowered his head and said: "Go back to your mother, I have never heard of it before."

That is no more.

That's right, just from the content of this poem, it can be seen that Taisun has a deep affection for Taisun Concubine.

As an ordinary man, even a prince, it is naturally a good story for his wife.

It may not be a good thing to be a prince, but to be so dedicated.

The queen felt that it was not right to allow this to continue, she moved her fingers slightly, and ordered: "Have someone pick out a few women who are innocent and loyal to the palace and the grandson, and then..."

When the words came to my lips, I didn't know why, but I couldn't continue the next words.

A pretty face appeared in front of her eyes. She was a little cautious when facing herself, but occasionally she would subconsciously reveal the cuteness of a girl.

The queen has lived to this day, has experienced so much, and is no longer a person who is easy to soften her heart, but for some reason, thinking of Ye Buhui's child, she can't say what she wants to give a concubine.

Wei Ji and the others were waiting quietly, as if they had already guessed what the queen was going to do.

In the end, after waiting for a while, seeing that the queen seemed a little disappointed, she just said "forget it" lightly, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

However, they didn't dare to speculate about the master's thoughts at will. Since the master said it was up to them, they could only pretend that they hadn't said anything, but bowed a little deeper.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, Yu Han came in from the outside and bowed to the queen, as if he had something to say.

The others retreated to the distance very wisely, and Yu Han came to the queen, and softly reported what the grandson said.

"The grandson said that there are seven people who are trustworthy? Can you tell the loyalty from the traitor after only seeing each other?" The queen said with downcast eyes.

Her words were faint, and it was hard to tell what her attitude was.

"Yes, that's what Taisun said. His attitude is very firm. It seems that he is [-]% to [-]% sure." In fact, judging from Taisun's answer, he is very sure, but Yu Han still gave Taisun some leeway.

"I'm [-]% to [-]% sure. How does the grandson know that these seven people are trustworthy and the others are not? Could it be that there is really a gift from heaven?"

"Is it still Meng Lang?"

As the closest person to the emperor, the empress actually doesn't believe in the destiny, and the emperor is also a mortal. However, she neither immediately denied nor immediately affirmed. Believe it for the time being, you should test some disloyal people first to see if it is what the grandson said, and then test it among the loyal people."

"Yes." Yu Han bent down, responded softly, and was about to back out, and heard the empress say: "Slow down!"

Yu Han bowed even deeper, and without saying a word, he listened to the empress's faint instructions: "Zhao Bingzhong and the emperor are not as good as before, you can use some effort."

"Yes!" Yu Han was in a trance for a moment, as if he had returned to 20 years ago, that Zhizhu was in front of the person holding the mother's instrument.

(End of this chapter)

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