fake prince

Chapter 1147 is really my capable minister

Chapter 1147 is really my capable minister

The moment Zhao Xu was horrified, people flocked to the gate of the palace, yelling, and as the leaders stopped, thousands of people knelt in front of the gate and shouted.

"Find out the fraud! Return my innocence!"

Thousands of people chanted these eight characters together, and they exploded in front of the palace gate like thunder.

"Everyone stop! Stop!"

If thousands of people alarmed the emperor, something big would happen, Zhao Xu couldn't care less, shouted and said, but strangely, the same voice nearby said in unison.

Looking back, he saw Qian Wei's ox cart parked not far away, and Qian Wei got off the cart, shouted, and glanced at him again.

"It must be stopped."

After all, the two have been colleagues for many years, and they immediately formed a tacit understanding with just one glance.

The two important ministers rushed over one after the other, and Qian Wei shouted: "What are you doing, making such a noise in front of the palace gate, what's the proper way, where did you go in your studies?"

Those powerful words suppressed all the voices of the nearby practitioners.

The people in the distance were still shouting, but as soon as the sound fell, the people in the distance seemed to notice something, and the sound wave also fell.

Zhao Xu was one step behind Qian Wei, and said loudly at this moment: "If you have an opinion, you can submit a letter. You are all scholars, and you don't even understand this?"

Everyone he glanced at with his stern eyes lowered their heads subconsciously.

"Gathering the crowd to force the palace, are you trying to plot rebellion?"

As soon as the word "conspiracy" came out, it was like a torrential rain, which instantly extinguished most of the raging fire in the hearts of thousands of people.

The reason why they dare to do this is actually because "the law does not blame the public."

If there were only one or two people, or even one or two hundred people, they would not dare to run to the palace gate and force the emperor to return their innocence.

But just because they gathered thousands of candidates, they had confidence in their hearts.

Could it be that the emperor will kill thousands of people just because they made a request?
If you really do this, the emperor's reputation will be completely stink!

And they knew very well that although the old emperor had done some cruel things, he had always been kind to scholars.

It is precisely because of this superiority that he has never raised the butcher's knife to innocent scholars, making them feel that if they do this this time, there will be no problem.

But the two important ministers shouted one after the other, leaving them speechless. They wanted to say that it was not treason, but what they said was right. If there is anything they want to say, they can jointly write a letter to the court!
The fraud happened just now, half a day had not passed, and there was no time for the court to react, and the people started to gather crowds to make trouble, which made no sense at all!
If it has been a few days and the court ignores the letter, it is understandable for them to make such a fuss.

Just because they understood this, the voices of these Juren gradually became lower.

But to be low is to be low, it’s all here, can’t you just leave without waiting for any results?

Seeing people's hesitation, Zhao Xu's face was livid, he stood in the middle, and said: "The imperial court has already known about the leakage of the tribute examination questions. The reason why Chunwei was suspended is to find out about this matter. I will give you, the imperial court, and the people of the world an explanation. .”

"You are scholars, you should trust the court, trust the emperor, how can you do the thing of gathering people to force the palace?"

"Quickly step back, or else, when the imperial censor arrives, you will become a fan after waiting for fame!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was even more threatening. It is impossible for the court to massacre, but it is very possible to lose fame and fame. Therefore, the people immediately became dumb. After a long time, someone said: "Since the two prime ministers said so, how dare we wait?" Don't believe me? You should obey your orders awe-inspiringly!"

Royal Palace
In the main hall, the emperor who was wandering back and forth had long since lost the frail appearance that he needed help to walk.

There was a clatter, and the things on the desk were swept away with a wave of hand. The pen, ink, paper and inkstone rolled all over the floor. The people standing on the left and right lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound.

The emperor still couldn't understand his hatred, kicked the Long Shuan hard, and cursed: "Hateful, hateful, others are fine. You old man, you are more grateful than officials, and you should go to serve your duty. How dare you obey and disobey me? Do it right!"

"And you, I thought you would be able to keep the righteous way, and had high hopes, but I didn't think you would end up with both ends."

In this case, the surrounding servants were horrified.

They kept their mouths shut, knowing that if such words spread out after today, those who served the emperor might have their heads moved.

Discord between the emperor and the first assistant is not a trivial matter, but the first assistant's inclination towards the grandson is also a major event!
Is it really going to change?
When Eunuch Zhao saw this scene, he didn't go forward to persuade him, but stood by the side with his hands down and waited.

Panting, the emperor sat down to rest, glanced at Eunuch Zhao, and asked coldly, "Are they all gone?"

Eunuch Zhao judged that the emperor should have calmed down a little, so he replied: "Your Majesty, the court has ended, they have all left, what should we do now?"

"What should we do?" the emperor said gloomily, "First clean up everything in the palace, and then we'll see what these loyal ministers want to find out."

The mastermind behind this incident was himself, the eunuch who colluded with the deputy examiner, and the person he sent.

These, even if they don't know now, the cabinet must know in the future, the emperor wants to see how far they can go, whether they want to throw his emperor's face on the ground for the grandson!

Just after he finished speaking, he heard a faint noise coming from outside.

"Go and see what's going on outside." The emperor said unhappily: "The rules are becoming more and more unruly. Anyone who dares to make noise will be killed immediately."

"Yes." Eunuch Zhao went out to check in person, and just after leaving the hall, a young eunuch hurried over.

"What's going on outside? Are those slaves making noise?" Eunuch Zhao asked.

The little eunuch gasped and said: "Yes, it's Juzi! Thousands of Juzi ran to the gate of the palace and shouted there, saying it was 'find out the fraud and return me to justice', yes, those two sentences, they Shouting these two sentences!"

"Thousands of people?"

Eunuch Zhao's face turned pale immediately, and he looked towards the gate of the palace. This place is too far away from the gate of the palace. If he went to check now and then ran back to report, he was afraid that things would get worse.

Moreover, once you step forward, the responsibility is your own.

"You go in with our family, and tell the emperor what you just saw." Eunuch Zhao changed his mind, and immediately returned to the hall with the little eunuch.

"Your Majesty, the noise is coming from outside the gate of the palace. Thousands of people are gathering at the gate of the palace demanding to find out the fraud and restore their innocence..."

Eunuch Zhao asked the little eunuch to describe the situation outside again. The little eunuch was stared at coldly by the emperor, holding back his trembling, and told in detail what he saw and heard.

After listening to the report, the emperor remained uncharacteristically silent.

Eunuch Zhao took a peek, and was surprised to find that the emperor was not angry anymore, at least he didn't see any anger on his face, but if you think that you are not angry, you are very wrong!

The emperor's expressionless face, coupled with his livid face, is actually a manifestation of extreme anger!
Eunuch Zhao's heart skipped a beat, he knew it was broken.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard the emperor sneer: "Since Yuji, I have been gracious, sympathetic to all officials, and gracious to bachelors. I treat the world with sincerity. I don't want to make these messy people look down on you." I am the master of the weak and bully!"

"This is beyond my dreams."

"Come on, immediately order the guards to disperse them and disperse them. All the leaders will be arrested. If anyone resists, they will be killed!"

Hearing this decree, Eunuch Zhao not only turned pale, but also trembled all over, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and shouted: "Your Majesty!"

"Why, don't you go? Even a courtier like you wants to defy me?" Eunuch Zhao's reaction made the emperor, who had already suppressed his anger, furious immediately, and roared.

The emperor questioned in a cold voice, Eunuch Zhao's body was trembling, but he still didn't move, but knelt there.

"Okay, okay! You're fine!" After saying three good words, the emperor sneered, suddenly picked up the only thing left on the Longshu table, and threw it at Eunuch Zhao's head.

After throwing it out, he realized that what he picked up was an inkstone with a dragon's head carved on it!
With a sound of "poof", although the emperor's hands were weak, the sharp end of the dragon's head hit Eunuch Zhao's head, and blood gushed out all at once.

Eunuch Zhao didn't care about the blood on his head, and still knelt there, pleading bitterly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, if you kill and break up candidates for this examination, how will it be recorded in history in the future? Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you must think twice." what!"

"Slave dog, slave dog! I'm going to kill you!" Eunuch Zhao's reaction made the emperor even more furious, looking around, it seemed that he was looking for a knife.

The little eunuch who followed in just now, as well as the eunuchs and maids at the side, were already so frightened that they knelt on the side, wishing they could faint immediately.

Just when the situation in the hall was extremely critical, the voices of people who had been faintly coming in gradually stopped.

A person hurried in from the outside, first startled by the situation in the hall, when the emperor looked over coldly, he quickly lowered his head, and quickly reported: "Your Majesty, the people who caused trouble outside have been dispersed by the chief assistant and Mr. Qian!"

The emperor stopped looking for the knife, and Eunuch Zhao, who was kneeling and kowtowing, also stopped.

After a while, there was a sneer in the hall: "It really is my capable minister!"

The words were good words, but seeing the gloomy expression on the emperor's face, the actions of Shoufu and Qian Wei seemed to touch the emperor's sensitive nerves again.

The eunuchs and maids around shivered and buried their heads even lower, wishing to pretend that they didn't exist.

Eunuch Zhao kowtowed with blood all over his head and face, and the blood splashed on the nearby bricks: "Your servant is guilty of disobedience to the emperor. Please punish me severely."

"Are you guilty? You are dedicated to me, to the court, and you are so loyal. How dare I convict you?" It seemed that the actions just now had greatly hurt the emperor's heart. leave.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." The desperate calls gradually became inaudible.

(End of this chapter)

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