fake prince

Chapter 1133 Duke Du finally realized

Chapter 1133 Duke Du finally realized

"Well, I know, this time you have made meritorious service." Su Ziji was interrupted by the call, touched its furry head, and said with a smile.

Then he sighed with a smile: "Time is so fast, the spring test is about to start, and in this case, we have to preemptively strike."

The little fox suddenly thought of something, and chirped at Su Ziji again.

Su Ziji vaguely understood what it meant, and patted its head again: "Want to help me? Okay."

The little fox jumped down immediately and ran out.

Less than half an hour later, a soft sound came from the door again, like a few small animals running quickly together. Su Ziji put down the book and looked towards the door.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and a row of foxes entered from outside.

Big and small foxes and five foxes gathered towards Su Ziji.

These fluffy ones are very aura-like, and they can also make a bow with their claws while standing still, making Su Ziji subconsciously raise the corners of his mouth when he sees them.

Su Ziji opened a grid, and there were some silver lockets in it, all of them were shiny and dazzling, the fox stared at it for a while, and whispered.

"Hawk (is this the killer silver?)"

"Hawk, chirp (yes, the casting is so beautiful that it can kill people)"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp (Is the grandson a bit black-hearted, five taels will kill you)"

Su Ziji didn't understand it, or he didn't take it seriously, so he took out seven silver locks, each worth five taels.

This is indeed a silver carcass that I specially ordered someone to cast. The silver content is very high, and I feel wronged when I can't let people go on the road.


"Chirp" the little fox took the lead. There was a small pocket on his clothes, and Wuliang stuffed it into it.


"Chirp" the big fox went up.

Su Ziji stuffed them one by one, and asked the little fox, "Can they go?"

After all, these five foxes are much weaker than big and small foxes at first glance. Although they can't see the evil spirit, but whether they can do these things, Su Ziji still wants to ask the big and small foxes for their opinions. He thinks they can do it. arrive.

The little fox chirped, judging from his expression, it seemed as if he was patting his chest as a guarantee.

This appearance made Su Ziji chuckle again.

"What do you want to say?" He gave the dictionary to the little fox and asked him to read the words.

The little foxes scribbled one by one: "They are so capable now, they can go anywhere except the palace and mansions above grade three!"

Ah?The tone is not small.

But it can also be seen that these foxes have indeed completely settled down in the capital.

When he first came to the capital, the little fox had the highest cultivation level and was subject to various restrictions. Now these foxes whose cultivation level is far inferior to the little fox can move freely in the capital.

It's worth thinking about it!

But now is not the time to think about it, Su Ziji nodded and said: "Okay, then I will leave this matter to you."

It's nothing more than letting these foxes follow the little fox to the few people specially circled just now, drop the silver, and let those people pick it up.

Some of them live in places where ordinary goblins can't easily go, but since these foxes have the guarantee of the little foxes, there should be no problem.

"It's all for others, there are three things to pay attention to."

"First of all, there is this eunuch named Wang Jinzhong. You must pay attention to it, and you must let him get the silver. The second is Huang Hao, one of Zhennan Bo's stewards."

"It's still Zhang Modong, he is relatively important, and nothing else should be a problem." Speaking of Zhang Modong, Su Ziji's expression changed, he still remembered this person, a classmate of Dragon Palace.

Logically speaking, it is very painful to be unable to be a Jinshi, and it is difficult to be an official for a lifetime, but it can be calculated on one's own head, but there is no other way.

"As for Zhennanbo, I didn't want to get involved at first. Who is to say that there is a big shark plotting against me?"

After finishing the order, seeing the foxes leaving one after another, Su Ziji clapped his hands, and a guard came in and said, "Mr. Wen, please come here."

"Yes." The guard immediately went to invite someone.

After a while, Wen Xunpeng came, as soon as he came in, he bowed his head with piercing eyes, as if he was waiting.

The two ministers had a tacit understanding, Su Ziji said lightly: "Execute."

Just these three words made Wen Xunpeng understand immediately, his eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately: "I understand!"

Imperial City Division

This is a place that ordinary people can't easily get close to, and it's also a place that officials can't avoid. Only the Imperial City Secretary's own people come and go.

In the past few days, the Imperial City Division has been extremely busy, with people coming and going, and people constantly coming in from outside to report some things.

But there are many things that only the person in charge knows, and the rest don't. They have been assigned various tasks, and there is also a gap in information between them.

In the end, all the information was collected in the hands of several eunuchs, who summarized the information and reported it to Ma Shunde.

In a courtyard, the gate was tightly sealed, and all the rooms in the courtyard were not lit, only two candles were placed on the table in front of the steps of the meeting hall, shining on Ma Shunde's feminine face.

The few eunuchs who came here were all promoted by Ma Shunde, and they were regarded as confidantes. One of them seemed to be called Wang Jinzhong, and he bowed: "Mr. Du, what happened this time is not like the work of one or two people, just a small subordinate. It was found out that someone was selling test questions in Huixian Building and Wuwei Building."

Another eunuch also said: "Grand Du, the people I sent out found out that someone was selling test questions in the two stores of Zhang's Inn and Yingying Inn."

The third eunuch also talked about what his subordinates had found, and asked cautiously, "Governor, are you going to set up a net to arrest people?"

If it is too late, who knows how many other moves will be involved, and the matter will be even bigger.

Ma Shunde didn't speak, his expression was calm and unpredictable, which made everyone feel awed, but he didn't know that he was thinking in his heart.

"It only takes half a month for the Secretary of the Imperial City to basically find out."

"Since January, I have reported many times, but the emperor did not say that he would set up the Internet, and finally he said a word to himself. What did the emperor say at that time?"

"I want to severely kill the atmosphere in the examination room!"

Yes, that is the sentence.

If someone catches him now, it will feel like a major incident will be reduced to a minor one.

After all, being caught in advance and being caught in the examination room are two completely different results. Since the emperor wants to kill the atmosphere of the examination room, he cannot be caught in advance.

But thinking about it this way, Ma Shunde still felt a little stagnant, always felt that he had overlooked something, and felt that he probably didn't really understand the meaning of the emperor.

"Otherwise, the emperor wouldn't react like this."

At such times, Ma Shunde hated those eunuchs who stayed by the emperor's side for a long time, because they stayed by the emperor's side for a long time, so they could better understand the emperor's mind.

It's not like me, I finally climbed up, but it's still a little bit less interesting.

Ma Shunde was unwilling to admit defeat in this kind of matter, so he was still thinking. Seeing his expression, the three eunuchs all shut their mouths tightly and stood aside carefully waiting.

"How many people are likely to buy it? Is there a statistical list?" Ma Shunde still couldn't figure out what he was ignoring, rubbing his brows, and then asked.

Wang Jinzhong immediately took out a list and handed it up.

Ma Shunde unfolded it and saw that it was densely packed with many names. The names that he had come into contact with were really shocking.

However, Ma Shunde is not a scholar, and he doesn't have to worry about whether there are old friends from his hometown on the list, so he just looked down casually.

He was sitting lazily at first, but after watching him, suddenly, he straightened up and his eyes became sharper.

"These two people..." Ma Shunde looked at the two names mixed in these names, and was startled. Why did he look so familiar with the names of these two people?

Could it be some acquaintance of his?Shouldn't it?

Ma Shunde pointed to the names of these two people: "Go, get the information of these two people."

The information of all the people on this list has been collected, upon hearing the order, someone immediately fetched the information of these two people and handed it over to Ma Shunde.

Ma Shunde looked through the information again, and felt more and more familiar. These two people are from Linhua County, Linhua County...

He suddenly asked: "Have these two met the grandson?"

Wang Jinzhong, who had been waiting for his inquiry for a long time, replied immediately: "Return to Duke Du, these two people have not only met the grandson, but also they are old friends with the grandson."

Old friend?

That's right, Taisun grew up in Linhua County, these two people are also from Linhua County, they are old friends of Taisun, I'm afraid it's true.

Taisun's old friend... Ma Shunde is like a wolf who has discovered a sheep. Suddenly, he has a flash of inspiration, and what he couldn't figure out at first suddenly becomes clear!

Is it...

Ma Shunde already had a horrifying guess in his heart, but once this guess surfaced, he couldn't suppress it anymore.

Because according to this guess, all the previous violations and ambiguities can be explained clearly in one go!

"By the way, did you find out that the silk cloth shop sewed a note into it? Who is the owner of this juan cloth shop from the Taisun Mansion?" Ma Shunde asked excitedly.

"Strictly speaking, it's not from Taisun's mansion, but the concubine of Southwest General Qian Zhidong's Sun family. Qian Zhidong committed a crime and was beheaded and ransacked his house, but he still has a family outside."

"It's just a girl, and she's under the protection of the current king of the era, and now the Taisun Mansion. The Imperial City Secretary doesn't have much to do. It's just a file for processing."

The eunuch still wanted to show his ability, but Ma Shunde was already enlightened and stopped listening.

"So it is! So it is!"

This is a shocking event for the courtiers, it is a shocking event, but for him, it is a great event!

What I have been worried about all along, isn't it that the grandson will settle accounts with me after he ascends the throne?But what if the grandson can't be in the position in this life?
What if the grandson can't even survive this year?

"Ma Shunde, Ma Shunde, you're still afraid, subconsciously don't dare to think like this, otherwise, you already understood what the emperor meant."

Excited by his idea, Ma Shunde stood up immediately, and said in a gaffe, "No, don't catch it now, continue to spread the net!"

After speaking, under the astonished gaze of others, he couldn't help laughing.

Only Wang Jinzhong lowered his head slightly and showed a smile.

Your Majesty, Duke Du finally realized.

(End of this chapter)

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