fake prince

Chapter 1136 Report

Chapter 1136 Report
More than a dozen yamen servants rushed in, stood on both sides with their knives pressed to listen to the orders, and in an instant, everyone gradually calmed down, and the air was so tense that it was about to explode.

Standing on one side, Zhang Modong also knew who the two came in at this moment, his heart skipped a beat, and a sense of ominousness permeated his heart.

It is almost impossible to go out at this moment, Yacha Hu looked at Diandan, held the long knife in his hand, swept his eyes, and covered the door, so he had to shrink his body back as much as possible, and slowly retreated into the corner.

The faces of these two officials were ashen. It must not be a happy event to come here. Could it be related to the sale of test questions?

But is it possible?
Liang Yuyin usually behaves elegantly, is amiable, and is admired by scholars, but tonight his expression is very different from usual, with a pale face, gloomy glances at Juren, and after a while he said: "My friends, you are all scholars, you are all Juren."

"Being able to pass the exam all shows that you are not only talented, but also have worked hard. It can be said that you are excellent in learning."

"Originally, the Beijing Examination is a dragon's gate jump. If you can skip it, you will be the ancestor of Guangzong Yaozu. I also came here like this. If you can't skip it, it's bad luck. Come again next time."

"Even if you return to your hometown and farmland, you will not lose your status as a gentry and be admired by the local people."

"However, there are some people who don't know the grace of the country and are ignorant of shame. They persecute me, Mr. Paul, the young prince, and Mr. Yintan of Shuntian Mansion. They have to come."

"The next thing is not about the college, but about the law of the king. It's really heartbreaking." Liang Yuyin turned around and bowed: "Master Tan, please speak."

Hearing this, a gust of cold wind came in, and Zhang Modong shivered shiveringly.

"Master Liang said very well just now. You are all scholars who have been favored by the country for a long time." Tan Ping said with a pale face, "I didn't expect this step, but in order to rectify the national law, I have to do it."

"Who reported someone leaking or selling questions?"

As soon as these words came out, not only the others were stunned, Zhang Modong also showed a look of surprise on his face, this is definitely not a fake!
At this moment, he even wondered in his heart: "To know this, and to ask this question, these two officials should be our own people? But the time of attack has been brought forward. Could it be that I remembered it wrong?"

Impossible, that is, the two officials remembered wrongly, can they also remember the wrong time for such things?
Why did you advance the time without saying hello?
However, since he is one of his own, the person who asked the question must not be someone else. The Governor of Shuntian Prefecture must be waiting for him to come out to answer, maybe the situation is urgent, and there is a temporary change and it is too late to notify him.

Thinking this way, Zhang Modong was about to stand up and answer, but before he could answer, he heard someone in the crowd say loudly: "My lord, it's us!"

This voice is very familiar!

Many people looked towards the source of the sound, and Zhang Modong immediately turned his head to look, and saw two people standing at the source of the sound. It was none other than Yu Lu who spoke, and the word "we" refers to Yu Lu and Fang It's a pity for the two of them.

How could it be them!

Zhang Modong took two steps back in horror, while Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion's face was still ugly, even more ugly than before because someone answered.

"What's your name?" Tan Ping said gloomyly, his voice was full of coercion, making everyone present tremble.

"Student Yu Lv, he is Fang Xi." Yu Lv couldn't help trembling, and answered in a trembling voice.

"Yu Lv, do you know that this is a big event that affects the innocence, wealth and lives of countless people. If there is a mistake in the words, not only will the reputation be ruined, but the crime will be deeply punished!" Liang Yuyin said before Tan Ping spoke again. He made a sound with a serious expression, staring at the two of them like lightning.

This is actually the last and most important reminder to know that the two are friends of Taisun.

People who have been officials and high officials know that government investigations can capture many evidences and materials. It doesn't matter if there are mistakes or omissions, but the report at the lower level will have iron-like materials and evidence.

How many ordinary people and low-ranking officials do not understand this truth, it is clearly ironclad evidence, but they pretend to be clever and add oil and vinegar. As a result, the material that was originally iron will stink and become unreliable slander, which naturally leads to the crime of defamation and accusation. crime, even the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Those who have real experience in officialdom struggles understand that, not to mention embellishment, even the original materials have to be picked up a little bit, and everything that cannot be proved can be deleted by themselves.

A smarter person, who obviously has ten real criminal evidences, only chooses the most convincing evidence, the most sensational, and the most rebellious one to report. It's not too late to relapse.

I don't know if Yu Lu and Fang Xi understand it or not - as far as Liang Yuyin knows, some officials who live in the seventh rank don't understand this truth.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi were a little flustered, but under Liang Yuyin's gaze, they calmed down.

They were not frightened by these words, because everything they said was true!And there is ironclad evidence!

In addition, if they hadn't been reminded and prepared in advance this time, even the family would have to be implicated, and the current counterattack is just to save themselves!
"Students dare to guarantee their lives, and all my reports are true!"

"Students dare to guarantee their lives!"

Yu Lu and Fang Xi said in unison, Yu Lu looked even more gloomy, and pointed to Zhang Modong in the corner: "My lord, this Zhang Modong has the exam questions of this spring on him, if you don't believe me, just take down the body search and you will be able to see clearly !"

"You!" Zhang Modong was pointed at by Yu Lv, his hairs were blown up, his lips were trembling, and he could hardly speak: "My lord! Wronged! Slandered! This, this is slandered!"

Liang Yuyin turned to look at Tan Ping, Tan Ping's face was ashen, but he also knew that since he had come, he had asked about this matter in front of so many people and got an answer, this matter must be dealt with to the end.

At this time, he couldn't hesitate, he immediately drank: "Come on, take him down and search him!"

Everyone knows who this "he" is.

Give an order, and immediately the two policemen rushed forward. Zhang Modong looked ugly and wanted to avoid it, but was held down by the policeman, unable to move.

"I'm Juren..." Zhang Modong's head was full of porridge at the moment, and he couldn't remember what he did with the note. He could only instinctively struggle and defend, trying to remind himself that he was a Juren, a scholar with status!
How could the two police officers take Juren's identity seriously when they got orders from adults?

But they also had a sense of propriety, they just held down and searched, and they didn't intentionally humiliate or beat them. This was also for the onlookers to see.

At this moment, everyone was in an uproar, looking at Yu Lu, Fang Xi and Zhang Modong with uneasiness and disbelief.

Juren who didn't buy the questions, if they didn't dare to speak up at this moment, they might have to catch up and ask them clearly.

What the hell is going on, is there really someone cheating?

If someone really sells exam questions, and the matter is found out, this matter is a shocking case. Will these people like me be implicated?
Will the Spring Festival continue this year?
Of course, these worries are trivial. No one will not care about this kind of fraud case. Many people think they have real talents and knowledge. It is true that some people are selling exam questions. They have not been caught in advance, and they will occupy their own places by then!

Who knows if he might be the unlucky one who was just squeezed out?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation.

However, some Juren who also bought the topic had the opposite reaction, their faces turned pale instantly, and some even trembled, and looked at the Yacha involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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