fake prince

Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141

"Then inform the emperor quickly." Zhao Xu's expression changed, and he ordered.

The guard hesitated a little, and said euphemistically: "My lord, think about it, the palace gate has been locked, the palace rules are strict, and it is only an hour away from the palace gate opening, it is not a big deal, just wait!"

"It's really been reported layer by layer. According to the palace rules, it is a matter of the military and the country. Please forgive the humble and rude. Do you take this responsibility?"

Zhao Xu hesitated, and the rules were clear. Is this a matter of a large military country?It seems not, just a fraud case, or caught in advance.

But if there is no intention, I can only wait another hour. An hour is actually easy, but the situation is afraid that it will end badly!

Zhao Xu keenly smelled something wrong. He hesitated for a while, and at this moment, he heard a voice behind him: "My lord Zhao, I feel that this matter is urgent, and I must let the emperor know immediately. I have a way to use it immediately." The emperor knows."

Zhao Xu was startled, turned around and saw Liang Yuyin.

A little while ago, Liang Yuyin, who was also going to the palace in the bullock cart, said nothing, seemed to be in a daze, but was actually thinking a lot. Now he is so scared that everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is strange.

No matter whose trap it is, as long as it succeeds, Yu Lv and Fang Xi will finish their calculations, and the grandson's prestige will also be hit. These have nothing to do with me, but I am an assistant examiner, so if something like this happens, I have to follow it to the end!

You know, when something like this happens in the examination room, according to the law, even if the examiner does not participate, the lightest is dismissal, and the slightest is to die by himself.

Even if there are in-laws in the court, they dare not intercede for such a thing, and every time it happens, they will all die!
Selecting scholars through the imperial examination is not only a major event for the country, but also a major event for all scholars in the world. If something happens, it can really spread quickly throughout the country.

Tan Ping, who was sitting opposite him, didn't speak, and lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, there was a rush of horseshoes running, and someone rushed to report outside: "Report! My lord, Mr. Sun took people to the Gongyuan to capture Liu Shiquan. He found that he had exam questions on his body in public, and Liu Shiquan tried to eat the exam questions on the spot. It has been stopped!"

"After Master Luo read it, he asked angrily in public why he knew these contents. It should be because the exam questions are correct!"

After hearing this, Liang Yuyin felt certain, and shook her head secretly, not knowing what Liu Shiquan was thinking, this kind of behavior is cheating, and being found out is a dead end!
Who made him behave like this?
He knew Liu Shiquan, although he didn't like him as a person, but Liu Shiquan was not a reckless and impulsive person, he could even be said to be cautious.

Who could make him willing to take such a risk?
King Qi?King of Shu?

If Liu Shiquan is not even the King of Qi and the King of Shu, and Liu Shiquan is willing to take risks, to frame Yu Lu and Fang Xi, and to attack the grandson, who else might be behind the scenes, Liang Yuyin dare not think about it anymore.

But he knew that he had no way out, and thinking of the hint passed by the grandson, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Since I have entered the game, it is impossible to retreat if I want to be whole."

"The emperor's heart, I can't help but hesitate."

"Since this is the case, why don't you do one thing and keep doing it?"

The ox cart arrived at the palace, got off the ox cart, and just saw the first assistant Zhao Xu hesitate, and when he learned that the palace gate was not open, Liang Yuyin shuddered and spoke quickly.

As soon as Zhao Xu was in a daze, he saw Liang Yuyin walking quickly towards the east wall. He was still a little dazed for a while, but when his eyes fell on the dusty drum, his expression changed immediately: "Liang Yuyin, what do you want to do..."

Before the words were finished, Liang Yuyin had already taken the handle of the whip and beat it down. Suddenly, the heavy and dull sound of "dong dong dong" resounded in all directions!

"Bastard!" Zhao Xu's face changed suddenly, he was really angry.

"Diwang Ji" says: "Yao set up the drum of daring to remonstrate."

Wei Shizu ordered that a drum and a bell must be placed at the gates of government offices at all levels, and stipulated that when the bell and drum sounded, the officials must go to court, so as to show the convenience of the people and the benevolent government.

There are even palace gates, but they are hardly used.

With this sound, the matter became a big mess.

There is something strange about the imperial examination fraud case, and Zhao Xu can smell it as soon as he hears it, but he is the first assistant, and he needs to reconcile yin and yang. One of yin and yang is a contradiction. , want to make big news.

"Okay, I want to see who wants to make trouble."

"Dong dong dong" Liang Yuyin grabbed the drumstick and knocked it down heavily. He was still thinking about the things on the road in his mind. Although he didn't dare to think about it any more, he knew that there was no other choice now, so, one after another, Shaking the capital in the early morning.

"What's the matter?" Hearing someone whispering beside the bed, the emperor finally opened his eyes and asked gloomyly. He was old and couldn't sleep well. He fell asleep after taking medicine today, but he was disturbed. For a while, he was angry. From the heart.

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened." The eunuch who was serving beside him had actually received the news from the outside. He wanted to wait for the dawn, but when something happened, he had to wake up the emperor: "Listen!"


"Dong dong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, when everything was silent, even the sleeping palace could hear the faint sound of the drum. The emperor was stunned for a few seconds before waking up to the fact that the sky was listening to the drum. Gas, held in the chest.

"What's the matter, even the drums are beating?"

Hearing that the emperor woke up and asked the question, the eunuch hurriedly replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, there are two people named Yu Lu and Fang Xi who reported leaking questions to Shuntian Fu Yin and examiner Liang Yuyin late at night. After reading the exam questions, he immediately asked Mr. Zhao, the first assistant, and then Mr. Zhao ordered the closure of the tribute courtyard, and quickly arrived outside the palace gate."

"I had to wait for an hour to open the key to deliver the report. I didn't want to wait any longer, so I beat the drum."

"Bastard!" The emperor immediately changed his color when he heard this, and propped himself up. The eunuch carefully helped him up. The emperor sat on the side of the bed, sank heavily, and then woke up. He asked in a deep voice, "Do you understand? It's just a one-sided story." , Just say that someone leaked the question? Don’t be mistaken, this is a national ceremony of ethics..."

"I found out. After the Tribute Court searched, the deputy examiner Liu Shiquan tried to swallow the note on the spot, but was taken down on the spot. Even the supervising eunuch Wang Jinzhong also searched for physical evidence."

"Bastard!" The emperor understood, and a smear of blood came out on his face.

But the emperor is the lord of the world, and he has experienced a lot of wind and rain. This incident exploded in advance. Although he was caught off guard, it did not make the emperor confused.

However, there was a drum beating outside, and such a big commotion could no longer be covered up, and the matter turned into a situation that no one could control.

Even if he is the emperor and the lord of the world, unless he disregards the opinions of the government and the opposition, he must abide by some "rules", which is something he cannot avoid.

"Zhao Xu? Are you among them?" The emperor flashed a trace of doubt and sternness. Liang Yuyin was not surprised, but why did Zhao Xu intervene?
Don't you think I'm getting old and I'm going to seek refuge with my grandson?
Taisun Mansion

Although it was not yet dawn, Su Ziji had already woken up. No, it should be said that Su Ziji didn't sleep, but drank tea, sat in the tea room, and teased the little fox lying beside him with one hand.

On the opposite side is a chess table, and the person sitting there is Huidao.

When the two played chess, they were very relaxed. Huidao knew Taisun's temperament and didn't deliberately show weakness, but even so, it was obvious that he was about to lose.

Only halfway down, Huidao showed signs of decline and couldn't help sighing.

"Why is the Taoist sighing?" Su Ziji asked with a smile.

Huidao held the chess piece, unable to play for a long time, and said: "I am thinking, how did God treat the grandson so favorably, so many talents are only in you?"

"Let's not talk about the Four Books and Five Classics. Poetry, calligraphy and painting are unique in the world, and even the tedious political affairs are in order. Now, playing the piano and entertaining children—you said just now that you are not good at chess."

"In Yichen's opinion, Taisun may be above the professional chess players. If he is afraid of a fight, he will be able to fight against the chess masters."

Su Ziji smiled and lowered his eyes.

"[Go] Level 13 (3500/11000)"

Level 3 is entry level, level 6 is professional, level 11 is specialization, level 15 is master, chess master is around level 16-18, and level 13 is for me to enter first-class level with hard work. Unfortunately, where is the time?

I don't have this interest anymore.

Just thinking about it, when I saw Huidao holding the chess piece and hesitating, I suddenly heard the dull sound of drums from far away.

Here in Taisun's mansion, they shouldn't have heard the drumming, but the two of them were very human, they looked at each other, and they seemed to understand that everyone had heard it.

Huidao took advantage of the situation to stop playing, Su Ziji shook his head and smiled, and asked, "Why didn't you play?"

Hui Dao replied solemnly: "Your Highness is playing a chess game, and the capital is in a state of flux. How can the poor Daoist fight against each other, and how dare they fight against each other?"

Su Ziji couldn't help laughing, he got up and told the outside: "Come here, Sigu put on formal clothes!"

"Yes!" The maid outside heard it from a distance, and immediately went to get the grandson's mianfu, and soon, after washing her face, she helped put the grandson's miancloth on.

In fact, Su Ziji didn't reject wearing this mian suit. Although he felt that it was not as comfortable as the clothes he usually wears, the clothes really showed his identity very much.

Although I don't have to rely on clothes, I also like the crown clothes that only belong to me!

Just as he was walking out, he heard footsteps, and then a person ran up to him like the wind, knelt down and hurriedly said, "I report to Your Highness, Your Majesty invites you to attend the court meeting!"

During the time of Wei Shizu, the time of the court meeting was changed. The time of the court meeting was once every five days, and the time was also a quarter of a hour.

But up to now, the time of the court meeting has been slowly postponed, especially as the emperor's health is getting worse, the time will naturally continue to be postponed.

It was not yet light outside, and the court meeting was held so early, it seemed that everything was in the plan, Su Ziji smiled, and went out, Huidao followed, watching Taisun directly into the car.

Hui Dao has been silent since he came out, and now he sighed in his heart: "I only know today what is the wind of a king."

There is no need to deliberately show off, the confidence and calmness revealed by this "everything is under control" is already overwhelming.

(End of this chapter)

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