fake prince

Chapter 1143 Could it be that the emperor is sick

Chapter 1143 Could it be that the emperor is sick
"...The emperor seems to be getting old?" Seeing the emperor's expression, Su Ziji suddenly felt relieved. At first, he thought that the emperor was wise and powerful, and he was in control of everything.

But looking at it now, I realized: "The emperor is getting old eventually, or in other words, after being an emperor for a long time, he doesn't care about other people's reactions at all."

"Did you faint after dawn?"

There are many such emperors in history, although Su Ziji understands that power is like a knife, when it is really cut down, it has nothing to do with the state of the person holding the knife, and those who should die will die, but it is also relaxed for a while.

"Yes, power is like a knife and a gun. If you hit it, you will die. But if you are not good at swordsmanship, you will have a chance."

Su Ziji was meditating, and was questioned by the emperor on one side. Fang Xi's face turned pale and he was at a loss. Although Yu Lv's legs were also weak, his thoughts were still clear. Already thought about what to answer.

Yu Lv kowtowed heavily, and when he got up, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the grandson who was sitting under the emperor's hands, and the grandson looked at him like everyone else.

Seeing Taisun's calm expression, the beating heartbeat miraculously calmed down and resumed its rhythm.

Yu Lv was a little flustered at first, but he was able to calm down and speak clearly: "Back to the emperor, the tribute examination in the capital is mixed with fish and dragons. Every year someone cheats by guessing the questions. In the past, they were only caught with thirty rods and punished for half a year."

"I'm waiting for the case, if there is no evidence, how can I take it seriously and beat the drums?"

"It was only later that the two of us found out that Zhang Modong and Xing Ye really took it seriously and read it aloud day and night, so we became suspicious. Later, we thought that this matter was important, and we were from a small county in Yuan County. I don't know the Yamen in the capital, so I thought about it and reported it to my grandson."

"What I'm thinking is that even if it's fake, it's just a false alarm. If it's true, it can prevent a big accident."

Su Ziji also stood up at this moment, walked to the side and said, "Your Majesty, what Yu Lv said is true."

"Sun Chen had seen these exam questions before, so he knew they were true when he saw them. However, Sun Chen didn't follow the order and dared not interfere with the tribute exam."

"Furthermore, Fang Xi and Yu Lv were friends of Sun Chen when he was a commoner. In order to avoid the suspicion of Li Xia in the melon field, Sun Chen was noncommittal and only asked Fang Xi and Yu Lv to report to Yu Luo Pei and Liang Yuyin first, and asked them to supervise, and the result broke out. big case."

"However, only a few people like Sun Chen know the test questions, and others have never seen them. How can they tell the truth at first sight? That is to say, Fang Xiyu will become suspicious when he finds out that these people take it seriously. It is precisely because of this suspicion that the help This led to this major incident and prevented a major accident."

In other words, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Su Ziji has seen too many things where hiding results in overturning. For the court and the organization, if you hide, you are fighting against the court and the organization.

As long as they are found out, they will be guilty first.

Therefore, Su Ziji would not hide his relationship with Fang Xiyulu at all, and he would not hide the relationship between them.

Yes, Fang Xiyu and I are friends, they found out something was wrong and told me that the tribute test was too sensitive and I couldn't interfere, so they asked Yu Luopei and Liang Yuyin to sue Yu Luopei and Liang Yuyin first, and finally found out such a big case.

Fang Xi and Yu Lv are the first to sue for a crime, and Luo Pei and Liang Yuyin are the first to investigate if the examiner is responsible.

All the officials looked at each other in blank amazement.

Luo Pei even took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, I have taken down the leaker. It was Liu Shiquan, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the eunuch who was in contact with him was also taken down by the minister. Please also ask the emperor Send a judge to interrogate!"

The emperor was silent, and his eyes fell on Luo Pei.

Luo Pei didn't seem to feel that the emperor Senran's eyes were not directed at the person who leaked the question, but rather at himself.

He waited for a while, but did not wait for the emperor's response, and continued: "Your Majesty, the tribute test is a grand ceremony for the state's talents. This matter is of great importance. Please ask the emperor to send someone to interrogate."

The emperor's eyes turned to Zhao Xu, the chief assistant standing below, and asked, "This fact is appalling, Zhao Aiqing, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

Under the emperor's heavy gaze, Zhao Xu was silent. For a moment, his expression was in a daze, but he still spoke: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, this matter must be dealt with seriously!"

Zhao Xu's words were like a signal, and as the words fell, almost all the ministers bowed, expressing their intention to deal with it seriously.

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

There were more than a dozen ministers present, except for the Minister of Rites, almost all of them seconded the proposal and asked the emperor to deal with the matter again.

Even if Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites did not participate, so many people, especially the cabinet ministers, were all here.

The rest of the officials who are not here are basically inextricably linked to these dozen or so people.

Their meaning can basically represent the meaning of civil and military officials.

The emperor was furious after hearing Zhao Xu's words, and almost all the ministers seconded the proposal, only felt a "buzz" and looked over in disbelief.

Under the candlelight, the emperor felt that everyone's faces were unfamiliar. Are these people really familiar courtiers, and his face flushed immediately.

For a moment, the emperor wished he could drag all these people out to death!
However, after many years of being an emperor, he was only popular, and then calmed down, smiling: "Okay, then according to what you said, the case will be reopened."

Then he asked, "Then who do you think is the right person to interrogate?"

After sweeping his eyes, he fell on Su Ziji, and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you take charge of the interrogation of this case, grandson? Would you like to share my worries?"

Su Ziji knew that the emperor was waiting for him here, and suddenly he had a thought in his heart, and he replied calmly: "Accordingly, Sun Chen should share your worries, but Yu Lu and Fang Xi are friends with Sun Chen. The minister is also regarded as the party involved, so he should avoid it."

"Lord Luo (Luo Pei) is the chief examiner of the tribute examination and the person who discovered the fraudulent case. Lord Qian (Qianwei) is fair and strict, and he is an upright official. Lord Tan (Tanping) was originally the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture. It is better to ask Mr. Luo, Mr. Qian, and Mr. Tan to interrogate the three of them, so as to settle the dispute between the government and the opposition."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Pei and Yin Tanping of Shuntian Mansion just let it go. Standing in the crowd, Qian Wei's eyelids twitched.

The emperor's gloomy gaze fell on him, and his expression twisted uncontrollably. Although he knew it was impossible, a thought flashed through him.

"Could it be that Qian Wei was also bought by the grandson?"

Eunuch Zhao, who was standing on one side, saw the emperor's ugly face, shortness of breath, and flushed face, so he knew that the emperor was ill.

In other words, this seems to be a chronic disease of the royal family. It is said that the Taizu also suffered from the disease in his later years. He was irritable, irritable, and suspicious.

At this time, it is not easy to feed pills directly in front of so many people, so eunuchs usually prepare tea, which contains potions with the same effect.

"Your Majesty, please use tea." Eunuch Zhao immediately served the tea and reminded him in a low voice.

While Su Ziji was observing, looking at the abnormal expression of the emperor, he suddenly thought: "Could it be that the emperor is sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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