fake prince

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

"Who?" The gatekeeper of the capital's mansion lived in the gatehouse, and when he heard the movement, his heart skipped a beat.

Although the prime minister is a seventh-rank official in the concierge, the current capital is troubled. Although the master is the chief assistant, he has been cautious recently, and even made his subordinates work more low-key. When he first heard the news, he didn't dare to delay. Put on your clothes and shoes, come over quickly, and ask through the door, "Who is it?"

"My lord is Mr. Yin Tan of Shuntian Prefecture, and I want to see Mr. Zhao, the chief assistant!" The people outside replied.

Shuntian Governor?

Hearing this answer, the doorman looked out through the crack of the door again, and vaguely saw that there seemed to be a head catcher standing outside, so he took a step back and opened the tightly closed door.

He thought that Yin of Shuntian Mansion was asking to see the master with a few people, but when he opened the door, he was surprised to see that there were hundreds of people standing outside the door, besides ordinary government servants, there were also armored soldiers from the patrol battalion!

These people have already surrounded the door tightly, not to mention people, even a pigeon can't fly out!
And the head catcher who knocked on the door also had a knife on his waist. Although the head catcher was different from the general yamen, he could carry a weapon, but this is the capital, which head catcher would dare to bring a knife to the door?

Even the iron ruler was placed outside, not daring to be rude in the slightest.

what does this mean?
The old Jingren's disciples were frightened, and they couldn't speak for a while, and their bodies trembled slightly.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind. It was Zhao Xu, the chief assistant who was about to go to court, and hurried out of the main courtyard when he heard the movement.

Standing at the door after coming out, Zhao Xu looked at the people outside, frowned and said, "You came to the door with knives, did you follow orders to arrest me?"

"Don't dare, dare not! Xiaguan and Lord Tan are here, there is indeed a big deal!" The person who answered Zhao Xu was Liang Yuyin.

Ordinarily in this situation, Tan Ping should be the one who wants to answer, but Tan Ping didn't say anything, instead Liang Yuyin stepped forward and bowed to answer.

"Huh?" Zhao Xu knew something serious had happened when he saw the situation.

Liang Yuyin unfolded a note in his hand and handed it to Zhao Xu with both hands.

"This is?" Zhao Xu still frowned, but took the note and read it carefully by the light of the torch.

Zhao Xu was still calm at first, but when he saw the contents of the note by the light at the door, his color immediately changed.

Liang Yuyin only relied on his intuition and previous reminders to guess that the note was the exam question, but Zhao Xu was one of the elders who heard the exam question confirmed in the hall that day. He knew very well that the three sentences above were the exam question!

"What's going on here?" Zhao Xu changed color and asked sharply, "Where did you get this note?"

"Master Shoufu, it's like this. Lord Luo and I received a report from Yu Lu and Fang Xi a few days ago, saying that someone was selling the exam questions for this spring. We didn't pay much attention to it, after all, every year There are people who cheat and sell it under false titles.”

"I don't want to check it out, but it's different from before."

"In the past, the sales of exam questions were only 50 taels, but this time, 500 taels were sold, and 300 people bought them, and the amount of silver taels exceeded 15 taels."

"If you don't talk about the test questions, it is a huge fraud case."

"So we won it in one fell swoop, and specially brought the search questions, and asked Mr. Shoufu to appraise whether it is true or not."

Liang Yuyin originally wanted to go inside and talk about it, but then he thought, just now when he went to the hotel, he was asking questions in front of hundreds of people, and now it's too late if he wants to keep it secret.

Besides, such an important matter should be said in public, so there is no fear of someone wanting to take the place of a dead ghost. There are hundreds of people, and there are so many people in the hotel, it is not easy to keep their mouths shut!

The more people you know, the safer you are.

The more you think about the overall situation and the face of the court, the more likely you are to be dealt with secretly.

Thinking in this way, Liang Yuyin explained the matter in a simple and clear manner, with a clear voice, and the hundreds of people around could hear each of them clearly.

Including receiving a report that a Juren spent money to buy exam questions. The informants were two Juren Yu Lu and Fang Xi, and the target of the two reports was a Juren Zhang Modong who lived in a hotel.

They took people there, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, they found the note from Zhang Modong's body.

That's all there is to it.

After listening to Liang Yuyin's explanation, Zhao Xu glanced at the hundreds of people with wonderful expressions around him, and said with a gloomy face, "Since we knew about it a few days in advance, why didn't we report it to the imperial court, or let me know in advance?"

There is a hint of accusation.

"How important is this Chunwei exam question? Everyone involved is a juren, and they are all officials appointed by the future court. Whether it is Lord Luo or me, how dare we talk nonsense without evidence?"

"It's been verified, it involves tens of thousands of taels of silver, and the person who sells the question is not easy. In addition, the imperial examination is due at dawn, and there is no further delay. That's why I dared to invite Mr. Yin Tan of Shuntian Prefecture to jointly handle the case and submit it for the first time. Master Fu makes the decision."

What he said was reasonable and reasonable, and Zhao Xu couldn't refute it directly, so he asked with a livid face, "Where is that Mo Dong?"

Liang Yuyin had also been an official for many years, and immediately realized that the first assistant was not happy with him.

He sighed secretly in his heart, but he didn't regret it at all.

Yes, for the sake of the court's dignity, this kind of matter should be handled in secret, but if you do it in secret, you may die. Why don't you, the chief assistant, die once for the court?
Besides, I had no way out, lost the love of the emperor and the first assistant, and the support of the grandson, so I took a step back and revealed Tan Ping.

On the other hand, Tan Ping also had a livid face. With a wave of his hand, someone escorted Zhang Modong and brought him to Zhao Xu.

The eyes of hundreds of people fell on this scholar at the same time. Zhang Modong really had the urge to die immediately. How did he end up in such a situation?

"Are you Zhang Modong? It's you who bought the exam questions?" Zhao Xu asked lightly, as the first assistant. Even if he just asked such a question lightly, it gave people a strong sense of intimidation.

Of course, this is because everyone knows that this Chief Assistant has great power, and he can really decide life and death, honor or disgrace.

Zhang Modong's calves were trembling a little, but he was not stupid, knowing that if he did it himself, it would be completely over.

If you don't recruit, just stand up and say that you don't know anything, and you can push the matter to be framed by others.

There are noble people who want to deal with Yu Lu Fang Xi, as long as he is killed, someone is framed, and the people behind him may not save himself for the sake of the overall situation!
But if he recruited at this moment, it would be all over.

Zhang Modong had already made up his mind not to say anything, but when he heard Zhao Xu's question, his head suddenly buzzed, and he became a little confused.

I don't know why, I didn't want to keep my mouth open, so I opened and closed my mouth and said: "It's not me, it's Liu Shilang! It was Liu Shiquan Liu Shilang from the Ministry of Officials who asked me to do it! He told me to report it in the examination room and kill him!" It's Yu Lu and Fang Ximai's exam questions!"

Zhang Modong said this, but at the same time, a look of horror appeared on his face, and his face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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