fake prince

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135
Open the door to see "silver", good luck, this is not a bad thing, it seems to be a good omen.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Modong immediately walked over, bent down and picked up the silver curly, and weighed it, it was five taels of silver.

Looking at the specifications, it is not official silver, it seems to be privately cast, but the bottom is white and deep, and the edges are finely frosted. This is a very high-quality silver carp.

"This must be a good omen!" Zhang Modong rubbed the silver curly with his hand, thinking to himself, five taels of silver is not much to Juren, but the omen is different.

"Yu Lu, Fang Xi, don't blame me, blame you for being targeted."

"I'm just a small person, even if I want to protect myself, I can only do what they say."

"If you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, who told you to offend the dignitaries."

After such self-persuasion, the guilty conscience gradually dissipated, and Zhang Modong gradually became more confident.

He is a Juren, so he can naturally guess some things. Even if he can't guess at a deeper level, he knows that an old grandson like Yu Lu Fangxi is suspected of cheating in the imperial examination by buying questions. Let the grandson's reputation be damaged.

But Zhang Modong can't care about these anymore, if he doesn't try hard, he can only stop and try.

There is a saying that wealth and honor are sought in danger, in order to be noble, you must fight this one!
If you win, you have everything!

Thinking of this, Zhang Modong didn't hesitate anymore, took everything, put the money in his arms, walked out of the room, and went straight to the lobby.

Zhang Modong himself didn't realize that he planned to hide the note in the hotel and bring someone to see it after he reported it, but after picking up the money, he was so dazed that he hid the note with the title on himself.

It was still dark outside at this time, but in the lobby, there seemed to be 30 to [-] people, all of whom were extortionists, and it was obvious that most of them had arrived.

"The egg Yangchun noodles have arrived."

The clerk shuttled back and forth and served bowls of plain noodles, not because the hotel was stingy, or people couldn't afford it, but because of Chunwei, you must be very careful when eating.

It must be clean, hygienic, and fresh. A bad stomach is a big deal, so not only the hotel only serves egg noodles, but even the Gongyuan only provides flatbread. It is said that when there is funds, it is sweetheart cake, not meat. cake.

Who knew that meaty meat was not a problem?Vegetables and cakes rarely have this problem.

"Hurry up, I'll buy six cookies, Brother Zhang, how many do you buy?"

Someone shouted that after eating breakfast, they need to take their things to the Gongyuan and queue up, but right now they have to eat this meal well.

"I'll order less, four cookies are enough." Zhang Modong's popularity is not bad, and when he entered the lobby, someone greeted him, and Shuang Lang replied immediately, it seemed that there was no difference.

At this time, there was movement on the stairs, Zhang Modong looked sideways, and it turned out that Yu Lu and Fang Xi came down yawning, and they were about to have breakfast, so they went over to talk.

"Brother Yu, Brother Fang, how many cookies do you want?"

Since Zhang Modong was rejected for borrowing money from them last time, he has not spoken to these two for a long time. Not only did he not go to them, but the two never took the initiative to look for Zhang Modong again.

Others were faintly aware that there might be a problem with the relationship between these three people, and they were a little curious to see the three talking again at this moment.

Why did the three of them break up in the first place?
It doesn't look like a reconciliation now, the two seem to treat Zhang Modong very coldly?

And Zhang Modong, it seems that he would not be so polite in his speech in the past?
Although Zhang Modong is not an arrogant person, isn't his attitude when talking to Yu Lv and Fang Xi more friendly now?
"Brother Yu wants four, I want six."

Yu Lu and Fang Xi didn't seem to remember what happened before. He spoke and responded. Although he wasn't enthusiastic, he didn't completely ignore Zhang Modong.

With their attitude, Zhang Modong felt more at ease.

If they were the same as him, and they became enthusiastic when they met again, he would suspect that the two of them had done something without telling him.

Now their politeness reveals a sense of alienation, which is the reaction of normal people.

After some testing, Zhang Modong really felt relieved. At this time, someone called Zhang Modong, so he went to the person who called him and talked to that person.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi waited for him to turn around and walk away, and his face completely turned cold.

Fang Xi said in a low voice: "If it wasn't for the monitoring and the brass pipes listening, I would never have thought that there would be such a person."

"Stop talking, there's movement outside, it's coming soon." Yu Lv had a keen ear, and when he heard something, he tugged and reminded.

At the same time, outside the gate, before dawn, people came in from the darkness.

But in fact, there were not many armored soldiers of the Imperial City Division, and there were no more than six standing on the left and right of the bullock cart, but each of them knocked their knives and pressed their swords with a murderous look. There were also four eunuchs bowing and looking at Ma Shunde who lifted the curtain.

Ma Shunde looked at the armored soldiers of the Imperial City, feeling satisfied, and then looked coldly at the students in the hotel who were eating.

"Duke, don't you arrest him immediately?" A eunuch bowed and asked with a flattering smile, "We've collected almost all the evidence."

"Idiot, if you arrest them now, the most you can do is to deprive them of your reputation. Follow them later, and we will arrest you when we enter the arena!"

"Arresting people in the Tribute Court?" The eunuch who spoke was dumbfounded. Those who took the exam in the Tribute Court were guarded by armored soldiers, and those who trespassed without imperial decree would be shot to death.

"Idiot, our family has a token from the emperor, and Wang Jinzhong has already prepared it at the gate of the tribute courtyard, and there are also people in the tribute courtyard to respond."

As Ma Shunde said, he looked at Yu Lu and Fang Xi again, shook his head and sighed.

"Want to pass the exam? In the next life! What you offended is God!"

At this moment, he had already guessed why the emperor would send himself to handle this matter, why he had to wait for the big investigation, and insisted on making a big commotion.

It is these two people who really want to do it.

And behind these two people, stood the grandson!

Therefore, these two people must be convicted!

As long as you do this errand well, you will be considered a success!
Thinking about it this way, Ma Shunde already felt that the matter was settled and the evidence was enough. If he didn't arrest people now, he just had to wait for the exam to start, so that he could "catch the stolen goods"!
Caught before entering the arena, and caught after the exam, the impact is completely different. Since Ma Shunde has already realized something, he naturally chooses the latter!
Now, just keep an eye on it, so that no accidents can happen.

While thinking like this, there was a sudden noise on the street, and the armored soldiers behind him were also a little commotion, which made Ma Shunde a little dissatisfied. Looking towards the street, he saw a car passing by, and there were government servants around him. guard.

"Who is still coming to the hotel at this time?" Ma Shunde looked suspiciously.

Chunwei is a national talent promotion ceremony. Even if they are not examiners, officials don't want to have more contact with people, so as not to be suspected of melon fields and plums.

The bullock cart stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and two officials came down from above. Just looking at it, Ma Shunde's eyes froze. It was really unexpected—these two people were people he knew!

Yin Tanping of Shuntian Prefecture, and Liang Yuyin, one of the examiners!

Why did these two people come suddenly?
When Ma Shunde saw the two getting out of the bullock cart, he was surprised that Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion would just return it, or in the name of patrolling the law and order.

But the examiner, Liang Yuyin, didn't enter the Tribute Court at this time, but went to see the Juren. Just for this alone, he was guilty, and he could be taken down and questioned immediately.

If it wasn't for Yin Tanping from Shuntian Prefecture, Ma Shunde would have gone out to question and take it down, but with a flash of his eyes, he saw Tanping wave his hand, led by a catcher, followed by dozens of yamen servants, who had taken this The hotel was surrounded.

Such a situation gave Ma Shunde an ominous feeling.

The people in the hotel also noticed something strange outside.

Suddenly there was the sound of Qiqi's footsteps outside. The sound of Qiqi's footsteps made people easily think of people in the government. Only well-trained officials and soldiers, and there are a lot of them, can make such a sound when walking. Neat sound.

"what happened……"

"There seem to be a lot of people outside, what's going on..."

Anxiety continued to spread in the crowd, Yu Lu and Fang Xi glanced at each other, and followed the crowd towards the gate.

The light is still a little dim now, but with the light of the lantern, as long as there is no problem with the line of sight, everyone can see that the outside seems to be surrounded by people.

Zhang Modong had already had a hasty breakfast at this time, and he was about to go out when he saw such a formation, and his heart skipped a beat just by looking at it.

"Don't be afraid, I have a background, this won't be aimed at me."

Although the words are ominous, it is very clear that the mysterious person is an official, and it has not been activated yet, even if it is checked, nothing can be found.

Although he didn't feel that the situation was directed at him, he still hesitated whether to go out now, only to hear a "bang", and the yamen guards with knives rushed in.

The entry of this group of people made the atmosphere in the lobby froze.

In fact, most of the government officials are not allowed to carry knives, only iron rulers are allowed to carry knives, which means that those who enter are all government officials with special law enforcement powers - Shuntianfu Patrol Camp.

It's obviously a big deal to have so many Shuntianfu patrolling camps here!

Not to mention that these yamen all have serious faces, and their eyes are even more frightening.

Everyone in the lobby was shocked by the situation. They looked at their companions, trying not to look flustered, but they all asked: What happened?

"Master Liang, please."

"Master Yin, please."

Two voices sounded outside the door, it was the two people who gave in to each other, and then they came in one after another.

The one who walked in front looked very dignified, and someone among the Juren recognized this person, isn't this Mr. Yin Tanping, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture?
If it is said that the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture is here, it makes sense, this is the capital city, and when a case is encountered, there is a gathering of people, which attracts the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture, which is not incomprehensible.

But the person who walked in after him caused all the people who knew him to change their expressions slightly.

These people immediately told the surroundings that the one who came in later was actually one of the examiners of Chunwei this time!

The identity of this person is too sensitive, which made the Ju people feel even more uneasy, and they couldn't help talking about it.

"Isn't Mr. Liang the examiner? At this time, he should have entered the Gongyuan. Why did you come to the hotel suddenly?"

"What happened? The examiner came to see us. Isn't this against the rules?"

"Could it be that the examiner was temporarily changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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