fake prince

Chapter 1142 Why Didn't You Tell Me

Chapter 1142 Why Didn't You Tell Me

"The emperor has a decree, the key is unlocked."

A sound came from inside the heavy palace gate, Cui Zhaoquan, Xie Zhi, He Yuduan, Qian Wei and others entered along the palace gate. There were eunuchs, each ten meters long, carrying palace lanterns, which cast a faint silver light on the walk along the way.

These important ministers stepped in and arrived at a large hall, and they saw guards all around them, standing like nails, standing with their knives, a chill came to their faces, and the important ministers were silent, even their footsteps were light. up.

When you enter, you can see two-meter-high silver candle lamps, a pair of which are several meters apart. Standing on both sides, the candles covered in glazed hollow covers, like ghostly eyes, are staring at the people who come in blinking and blinking.

More than a dozen ministers stepped into it, looking at each other, all silent.

In the past at the North Korea meeting, people who were always talking about it because of different political opinions, all became quiet at this moment, and no one who could stand here chose to take the lead at this time.


There was a soft crackling sound from the flame. Standing in front of the candle lamp, Zhao Xu's eyes remained motionless. He could feel that the gaze from the highest place was sweeping over everyone.

Especially on myself, stay for a long time.

"Your Majesty, suspicions arose!"

Zhao Xu's mood was far less calm than his expression, but as the chief assistant, he was used to being calm about everything, and he was also used to obeying the emperor's will and sticking to principles.

No matter how strange this matter is, it has become like this, but I have no choice but to do so.

"Tell Luo Pei to see you." The deep voice finally sounded, and the eunuch left in response.

Among the people who have come, some are not cabinet ministers, and some don't know what happened, but judging from the current situation, they know that something terrible will happen.

And those who already knew what happened had raised their hearts.

When Su Ziji was allowed to enter the main hall, it was about a cup of tea time after Luo Pei entered, and as he entered, the morning breeze brought in caused the candlelight in the passing place to sway slightly.

When Taisun came in, his footsteps were soft and his attitude was respectful, but even though he was calm and modest, his youth seemed to be full of vigor.

The emperor sitting high on the top was condescendingly looking down at the young people who came in. He seemed to be in the dark, unable to discern his emotions or anger.

But Su Ziji knew that the emperor must be in a bad mood now, so he broke the emperor's situation and brought the emperor a change that he was not prepared for.

If you are only acting as the king, you are afraid that the emperor will have a will immediately, just like the king of Linhe County, or even the king of Qi, life and death will be seized.

But it's a pity that the emperor tied himself in a cocoon and made himself a grandson.

Dealing with a generational king is completely different from dealing with a grandson.

"...I heard that Yu Lu and Fang Xi, two of the candidates, reported leaking the questions. I feel that this matter is not trivial. However, Chunwei is a national talent promotion ceremony. I am the chief examiner. I don't want to have more contact with the candidates. To avoid the suspicion of Li Xia in the melon field, Liang Yuyin was sent to gather the prefect Tanping to investigate..."

Luo Pei, the chief examiner who was standing in the middle to report the incident, paused when he heard footsteps behind him.

Su Ziji calmed down, approached and saluted: "Sun Chen has seen the emperor."

"...Excuse me, give me a seat." The person sitting above was silent for a moment before speaking slowly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Su Ziji saluted again, and after the eunuch moved a block, he walked towards the emperor's hand, and at the same time raised his eyes to look up.

Now that he was getting closer, he could clearly see that the emperor sitting on it had much more relaxed cheek muscles than before, dark and gloomy eyes, and his face was not only pale, but also blue.

"...The two adults sealed off the hotel, searched the juren who were present at the time, searched Zhang Modong for the exam questions on the spot, and immediately asked Mr. Zhao, the chief assistant, and then Mr. Zhao ordered the closure of the Gongyuan, and among the 53 candidates in the hotel , There are actually 13 people in the room with exam questions!"

Luo Pei paused for a moment, then continued: "Then I searched three nearby hotels, a total of 31 to [-] submissions, and found [-] manuscripts with examination questions."

"Your Majesty, the exam questions have been leaked on a large scale. The evidence is convincing. It has been confirmed that it is true."

"The Linhua County Juren Yu Lu and Fang Xi, who have done meritorious service in reporting, did not cling to them indiscriminately. I also ask the emperor to allow them to go to the palace and talk about this matter!"

The emperor sat on it with a gloomy face, but he had no choice but to say, "If that's the case, let the two of you enter the palace to answer."

Outside the main hall, there was a cool breeze.

It was the first time for Yu Lu and Fang Xi to enter the palace, and the armored guards on both sides were full of swords, which made them feel a little uneasy.

Especially Fang Xi, before meeting Su Ziji, he was a bit of a slutty person, until he met Su Ziji, as if his luck had changed, he began to read books, from being ridiculed in private, to becoming someone who would be seen by others. people who read books.

These changes have only taken a few years.

He originally thought that it would be a shocking thing for his former friend to become a grandson, but he never thought that one day he would encounter such a major event as fraudulent imperial examinations and be summoned to the palace to be in front of the emperor and cabinet ministers. , explain the ins and outs clearly in the future!

Father, did you ever think that your son still has such a situation?

Yu Lv's thinking is different from Fang Xi's, his thoughts are more careful, and he has long realized that he and Fang Xi are afraid to be involved in a terrible incident.

But the matter has come to this point, and the only way to save himself is to obey the Taisun's advice.

"Yu Lu, Fang Xi, the emperor sent you to go in and answer." At this time, a young eunuch came out and said to the two.

Yu Lv and Fang Xi didn't dare to delay and walked into the main hall.

From the architectural point of view, the imperial palace oppresses people's psychology. The majestic and majestic hall, just walking in like this, makes you subconsciously breathe lightly.

Under the swaying of the candlelight, the people standing inside and the people sitting above have come into view.

But where do the two dare to look?He could only bite the bullet and walk in, a gaze fell on them from the moment they entered the hall.

I don't know if it's their illusion, but when their eyes fell on them, they felt the killing spirit!

Both of them couldn't help trembling slightly, and they gritted their teeth so as not to lose their composure.

"Yu Lu (Fang Xi), the son of Linhua County, has met the emperor. Long live my emperor, long live, long live." The two of them did not understand the etiquette of meeting the emperor, and they were only briefly taught by the eunuch while waiting. In what direction to stop, kneel down, and roughly what to say, other than that, I don't know at all, so I seem to be terrified, and my voice is a little trembling.

On the high seat, the emperor watched coldly, and suddenly asked: "Yu Lv, Fang Xi, I ask you, the large-scale leak was last year. Since you knew in advance, why didn't you report it to me?"

There was no emotion in these words, but the cabinet ministers standing on both sides subconsciously looked up at the emperor, and these people became more and more uneasy.

The emperor's attitude is not right.

Although there is nothing wrong with asking this question, it gives people the feeling that something is really wrong. However, it is not the first time this feeling has occurred. The last time was when Taisun was asked to do the seven-step poem.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, this disturbing feeling reappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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