fake prince

Chapter 1137 Notify Chief Assistant Immediately

Chapter 1137 Notify Chief Assistant Immediately
"These people have ghosts!"

Not to mention the yamen and head arresters who are experienced in criminal affairs, even Tanping and Liang Yuyin, Yin Tanping and Liang Yuyin of Shuntian Prefecture, immediately saw through.

Although a plan has been made long ago, it is a major event after all, and it is peace of mind to see it implemented.

At this moment, the two policemen who searched for Zhang Modong also came to fruition, one of them shouted: "We found it, there is indeed a note with words written on it!"

How bold!

Not only did he buy the test questions, but he even put the paper with the questions on his body?
This is the thinking of those who have long believed in Zhang Modong's involvement in fraud. Of course, some people think that even if the note is found from Zhang Modong, it may not be an undergraduate subject. What if someone just memorized their homework before the exam and wrote it by hand? What about the content?

Although the two police officers could read and write, they didn't know if the note they found was an exam question, and they didn't dare to read it, so they carefully handed the note to the two adults.

Yin Tanping of Shuntian Prefecture took it over and took a look. He didn't know what the exam questions were. After reading these three questions, he didn't know if they were evidence, so he handed them to Liang Yuyin.

As one of the examiners, Liang Yuyin actually couldn't know the exam questions in advance, but Zhang Modong's reaction just now explained the problem.Moreover, Liang Yuyin had been reminded earlier, so he knew very well that what was written on the note must be the exam questions!

At this moment, he took it, looked down like this, although he didn't know it before, but when he read it now, cold sweat broke out on his back.

These three sentences are probably really exam questions!

so close!

Liang Yuyin's forehead was still dripping with cold sweat: "Thanks to being reminded, I found out about this and broke it up in advance. If this matter was not revealed in advance and it was revealed in the examination room, then this matter would be enough to kill me. Big family case!"

Who cares if the examiner is innocent or not, all the examiners will be implicated!
The lightest thing is to exile the whole family!

And getting involved with the grandson, I'm afraid there will be no other possibility, the head must fall to the ground!

"Lord Tan, let's go to the Shoufu Mansion." After carefully closing the note and holding it in his hand, Liang Yuyin said in a cold voice, "Is it true that the Shoufu will naturally know."

Although this is Taisun's plan to get involved in the first assistant, it is actually true. There are only a few people who know the test questions. The examiner is in the Gongyuan, so it is difficult to get in. It is most convenient and easiest to be separated by armored soldiers. The fundamental thing is to notify Shoufu.

"The great-grandson's calculations have always been like this!" Liang Yuyin couldn't help being startled.

When Tan Ping saw this appearance, he also sighed in his heart.

Do you still need to ask about the exam questions? Don't ask!

Judging by Mr. Liang's reaction, the contents of this note may really be the questions of this Chunwei exam!Even if Mr. Liang didn't know it at first, he should have a judgment after taking a look.

Did he really let it go?Who leaked it?One of the same examiners?Or the chief examiner, or the deputy examiner?

But now the punishment for Chun Wei's fraud is so heavy that all the examiners dare not go too far. Who would be so bold and dare to do such a thing?

However, right now is not when Tan Ping is thinking wildly. He also knows that if the test questions have been leaked, the two of them cannot be responsible for this matter, and the two of them cannot bear the responsibility of investigating this matter!
Before telling the emperor, he had to go to Shoufu first to see what Lord Shoufu thought, and then he had to think about countermeasures, how to make this matter be handled faster.

That's what they're going to do now.

"Come on, surround this hotel, and don't let anyone out without my permission!"

Tanping ordered one after another.

"Put Zhang Modong down first!"

"Yu Lu, Fang Xi, you two will also go to the capital with us!"

"Yes, the student obeys." Yu Lu and Fang Xi responded at the same time.

Tan Ping had mixed feelings about these two people.

But I have to admit that the luck of these two people should be good. Although Tan Ping doesn't know much about the inside story, as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, he has always had a good intuition. Now he has a premonition that the leak of the exam questions this time may cause trouble. In a huge storm, these two people may not be the ones who started the storm, but occupying a favorable position in advance may allow them to avoid the storm and even gain some good reputation.

For scholars, a good reputation is very important.

"Duke, they're out!"

It was still dark outside, people hiding in the distance looked towards the hotel, Ma Shunde was one of them, he knew what the emperor wanted, so he was more anxious and afraid than people who didn't know.

If something goes wrong at this time, I am afraid that the mission this time will not be so easy to complete.

Hearing the whispered reminder from the people beside him, he frowned, and said angrily: "Our family saw it too! But the problem is, what they said, what is the purpose of coming here, our family still doesn't know at all... "

Just as he was talking, he saw a scholar who was tied up and shoved out following the two officials and a kind of yamen. Besides, there were two other scholars who went out with them, but they were free.

What kind of situation is this can be seen almost at a glance!

Ma Shunde didn't see clearly the man who was tied away, but recognized two scholars.

"Are those two people Yu Lu and Fang Xi?" He asked around.

Someone was ordered to investigate Yu Lu and Fang Xi, and immediately nodded: "Duke, it's them!"


Ma Shunde's head suddenly buzzed, these two are key people, what is going on?

"Duke, they are leaving, what should we do now?"

After discovering that the two officials had come out, they left with a group of people, but there were still people guarding outside the hotel, apparently giving the place a temporary look.

The Juren inside couldn't come out either. Ma Shunde said before that he would follow the Juren to the Tribute Court. Obviously, there was no way to complete this matter. The eunuchs who followed Ma Shunde also became anxious and asked Ma Shunde for his ideas.

A trace of coldness flashed in Ma Shunde's eyes: "Follow up first..."

However, as soon as the words came out, he changed his mind, "No, first send someone back to the palace to report the matter to the emperor!"

Since he had guessed what the emperor was thinking, even if he couldn't complete the mission due to special reasons this time, he had to send the news as soon as possible so that the emperor could make the next step.

This may allow me to make up for my mistakes!
"Hateful, if there are many people with me, I will grab it directly."

Of course he thought so, and Ma Shunde also knew that in this situation, there was really no silver 300 taels for robbing people.

On the street outside the door, because it was still dark, there were not many pedestrians, only a shopkeeper was walking slowly with a load, and he didn't dare to shout.

"It's still so cold today! I heard that today is the day for Chunwei to pick up scholars? This is an auspicious day, maybe we can sell more goods..." the shopkeeper muttered.

Suddenly, his ears moved, and he was attracted by the sound in the distance.

Turning around, I saw a torch moving towards here in one direction. There was a large group of people behind the torch, and the people in front were still holding their knives. This situation seemed to be an accident!

There are all official residences around here, so it could be that someone has committed a crime, and the house is about to be ransacked, right?
The shopkeeper was so frightened that he shivered, and hurriedly hid in an alley not far away, put his things on the ground, and leaned against the wall, not daring to move.

Then I saw a group of people walking past. By the light of the torches, most of these people were government officials with knives. He was from the old capital, so he recognized him immediately. This is a patrolling camp, and something happened!
The bullock cart surrounded by crowds stopped in front of the gate of Shoufu Mansion. Tan Ping and Liang Yuyin jumped off the bullock cart, looked at the gate of Shoufu Mansion, and with a wave of their hands, someone knocked on the door.

A head catcher immediately strode up the steps, banging heavily on the door.

Although it was not midnight at this time, it was still some time before dawn, the sky was full of stars, the streets were quiet, and there was not much movement in the nearby mansions. Suddenly someone knocked heavily on the door, which was really scary.

"Wow, woof, woof!" A dog barked in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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