fake prince

Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146

Zhao Xu walked away step by step in front of Qian Wei, but when he walked out of the palace gate, the slightest bit of wind and rain blew up, his legs softened, and he almost knelt on the ground.

"Master!" The coachman hurriedly stepped forward to support Zhao Xu.

In fact, Zhao Xu was not young, and his temples were gray, but he was usually the chief assistant, so he naturally had the power to support his spirit, solemn and calm.

As soon as he relaxed now, he suddenly aged a few years. The driver hurriedly helped him into the car. Zhao Xu sighed deeply, got in the car and sat down. He said, "I'm fine. Let's go back. Mr. Xue is also in the car to take care of me!"

"Yes!" the coachman yelled, the ox cart moved, and the mule's hooves slapped on the muddy water. Mr. Xue inside was a middle-aged man, and hurriedly handed over a wet towel covering the silver bottle.

Zhao Xu wiped his face with it, covered his face and let out a heavy breath.

Zhao Xu said it easily in front of Qian Wei, but after following the emperor for so many years, he was deeply favored and trusted by the emperor, and it was not enough for him to be able to sit in the position of chief assistant.

What I did today really hurt the emperor's heart.

Don't talk about the root of disaster planted because of this, just the heart, can I feel good?
Zhao Xu had a bitter expression on his face, but he could only swallow the bitter fruit, put down the towel, and then he leaned back and sighed as if all his disguise had been removed.

"Boss, how's the situation?" Mr. Xue took back the towel and sat across from him. He was one of Zhao Xu's aides. Don't lose to those who participated in Chunwei.

Zhao Xu trusted him a lot, so after hearing the question, he briefly explained what happened in the palace.

"Luo Pei produced evidence to prove that someone leaked the test questions, and there were 300 people who got the test questions, and bribed tens of thousands of taels!"

"The whistleblower was Taisun's classmate and friend from the same county. The two also went to the hall and confirmed this matter."

"The deputy examiner participated in the cheating, and the palace was also involved behind the scenes."

Zhao Xu sighed: "The emperor wants the grandson to interrogate this case, but the grandson declined on the grounds that he is also a party involved."

Mr. Xue listened attentively and did not speak.

"I stood up to support the investigation of fraud... The rest of the people, except Qian Wei, stood up." Recalling the situation at that time, Zhao Xu's face was dejected, but he did not regret it.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see this. In just a short period of one or two months, a rift appeared between the grandson and the emperor in the situation of ancestral love and grandson filial piety.

"Seven steps make poetry."

"A major fraud case."

Where did something go wrong that caused the situation to take a turn for the worse?

The emperor was so elegant when he was young, and after he ascended the throne, he was also wise and martial, with great achievements and respected by others, but it is a pity that he has changed suddenly.

If the emperor is allowed to target the grandson, not only will the emperor get a bad name, but the court may also be in turmoil. Now the world looks beautiful, but in fact it is not as peaceful as it was a few years ago. "

"I don't want the emperor's white jade to have time to damage his reputation. After a hundred years, he will end up with a bad reputation. Moreover, in the overall situation, the people's prostitution has been banned repeatedly, and the surrounding countries have different opinions. This is caused by the revival of the gods. This is an ominous omen of troubled times!"

"The rise and fall is so hasty, it is impossible to transport less than a hundred."

As the chief assistant, Zhao Xu thought about these things, but he couldn't say anything. He just sighed: "Cheating is a big deal. As the chief assistant, how can I be vague about this matter?"

Mr. Xue still listened, did not speak, and shook his head slightly after a long time: "My master is very loyal, I am afraid that the emperor will not appreciate it."

After hesitating for a while, he said again: "Your Majesty may be at the peak of his age, or he may be confused sometimes, and he is a bit old. There are many people in this matter, so we must follow, otherwise it will be awkward, and it will be troublesome."

"Why don't I know, but it's a major national matter, if you let old children be confused sometimes, I'm afraid there will be big troubles!"

Zhao Xu smiled wryly.

"The first assistant, it is my job to assist Yin and Yang to reconcile Wanfang. The emperor has been wise all his life, but there are few flaws in the affairs of the crown prince. Now it is the grandson. If you don't make a king, it's fine. If you make it, do you want to abolish it? "

"The one who knows the first prosperity is the law of all ages."

"It's easy to abolish a prince and grandson, but it's hard to become a model for future generations."

"Once it becomes a bitter fruit, I'm afraid that there will be constant fighting for tens or hundreds of years. There are such examples in the previous dynasty, but it is not enough to be a warning? This dynasty cannot set this precedent!"

"I'm old, not a few years old, how can I shrink back from a temporary misfortune?"

Mr. Xue listened, and understood that these seemed to be clichés, but in fact, Zhao Xu's words were sincere.

But it was precisely because it came from the heart that Mr. Xue couldn't help but feel helpless.

As the chief assistant, the owner always remembers the responsibility, and is willing to do such a thing for the sake of the world, not afraid of being hated by the emperor.

As the king of a country and supported by all people, how can he treat state affairs as a trifle for his own selfishness?

Although I don't have conclusive evidence, I can know a lot of things by following Zhao Xu.

Through analysis, we can know that the emperor should have regretted it immediately after he established the grandson, so he ordered the grandson to write a seven-step poem at the palace banquet.

The emperor couldn't hide his desire to abolish the grandson, but since he didn't want to make the grandson a grandson, why did he insist on registering it before?
Immediately after the establishment of the register, he regretted it. For such a big event, even the monarch can't play it as a game, and he can do whatever he wants. This is almost perverse.

I am a white man, and I am not such a person.

But such a person is the emperor, what a helpless thing this is.

The two remained silent, no one in the bullock cart made a sound, and the sound of wheels rolling over the ground outside could be heard faintly.

"Master, the road ahead is blocked, do you want to go another way?" At this moment, the ox cart that had been driving suddenly slowed down, and the driver asked.

The road ahead is blocked?
This is not a downtown area, let alone a market, and it is not more than one or two miles away from the palace gate. How could it be blocked by a group of people?
Who dares to make trouble here?

"What's going on?" Zhao Xu asked, even though he was deeply nourished, he couldn't help but bring out a trace of emotion.

The coachman hesitated and said: "It seems that there are hundreds, no, at least a thousand people, all of whom seem to be scholars, are coming here, sir, should we pull our ox cart to the side of the road first, so as not to be hit by them?" ?”

In fact, the coachman just subconsciously asked if he wanted to take a detour, but there are official roads nearby, and there are no small roads. At most, he should go to the side, temporarily avoiding the group of people in front of him, and then go back after the crowd has passed.

Although it looked like something big had happened in this situation, the formation of thousands of people is really scary, and I only have one bullock cart here, with three people inside and outside the cart, three people facing thousands of people?
The coachman gave in subconsciously. He backed down, but Zhao Xu didn't. When he heard that there were thousands of scholars gathered outside, his heart skipped a beat, realizing something was wrong.

I'm afraid this incident is related to the leak of the exam questions. If it's not good, something big will happen!
"Stop! Stop!" Zhao Xu hurriedly drank.

The coachman was a little anxious at first, and when he heard the order, he immediately stopped the bullock cart and wanted to pull over to the side, but was stopped by Zhao Xu again.

Almost the moment the ox cart wheels stopped, Zhao Xu staggered down from the ox cart. The driver was startled, and quickly helped him up so that the old man would not fall to the ground.

Shoufu waved away the servant's hand, stood firm and looked forward. With just a glance at the noisy voices and the noisy crowd, one could see that there were probably thousands of people, and they were still gathering.

"We respectfully ask the court to find out the fraud and return my innocence!"

"I've been studying hard for ten years, and I've been through cold and heat and life and death. How can I cheat to win the rankings, and let me wait for the hard work, and it will be worse than once?"

"Find out the fraud and rectify the world."

Those who walked in front were all wearing Juzi costumes, and it was really Juzi making trouble, and at a glance, the number of people was still increasing.

Thousands of common people did not dare to respond, but crowded both sides, pointing and pointing.

When Zhao Xu saw it, his color changed immediately, and his head buzzed immediately.

Before I saw it, I was still a little lucky, but now I saw it, the luck is gone, this place is only one or two miles away from the palace gate, say one or two miles, the palace wall is tall, standing here to see, the palace is very close!

If you run to the palace gate from here, you will be there in a short time. This is really going to be a big deal!

"This is forcing the palace. If it was ten years earlier, the emperor must be Huairou, but now the emperor has a temperamental temper. If he hears that he is furious and ordered to kill him, wouldn't it be the 30-year tradition of raising scholars in this dynasty, which will be destroyed in a day?"

(End of this chapter)

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