fake prince

Chapter 1148 Obtaining Information

Chapter 1148 Obtaining Information
outside the palace gate

Just then, guards and officials came over.

"I'm still here, I'm still here, and I'll be punished immediately!" Zhao Xu glanced at him and said coldly. When he heard the "documentary punishment", the crowd finally felt afraid and dispersed immediately.

Several officials looked at each other and saw that the people were gradually dispersing, and the potential disaster would dissipate. Zhao Xu's anger for supporting himself was relieved all of a sudden, and his feet suddenly softened, almost falling.

"Master Zhao!" Qian Wei screamed, and quickly put his hands on him to support him.

Zhao Xu barely stood up, collected himself, and sighed, "I'm getting old!"

After saying this, Qian Wei suddenly realized that Zhao Xu had the intention of retiring, and he felt very uncomfortable. The original dissatisfaction and anger towards Zhao Xu also dissipated.

How could Zhao Xu fail to see the change in his attitude, pointing to those Juren who were going away, he said, "You are the interrogator, what are you going to do with it?"

Although these juren dispersed, they only dispersed temporarily, because they came to make trouble on the first day, and it didn't make much sense to say it.

But if you can't give these juren a reasonable answer, if you can make a fuss once, maybe you can make a second or third time... At that time, it will not end as well as it is now.

Qian Wei naturally understood this truth, and when he thought about what happened just now, he became even more frightened, and sighed: "Chunwei's fraud was originally a big scandal, but luckily it broke out early, in fact, it broke out early, and it didn't have a great impact on Juren, and there is a solution. "

"If you want to offset the bad influence, the best way is to open the spring again quickly."

"As long as the Spring Chamber can be reopened and Juren's future is not delayed, except for those who were arrested, other Juren will definitely not pursue this matter again."

"But this matter seems easy, but it is not easy."

"The premise of opening Chunwei again is that the case must be closed quickly, but it is not easy to close the case quickly. I heard some reports just now, and some people in the palace and Zhennanbo were involved."

It's all about Xungui being involved, and the eunuchs in the palace are involved, just thinking about it a little bit makes Qian Wei feel heavy.

He didn't want to think about that possibility, but that possibility was the most likely truth.

Zhao Xu listened, and suddenly said: "Master Qian, you have the right way to cut the mess quickly. This matter must be settled quickly."

"It's nothing to have a flaw in this kind of joint. If you close the case quickly, I will bear the pressure and recommend you as the chief examiner."

Being able to be the chief examiner of Chunwei once is equivalent to being an extra class of "students" for important officials like them.

When it comes to Qianwei, with this extra qualification, he may be able to sprint for the position of chief assistant in the future.

This favor is not insignificant.

Qian Wei was taken aback by this, he questioned like that before, and the first assistant is still willing to recommend him?

Seeing Qian Wei's surprise, Zhao Xu smiled: "I am the prime minister, so I am naturally responsible. I should apologize to the emperor and return home. Before I leave, I still have some face."

old age?That's it, you don't even want the position of prime minister?Before leaving, he didn't seek the welfare of his descendants, so he wanted to waste this little shadow on himself?

Can the first assistant do this?
Qian Wei and Zhao Xu looked at each other, and the surprise in his heart quickly dissipated. Suddenly, he deeply understood Zhao Xu's heart. It was because of the way in his heart that he could act properly.

Qian Wei nodded, and said, "I understand, I will cut through the mess quickly, and as for the others, I am also sympathetic."

If you are a mediocre person, I am afraid that you will sneer at this time and say: "Am I doing it for the future and the status?"

But Qian Wei knew very well that if the imperial court had more righteous men, the world would have more pillars. How could it be pretentious and give in? Besides, if such a thing happened, there would be a gap between the grandson and the emperor, and someone must mediate in the middle, otherwise, the overall situation would be worse If it is bad, it is a gentleman's weapon.

After separating from Zhao Xu, Qian Wei immediately sternly said to the people around him: "Come here, let the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture take all the relevant people to Dali Temple, and I want to try the case!"

Xinping Princess Mansion

In the Princess Mansion, bursts of piano sounds came from the main courtyard.

The maids who came and went showed smiles. The princess they served finally felt better, and the servants were naturally relieved.

The previously depressing atmosphere seemed to have disappeared.

Everything is moving in a good direction. Thinking of this, my steps become a little lighter.

"The princess summoned the luthier to the mansion again today, so I have to prepare an extra lunch."

"Don't worry, the kitchen has already been prepared."

Several maids murmured that they were happy to see the princess becoming obsessed with the art of qin and getting in touch with a famous female qin master in the capital.

At least the luthier who was summoned was a knowledgeable woman, not a man.

Even if there were more exchanges like this, it would not attract criticism.

Although they didn't think there was anything wrong with the princess summoning a man, but the capital is troubled now, and even maids like them can faintly feel that if it is possible, they still hope that the princess can live through these years safely.

Based on the princess' past friendship with His Royal Highness, when His Royal Highness ascends the throne, the princess' situation will be much better than it is now.

In the room, there was a guqin in front of Princess Xinping, and she plucked it lightly with her jade hand, and the sound of the qin swayed along with it.

The woman kneeling by the side listened quietly, and seemed a little surprised by Princess Xinping's progress in piano art.

Plucking the Guqin, Princess Xinping stopped and asked, "What do you think of Ben Gong's piano skills?"

The woman was the female luthier who was summoned into the mansion, and said with a smile: "Princess, you are very talented in the art of playing the piano. Once you study hard, you will be able to make great progress in a day."

"You praise me so much, I have to take it seriously." Hearing this, Princess Xinping didn't take it seriously, but smiled.

Since Su Ziji asked her about playing the piano last time, Princess Xinping's interest in playing the piano has greatly increased, and it was only after that day that this famous female piano player in the capital was allowed to enter the palace.

Only when she listens to the female violinist give advice or praise her piano skills, can she feel a little bit of pleasure.

Otherwise, just staying in this gorgeous princess mansion, looking at everything around her, what she felt was an emotion that made her feel even more empty.

At this moment, a female official came in from outside and whispered something in Princess Xinping's ear.

"I'm tired, you should step back first." Princess Xinping changed her color slightly, looked at the female luthier, and said lightly.

"Yes!" The female luthier immediately restrained her expression. Just now, she was divided into half masters, so she could chat and laugh, but now she is a monarch and minister, so naturally she has to be respectful, and immediately retreated.

When the room was full of her own people, she looked at the female officer and asked, "You just said that something happened in the palace? What happened?"

The female official hurriedly reported: "Princess, thousands of people are making trouble at the gate of the palace. Although they were dispersed by the chief assistant and Mr. Qian, the emperor seemed to be angry because of this, and Eunuch Zhao was beaten to death because of this."

"Oh?" Hearing her father's anger, Princess Xinping became a little interested: "Angry because of Juren?"

The female officer replied: "This should be only one of the reasons. The main reason is that he was angry because of the first assistant. Because at that time, the emperor not only smashed Eunuch Zhao's head with an inkstone, but also scolded the first assistant. He was dissatisfied with the first assistant."

"What happened later?" Princess Xinping was not surprised that her own people could get this information. The world is full of prosperity, all for profit, and most things in the world are like this.

After all, she grew up in the palace and was once the emperor's favorite princess. With this capital in her hand, she didn't care so much about power in the past, so she fell to the current situation. But as long as she wants to get some news, she naturally has Method.

The maids around her are all maids of origin, and most of them have blood and fellowship with some eunuchs and maids in the palace.

Her father probably looked down on her as a daughter from the heart, so the process of her obtaining information was unexpectedly smooth.

(End of this chapter)

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