fake prince

Chapter 1132 Silk Cloth Shop

Chapter 1132 Silk Cloth Shop

"Strange, why did the emperor send me this errand?"

When Ma Shunde came out of the hall, several court ladies saw him and bowed to him. He didn't even order the capital, and went straight away, with a calm expression, but he was scratching like a kitten in his heart. He was really curious and happy. disturbed.

At the beginning, the emperor called himself away, feeling a little proud, especially when he saw Zhao Piff.

Even if he came back so what, he was still the emperor's most trusted person.

But after entering the palace, the emperor had something to do, but Ma Shunde never thought about it before he entered, and he is still in a daze until now.

"The emperor said that someone reported that the topic of Chunwei may have been leaked, so I should check it out."

Ma Shunde took a peek at the emperor's expression at the time when he said these words, and his legs are still a little weak until now, the gloomy expression makes him feel lingering fear now.

How could the emperor send himself this errand?This should be what the censor or the specially appointed foreign minister should do.

Even if it is not a minister, there should be a supervisory agency to deal with it.

This court does not prohibit eunuchs from dealing with certain matters, but is it the first time that eunuchs manage Chunwei to leak the title?

This is actually not an errand of the Imperial City Secretary, but no matter whether it is reasonable or not, it is the emperor's order. I just need to know this and implement it seriously.


Along the way, not to mention the maids and eunuchs, the guards all saluted one after another, which made Ma Shunde feel proud.


He has become more and more able to feel the beauty brought by power. This time, he must do it seriously, and he must not mess it up!

Gaowanfang Silk Cloth Store
This square street is an area that is neither high nor low in the capital city. The public security is acceptable and the price is relatively low, but it is the most suitable place for people to live.
At this time, the street is not only full of shops, but even the side of the road is full of stalls, testing characters, clothes, shoes, and food stalls. The hustle and bustle lasts for half a mile. walk through

At this time, spring is blowing, and the weather is gradually warming up. Although it is still a bit chilly, as long as there is no cold wind, it is much stronger than a month ago. Walking on the streets of the capital, you can see many passers-by in spring clothes.

These people are basically from rich and noble backgrounds. After all, poor people dare not change into spring clothes at this time, and would rather cover them again. For the poor, getting sick from the cold is enough to make a relatively well-off family directly fall into the dust.

However, no matter how poor the family background was, those who entered the capital would have basically entered the ranks of country gentry as long as they could pass the Juren examination. Regardless of whether they could pass the Jinshi examination or not, their lives would be much better than most ordinary people.

At this time, most of the students had changed into light clothes and stayed in the warm hotel. The sound of reading aloud could be faintly heard from each lobby, attracting the envy of some passers-by in bloated clothes who hurried past.

At this moment a little fox ran over and slipped into the hotel.

It is such a beautiful white-haired little fox, it stands to reason that it should be very eye-catching, but it is walking on the road, but the people on the road seem to have never seen it.

Even the people who went in and out of the hotel, ignored it.

This is its power, the dragon energy in the capital is running, it is still difficult for the monsters to cast spells, but for the little fox, it is not difficult.

It also doesn't need to cast a big spell, just a small spell that makes people ignore it.

"Hawk." It stopped suddenly, looked not far away, tilted its head slightly, and let out a soft cry that only it could hear. What it was watching was a dark corner of a hotel, There are two people leaning over.

The two of them didn't enter the room either, as if they met by chance and said a few words, their voices were very low, and the fox's ears moved, and the low voice came over immediately.

"No, it's all 500 taels. How can I lower the price for you? If other buyers know about it, why don't they complain? Absolutely!"

"It's almost March now, even if I get the questions, I don't have much time to prepare for proficiency, you have to be cheaper."

What a coincidence, I happened to bump into the transaction site!

Of the two parties involved in the transaction, one was a juvenile, 27 or [-] years old, but at this moment, he showed an annoyed look, and tried to bargain again.

The other one was dressed a bit tighter. Because of the spring rain in the morning, he didn't take off his coir raincoat when he entered the hotel, so he could only tell by his voice that he was a middle-aged man.

The two fought fiercely, their voices were low, fast and anxious.

"450 taels, it can't be less, no matter how little, I'd rather not sell it."

"Success! 450 taels is 450 taels! However, I remember your face clearly. If you lie to me, you know what the consequences will be."

"Don't worry, it's a matter of your future, how could you lie to me, bring me the money, and I'll give you the title!"

"Another one!" The little fox sized it up carefully, took out a piece of paper, and just aboveboard grabbed the charcoal with his paws and wrote down, thoughtfully.

"Wow woof!" A dog emerged out of nowhere, and was stunned when he saw it. With a pinch of its tail, it backed away, not forgetting to warn its owner.

"What's it called?" The owner glanced at it and seemed to see a cat, but when he looked carefully, there was nothing there. He kicked the dog depressedly, and the dog couldn't help whimpering.

Taisun Mansion

Soon, the spring rain fell again, and the blue bricks were soaked. The little fox ran past without stepping on his feet. Once he arrived in the study, he couldn't help rubbing his paws on the small rug at the door before raising his head. Go and see the young man sitting there looking at something.

A few years have passed since it met this man, and this man has gradually changed from a handsome young man to a young man full of preciousness. He is more handsome and magnanimous than when he first met.

Even if he looks down and reads a book quietly, it feels difficult to approach.

People outside said that Taisun is approachable and very kind.

But it is very clear that this man is like the bright moon in the sky, although it is bright and warm, it will not give people a burning sensation, and it will not be so aggressive, but it is all an illusion.

This is a very dangerous person, but danger also represents opportunity, an opportunity that belongs to them Qingqiu Fox.

But look carefully, in fact, his appearance has not changed, he is still sixteen or seventeen years old, but his eyes and demeanor are not at all green, which makes people feel wrong.

Su Ziji didn't look at it, but said softly, "Why don't you come here?"

It restrained its thoughts, walked over lightly, jumped up, and then realized that the grandson was reading a booklet, looking thoughtful.

The little fox chirped twice, and Su Ziji didn't hand it a dictionary this time, but handed it a thick stack of paper: "This is the list of candidates, please see if there are any omissions."

There are many names on each page.

The little fox looked at the names and marked them one by one, while Su Ziji wrote out the names on the note one by one on another piece of white paper.

After finishing writing, seeing the little fox laying aside, only watching his movements, but not moving anymore, I knew that this was the little fox's recent harvest, and there were no mistakes or omissions.

"Chirp." The little fox handed over a piece of paper with very simple words on it.

"You can write!" Su Ziji seemed to be surprised, smiled, and looked down, feeling a little relieved.

"There is a problem with the cloth and silk laundry shop, but it is not Sun and Cui'er who are the sellers. They have contacted and hinted, but they refused."

"Now is it a guy who bought or simply sneaked in and sewed the note into his clothes without going through the shopkeeper?"

This is a chain trick. The cloth, silk, and starch washing shop run by the Taisun's mansion sewed the note in, and it was the Taisun's friend who bought the questions. If you don't know, it's really difficult for everyone to argue.

(End of this chapter)

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