fake prince

Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140
After pocketing the money, Wang Jinzhong walked for a while and came to the hall.

At this time, Luo Pei, the main examiner of Chunxie, also known as Prince Shaobao, was already standing in the hall, waiting for two assistant examiners and fourteen fellow examiners to arrive at the scene, so that they could roll their names.

In the spring of this dynasty, sometimes there are 18 examiners, sometimes 14, and the chief examiners usually have two or three.

This time, Chunwei set up two chief examiners, one principal and one deputy, and fourteen fellow examiners.

The chief examiner was in charge of the overall situation, it was Luo Pei, and the deputy examiner was Liu Shiquan, the servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs who had just been promoted a few months ago.

When Wang Jinzhong came in, the civil servants around saluted together, Luo Pei nodded and continued to roll the rolls. As a result, all thirteen fellow examiners had arrived, but Liang Yuyin was still missing.

As for Wang Jinzhong, not only Luo Pei nodded, but other examiners just nodded, but didn't speak, as if turning a blind eye.

Although the eunuch supervised on behalf of the emperor, he was not welcomed by civil officials.

Luo Pei frowned, not seeing anything unusual, and asked: "Juzi has started to enter the arena, this is the important place of the Gongyuan, once the gate is closed, it cannot be opened except by imperial decree."

"Why hasn't Liang Yuyin arrived yet? Does anyone know where he went?"

At this time, as an examiner, he didn't even show his face. This is because he didn't take Chun Wei's errands seriously. Just this matter alone can be punished.

Luo Pei's attitude was obviously displeased, it could make a Cong Yipin frown, it can be seen that this is really too much.

Liu Shiquan should have been secretly happy, but he didn't know why he felt palpitations. His hanging hand moved his fingers, and he suddenly said, "Master Liang may be a little tired from socializing these few days, so he got up late today. Maybe it's a day later." It will come."

This is very straightforward to put eye drops on Liang Yuyin. Anyone who can enter this hall with his senses, who can't hear it?

But sometimes it doesn't matter whether you can hear it, but whether you want to care about it.

Wang Jinzhong also said darkly: "In the imperial court system, the examiners must come in before the door is closed. Now there are more than [-] applicants queuing up to enter the arena, and there is still at least half an hour to enter the arena!"

When Luo Pei heard this, he was really furious: "Even so, it is my duty to enter the venue early, so I am so slack, and when the spring is over, I will definitely go up and ask the crime!"

Just as he was talking, there were chaotic footsteps outside, accompanied by exclamations from the scribes of the Gong Yuan guarding outside.

Luo Pei was already in a rage, but this movement added fuel to the fire, causing the anger in his chest to blaze, and he stood up with a livid face.

"Come on!"

"The lowly position is here!" Four scribes flashed out from the hall, bowing and obeying orders, as if they were facing Luo Pei's anger.

Liu Shiquan and Wang Jinzhong looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile. Could it be that Liang Yuyin came in in a hurry, so angry, dog bites dog, saving the emperor's hands.


The door of the hall was pushed open by a group of clerks, and they rushed in with their knives. The intrusion of the clerks made Luo Pei furious, and all the anger was directed towards these rude people in an instant.

"This is the Gongyuan, who dares to be presumptuous!"

"I am offended by the order of Mr. Zhao, the chief assistant!" The leader said politely, but his actions were not polite at all. He glanced around and asked, "Who is Liu Shiquan?"

Liu Shiquan's heart skipped a beat, how could he answer?But he didn't respond, but others couldn't help but look towards him.

The head catcher took a look, yes, it's you!

"Take him down!" As soon as he received his orders, the Yamen servants rushed up and wanted to hold Liu Shiquan down.

"No, it's over."

At this moment, Liu Shiquan understood that the matter had been revealed. A flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and he suddenly came to his senses: "It's too late to escape, but it's too late to destroy the evidence!"

There was something in his sleeve, and he stuffed it directly into his mouth. It was originally prepared to be reported in the exam room and stuffed directly into Yu Lufang Xi's exam room, but now, it immediately became a disaster and must be dealt with immediately.

"Slap!" A heavy slap hit Liu Shiquan's face, and his face was slapped to the side heavily, and this slap, and this slap, directly made the paper already in his mouth The regiment was directly beaten down.

It was not the yamen who beat him, but the scribe who called up. It seemed that he saw that the situation was not good, so he did it directly.

It was such a coincidence that the ball of paper rolled to the ground, and it rolled to the feet of the chief examiner Luo Pei. He bent down to pick it up, unfolded it, and immediately changed color.

"This is an exam question!"

Surprised and angry, Luo Pei stared at him and asked, "How could you have it? How could you have it?"

You know, only the chief examiner knows about the test questions, not the assistant examiners, so it is completely wrong for Liu Shiquan to have them.

And once something happens in the examination room, the chief examiner is the most responsible.

Although these three exam questions were set in the palace at the beginning, there were a few elders in the hall at the time, and if they leaked, everyone might be suspected, but Luo Pei, no matter whether he is suspected or not, as long as he is the chief examiner, he must be implicated!

At his current status, as long as he is implicated even a little bit, his reputation will be affected!

If he was stabbed in the examination room, he might even lose his head, and at worst he would be thrown out of office and exiled!
Luo Pei's roar resounded in the hall of the Tribute Court, and everyone was not surprised.

Wang Jinzhong felt relieved secretly, but his face changed. What's going on, why is everything so messed up?Just thinking about it, suddenly his shoulders sank.

"What's the matter, how dare you?" Looking back, it was the clerk who was called up by Luo Pei just now.

"Pfft", although Wang Jinzhongxiu had martial arts skills, he couldn't bear it, so he knelt down, and then stuffed a ball of towel into it.

"Hmm!" Wang Jinzhong knew it was wrong, and struggled desperately, but Luo Pei calmed down, his anger dissipated, he sat down on the chair, and took a sip from the teacup.

"Chuan'e ordered that children are not allowed to enter the courtyard, and those who have already entered are not allowed to go out."

"Search Liu Shiquan and Wang Jinzhong and the house in the courtyard."

"Yes!" The clerk and the yamen's officer responded together, while the examiner of the thirteenth room was all stunned and trembling slightly, it was a big deal.

Royal Palace
Still in a half-sleep, it was still dark, the sky was full of stars, and everything was quiet, even the palace gates were tightly closed. Zhao Xu drove to the gate of the palace in a bullock cart and got off immediately, always calm and calm. He almost fell to the ground when he got out of the car, but was fortunately supported by someone.

"I'm fine, go and call the door!" Zhao Xu said hurriedly.

It's a pity, not to mention the servant who came with him to call the door, even if he went to call the door himself, and declared that the door of his house was the first assistant, the guards inside would not open the door.

"Master Zhao, don't make it difficult for you to be humble. The gate of this palace cannot be opened easily. If it is opened before the hour, there will be a big problem. It must be ordered to open the door. Do you have a decree in your hand?"

If Zhao Xu had a will in his hand, would he still need to come here and call the door?
"Just now the imperial order was barely countable, but I was anxious for a while, so I went to the Gongyuan."

"Zhao Xu, as the prime minister, are you also at a loss?"

(End of this chapter)

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