fake prince

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144
The tea soup was clear, without heat, and a refreshing fragrance wafted along with it. Just smelling it, the emperor's restless mood was slightly suppressed.

"Hateful, is it a backlash inherited from my father (Taizu)?"

"Is it the same with the father? The closer to the end of life, the more painful it is." Just thinking about it, the face of the father seems to appear in front of my eyes-the majestic generation of Taizu, who struggled in pain when he was dying, until finally spit out a mouthful of pain. tone.

"No, I can't do that."

With trembling fingers, the emperor grabbed the edge of the tea bowl and poured it in with his head raised. Eunuch Zhao did not let go, just holding the tea bowl lightly, and served the emperor to use this bowl of tea.

A small bowl of tea went into the throat, and the cool feeling went down the throat, and the uncomfortable feeling was relieved.

And the emperor's pale and bluish face also showed a little bit of blood, he let out a breath of foul air lightly, but the coldness in his eyes was more intense than before.

"I can't do this. Since I saw the death of my father, I swore that I can't do this."

The emperor glanced at these people below, trying his best to control the killing intent in his heart.

"I was irritable just now, but how do they know the pain of my father and me?"

"I have given up my best son, and even the queen is alienated from me, how can I back down?"

"I am the Son of Heaven, and I am the overall situation. If anyone dares to stop me, I will not only kill him, but also kill his entire family."

"However, it's not yet, it's not the time."

The emperor is suppressing, at least he can't show his killing intent right now, bear it, bear it, say that the weak minister is strong, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Falling towards the grandson in an instant, this kind of stimulation still horrified the emperor.

It's not that the emperor didn't know. In fact, the important ministers didn't fall to the grandson, but supported the rules.

But hostility is like burning reason.

But at this time, the more I have to calm down, the result of not being calm is to completely expose my weakness.

It doesn't matter if the body is weak, as a strong emperor, the emperor knows in his heart that if people can see that his mentality is not good, then he will not be far from a good death.

Suppressing the desire to kill, the emperor gritted his teeth, and wanted to wait a little longer to see if someone could stand up and confront Shoufu and the others.

But even Qian Wei, whom he had hoped for, moved a little after being watched, but did not stand up.


"Loyal ministers should be loyal to me, not to the country and the rules - what use do I want such a loyal minister?"

First the chief assistant, then Qian Wei, they were all against him, how many people loyal to him are there?
Among the people in the imperial court who once shouted long live, how many people still remember that they are the emperor of this country?

In the silent hall, even the sound of people's breathing could be clearly heard.

The ministers, represented by Shoufu, all maintained their pleading postures and remained motionless.

Su Ziji stood on one side with downcast eyes, also silent.

After a while, the emperor smiled, lowered his eyelids, and said a little tiredly: "What the grandson said is true, and what Qing and others said is also reasonable. If this is the case, then let Luo Pei, Qian Wei and Tan Ping try the case together." This case. I'm tired, let's go."

Having to compromise with the grandson and the officials exhausted the emperor's last bit of patience. Looking at these people, he glanced indifferently and motioned for Eunuch Zhao to help him.

With just one look, Eunuch Zhao immediately walked over, carefully helped the emperor up, and tried to make it easier for the emperor to walk out.

As the emperor was helped out, the oppressive atmosphere did not disappear.

Su Ziji watched the old emperor go away, and then bowed to the ministers present, without saying a word, also walked out in silence.

Among the crowd, Qian Wei frowned, watched Taisun leave, then turned around suddenly, and fell on Shoufu with angry eyes.

"Why?" he asked.

Before Qian Wei did not choose to stand up, it was because he knew very well that in that situation, it would be useless to stand up, and it would make the emperor and the court even more embarrassing. Instead of struggling in vain, it is better to choose to give up. It's better to look better.

But the decision Qian Wei made at that time was just a helpless move, and he could not forgive the "betrayal" of the first assistant Zhao Xu.

Minister of the Ministry of Officials, a scholar of the Huagaidian University, and a feast of knowing scriptures, you, Zhao Xu, are deeply trusted by the emperor. How can you do such a thing?
Qian Wei, who had always been polite to the chief assistant in the past, now had a low and dignified voice, and everyone could see that the minister of the Ministry of Rites was angry.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites that I saw in the past was always polite and courteous, and no one had ever seen him lose his composure like this.

The ministers looked at each other, and walked out in a sensible manner, and did not stay to watch the confrontation between the two cabinet ministers, leaving this place to these two.

The matter just now seems to be over, but the aftermath of the future alone may cause the court to be in turmoil for a while.

Sighing inwardly, the group of ministers walked out slowly.

Zhao Xu was still standing there, glared at by Qian Wei, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Qian Wei had been waiting for his answer, and Zhao Xu felt a little helpless because he didn't give up until he got an answer.

But Qian Wei had such a personality, and he knew it a long time ago, so Zhao Xu was not surprised that Qian Wei would attack and question him afterwards.

He didn't answer the other party directly, but turned around and walked out.

Hearing the sound of footsteps following, Qian Wei's mood was actually far less calm than it seemed.How can it be calm?To make such a decision was also a last resort for him.

"Master Chief Assistant...you..."

Qian Wei followed, and when he arrived outside, it was just as the sun was rising, and he spoke impatiently, wanting to call Zhao Xu back and tell Zhao Xu not to run away, but to answer himself.

Shoufu in front stopped at this moment, stood in front of the steps, and looked up at the sky.


Qian Wei frowned and looked around, besides the first sun rising in the sky, what else is there in the sky?
But Zhao Xu looked at Chu Ri, suddenly raised his finger, pointed at Chao Yang, and then said nothing, but seemed to have answered himself.

Qian Wei asked why he chose to support Taisun?

Zhao Xu's answer was obvious, of course it was because the emperor was old now, but the grandson was in his youth, like the rising sun!

Being an emperor is like the sun in the sky, indispensable, but how can the sun that has already set be compared to the first sun?
Is it necessary to ask such a question?

After seeing Shoufu's answer, Qian Wei's face, which had already sunk, immediately showed unbelievable anger.

how dare you!
How dare you, Zhao Xu, dare to think like this? Have you forgotten that you were greatly favored by the second emperor and how you got the position of chief assistant?

Don't want to repay the king's kindness, but actually do such a thing, how can you be worthy of His Majesty!
As the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, a scholar of the Huagaidian University, and a feast of knowledge of scriptures, you are deeply trusted by the emperor and you are today. How dare you do this, and you are so confident?
Qian Wei looked at Zhao Xu angrily, and opened his mouth to question.

"Lord Qian, don't get bored, I know your heart very well, you have your way."

"For many years, servants, friends, and servants have all refused to take a step beyond the threshold, and have not taken a penny or a penny. It’s because I admire you—how many officials have no principle, jade is not polished, and it’s useless, but many people turn into stone chips when they are ground.”

Qian Wei was full of doubts and unhappiness. He was startled when he heard this, and suddenly thought about it. Back then, he was a Jinshi in the second list, and his ranking was not low, but his official career was not smooth. For 11 years, he wasted in the county. County, and then suddenly, Qingyun went straight up.

Originally, I thought it was luck. Could there be something else going on here?

Just thinking about it, Zhao Xu just smiled: "You have your way, and so do I. Tell me, what is the so-called chief assistant?"

"Associate with yin and yang, assist the emperor." Qian Wei said without thinking.

"Yes, first of all, it is the assistant of yin and yang. Yin and yang, mutual generation and restraint, and the principle of turnover and mutual aid. You are still young, and I have seen the troubled times with my own eyes."

"It's really a waste of human life, and it stinks everywhere."

"Taizu raised the three-foot sword to pacify the troubled times. It was the fire and water that really saved the people. I was also in the hands of Taizu. I was awarded a Jinshi, and I was promoted step by step, and I was able to get close to the center."

"There is no holiday in the sky. In 11 years, Taizu died, but although Taizu died, the foundation is still there, and the world has only been peaceful for only three to forty years."

"I have been favored by the Taizu for a long time, and I am the chief assistant. I just want to pass on this foundation, this peace, so that I can have the face to see the Taizu after death."

"This is my way."

"I'm old, and the road is long and difficult. I must be Hongyi, and I'll see you in the future." Zhao Xu looked a little gloomy, patted Qian Wei on the shoulder, and walked down.

(End of this chapter)

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