fake prince

Chapter 1145

Chapter 1145

Zhao Xu stepped down the steps.

Watching Zhao Xu's back step by step, Qian Wei didn't chase after him. He wanted to say something, but it got stuck in his throat.

It was clear that the morning sun was rising and the morning glow was falling, but Qian Wei felt very cold.

Shoufu's words were like a basin of cold water being poured on him, making him wake up from his anger in an instant.

Zhao Xu is the chief assistant, can't he see that there is something wrong with this case, can't he see the hidden conflict between the grandson and the emperor, can't he see the emperor's eyes?

Don't you know that you are being used?
However, the Taizu drew a three-foot sword and nearly died in a hundred battles. Only then did he create a foundation and create this piece of peace. Come on, I'm afraid it's all absurd, old and confused?

If you only know how to obey, but don't stop, what will the emperor's posthumous order be like?

What kind of situation will it bring to the world?

The road is obstructed and long, and a scholar must be resolute. Could it be that the wrong...was it me?
Outside the palace gate, Su Ziji came out and went straight to the ox cart.

The guard lifted the curtain for him, and after he got in, the curtain was lowered, the cart turned around, and walked slowly towards the way back.

There are two people sitting in the bullock cart, Ye Taoist and Wen Xunpeng.

Ye Daoist handed over the casual clothes and asked at the same time, "My lord, is everything going well?"

Su Ziji took off his heavy dress and put on casual clothes, leaned back, and said lightly: "It went well, as we expected, the emperor wanted to push the matter of interrogation to me, but Zhao Xu and others stood My side, support my proposal."

"Even Zhao Xu and other important cabinet ministers supported me. The emperor finally agreed to let Luo Pei, Qian Wei and Tan Ping try the case together."

Ye Daoist heard this, and his face showed joy: "Congratulations, my lord, not only got rid of the predicament, but also got the support of Shoufu and others."

"My lord said earlier that although the king is great, the Dao is also great, and the Dao will help you a lot. It is true."

"Most important ministers in the cabinet still support the rules, but if they support the rules, it is equivalent to boarding the lord's boat. The lord's plan is wise, and the minister really admires it."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Shoufu stood up to support you at this time, has he already decided to favor you?"

Su Ziji recalled the scene in the palace, shook his head, did not show joy, but was a little melancholy, and heaved a long sigh.

Wen Xunpeng, who was sitting on one side, looked at the expression of the lord, with a pensive expression on his face, and wanted to speak.

"This is my thigh. If you have something to say, just say it. Don't have any scruples." Although Su Ziji had something on his mind, he was aware of it and said with a smile.

When Wen Xunpeng was questioned, he looked up and saw his grandson looking at him. After thinking for a while, he first commented on Zhao Xu: "From this point of view, the first assistant is really dedicated to the public."

"The first assistant was born in the Zhao family, and the second generation served Wei. The ancestor Zhao Jing was an admiral, and died because of state affairs. His father, Zhao Bao, was an official servant. He died but did not serve."

"Since I was young, I have been familiar with the scriptures and paid more attention to political affairs. I know the pros and cons of the yamen. The Taizu sword defeated the heroes, and they all proclaimed themselves emperor. He was the first to hold the imperial examination. Because his father and grandfather were all Wei officials, they were not allowed to take the tribute exam."

"The Taizu knew it, and said with a smile, his father and grandfather did everything they could to Wei, so they were loyal, and if they order Ge Ding today, they can also be loyal to me, Da Zheng!"

"At the age of 33, Zhao Xu was able to take the tribute examination, and won the Jinshi, and was awarded the title of Shu Jishi of the Imperial Academy. He was called by the Taizu to ask questions, which was quite praised. Soon he was promoted to review, and he was assigned to the imperial study. Served as a secret, and in the 11th year of Qingwu, he was transferred to the left servant of the Ministry of officials."

"The great ancestor passed away, and Zhao Xu is also reused today, and Zhao Xu is appointed as a bachelor. He will be promoted all the way in the future, and finally he will be the chief assistant."

"It can be said that he was greatly favored by the second emperor."

"Shortly speaking, in Shoufu's opinion, the most important thing for a person is a good death, and only the coffin can be judged. Once the wrong steps are made, what will be left is not only regrets, but also damage to the history."

"The chief minister will stand up because he doesn't want the emperor to show up first and then go dark. He is always confused and gets a bad posthumous reputation, and he doesn't want to fight with the same family. The members of the royal family will bleed like rivers because of this."

"The power of King Shu and King Qi had been depressed for a few days after the lord became grandson, but the last time the seven-step poem was published, the power of the two kings of Qi and Shu has been revived."

"If things go on like this, it will lead to great chaos, or Taizu's foundation established in all battles will be ruined. This is something that no one wants to see. That's why the chief assistant will push the boat along and support us."

"Otherwise, if you think it's a small trick, people really can't see through it?"

"But there is no doubt that this move has made the emperor hateful. He is afraid that it will be a disaster when he grows old. That's why he said that the first assistant is really dedicated to serving the public."

Su Ziji nodded after hearing this, and sighed a little: "Although what you said is not accurate, nine out of ten, this person is really a good minister, but unfortunately, the emperor may not accept his loyalty."

After hearing this, the wild Taoist admired him, sighed secretly, but said with a serious face: "Although this is the case, my hero, the enemy's bandit, my bandit, and the enemy's hero, the lord is moved with emotion, it is conscience, but absolutely Don't be kind to a woman."

"Besides, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired."

"What you said is true, and I know it too, alas..." Su Ziji nodded in the same way. At this moment, the bullock cart had already driven out of the vicinity of the palace, and there was already a slightly remote street in front of it. But because it is not a busy city, it doesn't feel so noisy when passing by.

But at this moment, there were noisy voices outside, as if hundreds of people were screaming and arguing.

"These people are..." Su Ziji lifted the corner of the curtain and looked out.

I saw a large group of people passing by the bullock cart, the voices of the people were turbulent, and everyone was shouting.

If you look carefully, this is not a mob, but a large group of people. If you listen carefully to what they are shouting, you can hear some of the content clearly.

"We respectfully ask the court to find out the fraud and return my innocence!"

"I've been studying hard for ten years, and I've been through cold and heat and life and death. How can I cheat to win the rankings, and let me wait for the hard work, and it will be worse than once?"

"Find out the fraud and rectify the world."

Looking at the number, there are hundreds of people, and more and more scholars are joining in.

At this moment, it is impossible to tell which of these people are candidates for the exam in Chunwei this time, and which are scholars who have not participated.

But no matter whether they participated in this Spring Festival or not, these people are all scholars without exception, and they all have fame!

The soldiers who heard the news wanted to stop them, but there were so many people and the crowd was so excited, how could they stop them?
Under the attack of these red-eyed people, even if they are strong and strong, they are afraid that they will accidentally hurt these scholars, so they dare not stop them.

The ox cart was parked on the side of the road, because there were other passers-by who stopped like this ox cart, and the shouting Juren didn't realize that this ox cart belonged to Taisun's mansion.

"What should we do now? Don't they want to rush to the gate of the palace?"

"I can't stop it, unless I use a ruthless hand, but these people are juren, no superior order, which one of us will make a move first, if the higher-ups blame us, it's a trivial matter that we lose our future, I'm afraid we won't even be able to keep our heads! "

Several soldiers retreated to Su Ziji's ox cart, discussing anxiously.

The three people in the bullock cart looked at each other, and they fell silent a long time ago, not speaking, only listening to the voices outside.

I heard a soldier say: "Hurry up and report to the superior, they are indeed heading towards the gate of the palace! Things are going to make a big fuss!"

Then came the sound of chaotic footsteps, obviously these people also ran away.

Quiet gradually returned to the outside of the bullock cart. Su Ziji raised the corner of the curtain again and looked in the direction of the palace gate.

"Things are indeed getting bigger."

Ye Taoist also looked at those people and smiled: "Isn't this just what the Lord wants?"

"Yes, the arrow has to be shot when the arrow is on the string." Su Ziji's jaw, Wen Xunpeng seemed to have realized the temperament revealed for a moment, "Tao is ruthless but has emotion", or "Tao is sentient but ruthless", Is this Taisun?

(End of this chapter)

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