fake prince

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139

Hundreds of people listened with their breath closed, they could hear the drop of a needle, and they dared not take a breather on this occasion, but when the words were said, they suddenly became chaotic, and many people couldn't help but comment aloud.

In the spring of this dynasty, there were three chief examiners, one chief and two deputy examiners, and 14 fellow examiners, a total of 17 people. The official Liu Shilang mentioned by Zhang Modong was one of the two deputy examiners of Chunwei this time.

Therefore, Zhang Modong's voice fell, and everyone in the audience was shocked. The deputy examiner leaked the question, which is going to be a big case!

Zhang Modong's words came out, and he finally woke up, startled, frightened, and horrified, his face turned pale, who is Liu Shilang from the official department, the mysterious person who threatened him?
Unlikely, it is impossible for the Minister of the Ministry of Officials to stay in the hotel for a long time, and it is impossible not to be known by others, but since this is the case, why did he suddenly recruit this person?
I didn't know this person before, what's going on, even if it's a mysterious person, I only know that an adult is contacting me, but I don't know who this person is, why do I say it's Liu Shilang, biting me randomly?

Could it be that he was frightened by this incident, so he became insane, no, no, he is very sober, could it be that he is possessed by evil spirits?
The reactions of the people around him were also noticed by Zhang Modong. He was startled and frightened, and immediately regretted: "No, the villain is talking nonsense, this is nonsense, it's not true!"

But no matter what Zhang Modong said at this time, the people around him would not believe it.

Nonsense, can you bite out Liu Shilang, the official department?Why don't you bite the person who is on the scene, and insist on biting someone who is not here, but is the deputy examiner?

It is said that this matter is made up, who will believe it?
At this moment, Zhao Xu glanced at the two scholars standing beside him, and felt that they were quite handsome.

Someone nearby reminded in a low voice: "My lord, one of these two people is called Yu Lu and the other is called Fang Xi. They are both Juren from Linhua County. They are the two who reported this Mo Dong."

The two of them are Yu Lu and Fang Xi, Juren from Linhua County?

Linhua County...

Zhao Xu suddenly remembered that the reason why this place sounded familiar to him was because there was a great person here—the grandson.

Taisun grew up in Linhua County, these two people should have heard about it before, and Taisun made friends in Linhua County?
For a moment, Zhao Xu's heart beat violently, and he immediately sensed that something was wrong. Suddenly, he felt an ominous feeling that a big event was imminent. Before he could change his mind, he just looked at it and then looked away.

"Where's Liu Shilang?" Zhao Xu asked.

Someone in the crowd replied: "Master Shoufu, Liu Shilang is the deputy examiner, and he should already be in the Gongyuan."

That's right, Liu Shilang is one of Chunwei's deputy examiners this time.

Zhao Xu's gaze was deep for a moment, but hundreds of people looked at him, and he had to make a decision, let alone hesitate, and immediately shouted: "This is a big deal, Mr. Tan, Mr. Liang, you immediately seal the Gongyuan first." , No one is allowed to enter or leave, take down Liu Shiquan, don't allow him to burn a piece of paper, swallow a piece of paper, let alone commit suicide, I'm going to see the emperor right now!"

As he said that, he directly asked someone to prepare the ox cart.

Liang Yuyin said: "Master Shoufu, there are armored soldiers dispatched from the Tribute Court. Anyone who trespasses will be shot and killed. We can't seal it..."

"Take it!" Zhao Xu waved his hand and took out a golden token. Although it wasn't "Like me in person", it was also the word "Imperial Order".

Liang Yuyin took it immediately, and seeing that Zhao Xu didn't have time to change, he yelled again and again. After a while, an ox cart came out. Wearing this ordinary clothes, he got on the cart and headed for the palace.

Official uniforms are carried in the ox cart, so you can change your clothes on the way without being rude.

"Hateful, this is being used."

Tan Ping and Liang Yuyin looked at each other, and didn't have time to argue here, so they ordered with a gloomy expression: "Come on, among you, ride out immediately, go to the Gongyuan, and block it!"

"Hold the token and take down Liu Shilang, there must be no mistake!"

"Yes!" Immediately, the headhunters responded, took the token, got on the horse, and galloped away.

The Gongyuan has always been the most important place for the court's talent ceremony. It has been repaired and repaired. Due to its particularity, a high wall was specially built, which is one foot four feet high. , with a maximum capacity of [-] candidates.

This fashion has been reversed since Han Xing filled the sky, but with Chen Hui, the vendors and stall owners on the street have also started queuing up to do business.

Although the weather is still a bit cold, especially in the morning and evening, it is much better than in winter.

On a street next to the Gongyuan, the business is better today than in the past.

Some locals who were worried about raising people at home not only sent the scholars at home to the entrance of the Gongyuan, but also had breakfast nearby, and by the way, they might have to wait for the exam to start before dispersing.

People in twos and threes were sitting on the simple tables and chairs on the side of the road, eating with their heads down, looking at the Juren in line from time to time.

"Did you see that? They're all queuing up, and they're already checking in front."

At this time, there were already a lot of lanterns, and people raised their hands and slowly moved to one place.

"It's called the Prosecutor's Office. It's not a bad name, but all these jurors have to take off their clothes in this hall, even revealing their buttocks, and let the officials in the Gongyuan inspect it—don't laugh, someone just clipped the note Go on the dry road."

"Tear up all the other cookies that you brought, to prevent any stolen goods from being carried in."

"Ah, isn't this gentle and sweeping the floor?"

"What's the matter? You are not a scholar. I don't know. Even if it is the county test, the provincial test, it is actually the same. A scholar must pass these tests."

Just discussing, eating wontons or biscuits, at this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes coming from far and near, and it sounded so fast that everyone who heard it couldn't help but look up and look towards the source of the sound.


"what happened?"

"problem occurs?"

Some people whispered that galloping a horse in the capital is not a trivial matter, if one has no job, one is likely to be convicted by the government.

Even if he is a powerful dude, if he gallops around the city for no reason, he will be impeached by the censor as an official father and brother.

However, a group of cavalry who galloped past quickly, these people are obviously official servants, fully armed, they must be on an errand!
But why did people on errands come here? Could it be that a big case happened near the Gongyuan?

"Something happened, something big happened."

Those who can raise people in their families are naturally not ordinary people who don't understand anything. They know the importance of Gongyuan and Chunwei, and everything makes way for it.

"Even if ten or eight people die, they will definitely press it down and wait until the spring is over to check again. Now that I can't wait, it's broken, something happened, something big happened."

In an instant, many people stood up, a little worried about the people who had just entered the queue.

But they are not qualified to enter the Tribute Court, even if they are worried, they can only suppress their anxiety and prepare to find someone to inquire.

At the Gongyuan, many people are queuing up, carrying lanterns and preparing to enter.

As a result, they heard a sound of horseshoes coming, and the people in the back row had already seen who was coming, and suddenly felt a little uneasy, and the commotion spread from the back to the front.

"What happened?"

"Did something happen inside?"

"Horses are not allowed in the important place of the tribute courtyard, and trespassing is not allowed!" Seeing the cavalry dismount and charge straight, the guards could not bear it anymore.

"The chief assistant has an order to close the venue immediately."

"The Tribute Court is temporarily closed. People who are outside are not allowed to enter, and those who have already entered are not allowed to leave. Everything is waiting for the result. If someone breaks in, take it down!"

The head catcher strode forward, walked directly to the front, "please" the person who was about to let people in aside, and showed his token to Qianhu.

Qianhu hesitated for a moment, took the token and inspected it. It was golden yellow and heavy, and it was indeed an "imperial order" second only to "as if I were here in person".

As far as the system is concerned, everything in the Gongyuan must be dealt with by an imperial decree, but this is also an expedient decree, and with the order of the chief assistant, Qianhu hesitated for a while, but still opened the way.

"What? The Tribute Court is temporarily closed? You are not allowed to enter or leave?"

Could there be fraud?This was the first reaction of all Juren present.

But these people didn't give them an answer, leaving two people standing at the door to block people, while the rest broke in directly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

The Gongyuan also had its own people, and there were officials and scribes temporarily drawn from various yamen by the Ministry of Rites to deal with sealing, receiving documents, supplying, interrogating, and transcribing.

"A mere patrolling camp, dare to trespass on the Gongyuan?"

Several scribes have always looked down on this low-level official, so someone directly wanted to stop it.

"Push them away, quickly, go in and arrest people."

There is a saying that goes well, "When a scholar meets a soldier, he cannot explain why." Although these clerks are not scholars, they still have no power to stop them when they encounter these "soldiers", and they are directly thrown aside. The head catcher didn't have time to answer, so he rushed in directly.

The eunuch Wang Jinzhong was already in the Gongyuan at this time, his eyes swept over, because he saw that there were lights hanging under the eaves, and the window paper was bright, it must be that everyone got up to do errands, took a few steps in the courtyard, the stars were still there, giving people a refreshing feeling , very comfortable.

"Let's be busy, it's a pity that it's a waste of time." Seeing everyone busy, Wang Jinzhong must have cooperated in the past, even if he was an eunuch, but he didn't intervene at this time. After all, this spring test will not pass.

"When Juren enters the arena, once Zhang Modong starts, I can immediately intervene on behalf of the emperor and the Secretary of the Imperial City to control the situation and never give anyone a chance to breathe."

"It's also the emperor's and Huangcheng Secretary's foresight that made me respond here."

Just as he was thinking like this, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a shadow flashing past from the corner of his eye.

What is it?
Wang Jinzhong stopped and looked in that direction, but he didn't see anyone. However, the shadow that just ran over didn't look like a person at first, it seemed to be a dog?
There are people raising dogs in this place?Or a stray dog ​​ran in?
Shaking his head, Wang Jinzhong was about to look away, but he paused again and walked over.

"Silver?" Bending down, he picked up what he saw, and found that it was a piece of silver. Weighed it, it was about five taels.

Originally, it was not uncommon to find silver in this place, and those who could enter the tribute courtyard were not low-level people, and it was normal to have some silver and bank notes on them.

But now it is Chunwei. In order not to leak the exam questions, all the examiners and scribes must close the door after entering the arena. All food and clothing are brought in outside, and there is no money to buy anything.

"Who is so stupid and still has money?"

However, although Wang Jinzhong is not short of silver, he picked up five taels of silver for no reason, so should he throw it back?Of course I kept it, and five taels of silver was not too little, so I rewarded it to my godson when I went back to make him happy.

Thinking about it, Shi Shiran put the silver in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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