fake prince

Chapter 1134 Unwilling

Chapter 1134 Unwilling

March [-]th Luofu
A soft cry woke Luo Pei up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, asking, "What time is it?"

"It's three quarters of ugly time." The family member Robert whispered, "It's still early!"

"It's getting late." Luo Pei put on his official robe, straightened his crown belt, wiped his face with a hot towel and said, "Now, candidates who are afraid of impatient have already lined up at the Tribute Academy."

As he said that, Luo Pei walked out of the bedroom quickly, a gust of wind was blowing in his face, it was March, and the days were getting warmer, but it was still cold in the early morning, taking away the last bit of drowsiness.

Seeing him coming out, a servant hurriedly stepped forward and bowed: "Master, the person you ordered to wait has already arrived."

"Well, I know." Luo Pei looked up at the sky, it was a rare starry night, and the sky was covered with a layer of brown mist, he didn't hesitate now, walked past the rockery, and saw a small hall, Luo Pei went in, and saw one person.

"What did your Highness say?" Luo Pei said in a low voice as soon as he entered.

"Your Highness said that everything has been prepared, you just need to preside over the Tribute Court and the important events in the near future." The man lowered his hands and said, "If there is any news in the middle, the villain will definitely pass it on."

Luo Pei didn't hesitate any longer, and ordered sharply: "Get me an ox cart, call someone immediately, and follow me to the Gongyuan."

"Yes!" Luo Pei's mansion is very strict, and Luo Ba hastily agreed, summoned the people, and drove out the ox cart. Since he was the governor and was in charge of military affairs, he was allowed to ride horses in the old mansion, and several families were led by Luo Ba. Riding horses guarding the left and right, they rushed all the way to the Gongyuan.

Hat Lane Hotel

For the sake of business, the inn naturally houses one by one, and there are more than 20 rooms arranged in sequence. The moonlight penetrates the clouds and falls coldly. Many places covered by the moonlight are late at night, and some people still can't sleep at night. .

Partly because it was only in the middle of the night, when the candles and oil lamps were all lit, the owner of the shop led a dozen of his staff to start the fire and prepare the meals, and boiled buckets of hot water for preparation, which was very noisy.

But no one blamed it, because today is the exam period, Zhang Modong, like many candidates, couldn't sleep all night because of something on his mind, he got up after a while, and was ready to go out after washing.

The Gongyuan was not very far from the hotel where he lived, and after he was ready, he still hesitated.

When I returned to the room where I lived, the light in the room was very dark. There was only an oil lamp on the table, which glowed faintly, illuminating the books on display.

"Ah!" Zhang Modong walked over, opened one of the books, and pulled out a piece of paper.

Looking at it under the light, there are three questions written on this paper, and my eyes fell on the questions. Even if it is not the first time I read it, the sweat still breaks out again.

Zhang Modong's breathing also became heavy, and he subconsciously closed his eyes, as if the scene of that day appeared in front of his eyes again.

A person sat in front of him, and he knelt on the ground.

The man looked down at himself, and sneered: "It's up to now, you don't want to do it, and it's too late. You must do what you are told, otherwise, you will only die, and you will be convicted of ransacking your home and harming your wife." small."

"Even the whole family will be ashamed and convicted because of you. But if you handle this matter well, don't even think about it this year. You will definitely have a place in the list for the next spring exam."

"Yes!" Zhang Modong kowtowed heavily, why didn't he know that he was in a trap?

But if you want to repent, just as the lord said, it's too late.

Even if it's too late, I know the secret, but I regret it and don't want to do it, can I let myself go?

There is a saying, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, I was judged in the Dragon Palace that I could only go up to the stage of raising people, but if I get in the car of the nobleman, maybe... I can have a better future!

The pros and cons were clearly considered by him, so Zhang Modong finally agreed.

"This person's plan is to talk about it when the candidates are admitted to the exam. Then I will say that this topic was bought by Yu Lufang. I just happened to have dinner with them and saw it."

"I thought it was fake, so I didn't report it at the time. Now that I saw the test questions, I knew it was true, so I was shocked and risked my life to file a complaint."

The mysterious man gave very clear reasons why he did not appeal until he arrived at the examination room, which was reasonable, not only innocent, but meritorious, but Zhang Modong's heart was still beating violently, as if beating a drum, and he closed his eyes, unable to open them for a long time.

"How many lives is this?"

Zhang Modong knew that in this way, the two of Yu Lu and Fang Xi would undoubtedly die, and even their family would be implicated, and because of their relationship with the grandson, if he said that the grandson would not be involved in this matter, he would not believe it if he was killed, but The arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired.

He didn't know why some people insisted on doing this, but what the adult said afterwards was very correct. With his own talents, he was afraid that no matter how hard he tried, he would fail the exam, but as long as he shouted about this matter, the nobleman could guarantee the next exam. There must be yourself.

If you don't agree, if you don't do it, you may die, but if you don't die, you will definitely not pass the exam and stop at Juren.

And if you agree, you may have yourself in the next session, and you will break the fate told by the Dragon Lord, and you will have an extremely great future!
Zhang Modong closed his eyes in pain, and the scene of Dragon Palace was displayed.

"Zhang Modong, although you are talented, your fate is very weak. Despite many scientific examinations, you have no chance to be a candidate."

"Although I can make up for it, but your fortune is poor, and you will not be able to be famous in the end. It's just a provincial test."

I was in the Dragon Palace, and because of the chess game, I got these two comments from the Dragon Lord, and just two sentences covered his entire life.

At the beginning, I could take it calmly, but in the past few years, it was really difficult for me to make progress, and I found out that Su Ziji, who I knew in the past from a poor family, had become a grandson, so I quietly came out unwillingly. This is unwillingness to the established fate.

"Why, Su Ziji not only won the first prize, but also became a grandson?"

"And I, can't even be a Jinshi?"

If there is no mysterious person looking for him, even if Zhang Modong is a little unwilling, he will not do anything, he will not even tell his grandson what is right and wrong behind his back, not only because the grandson is a noble person now and cannot be provoked, but also because he does not want to go there just because of jealousy Long story short.

But now it was like a wooden barrel, a hole was forcibly poked open.

I just want to be admitted to Jinshi, I just want to be an official, I don't want to be mediocre all my life, I don't want to spend my whole life just being a Juren, is this a harsh requirement?
I'm not that greedy, I don't want to be a nobleman, I just want to be a master among ordinary people, isn't that okay?
Zhang Modong was really unwilling, but even if he was unwilling, he still thought about it for a long time.

He is not an idiot, so he naturally knows that if this matter cannot be done, then even if the people behind him don't come to trouble him, the grandson alone can completely crush him.


Sighing, Zhang Modong walked to the bronze mirror, took a look at his figure with a candle, and looked carefully, how old was he?He even has white hair!
In the end...to do, or not to do?
The entanglement in his heart was seeing a few silver threads in the bun, Zhang Modong smiled wryly.

"Oh, don't blame me, I can't help it." After a long time, Zhang Modong opened his mouth and said dryly to himself: "If you want to blame, blame your life!"

"Bang bang!"

As soon as the words fell, a strange sound suddenly came from outside, as if something had hit the door, Zhang Modong was already in a state of anxiety, but when he heard the sound in a very quiet environment, he was startled, his chest throbbed violently, The heart almost jumped out of the throat.

"Who?" Zhang Modong walked over quickly, first affirmed, then gritted his teeth, and yanked the door open.

It was empty and there was no one there.Zhang Modong leaned out again, looking to the left and right.

There was no one in the left and right corridors.

Could it be that someone knocked on the door and ran away?

Just as he was about to walk back, his eyes suddenly fell on the ground.

On the ground not far away, there was a silver ingot, about five taels in size, shining silver in the candlelight.

(End of this chapter)

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