fake prince

Chapter 1150 What do you call me

Chapter 1150 What do you call me

Zhen Nanbo didn't go out all the time, but practiced calligraphy in the study. For some reason, he felt a little uneasy recently. Writing can be a way to calm his mind, but this method is somewhat ineffective today.

He raised his feet and saw six accountants reconciling accounts in a living room with account books. He suddenly realized that today was the day for checking last year's annual accounts, and everything was the same, so he went out again.

Seeing this, the housekeeper mistook it for Bright, and came in after a while: "Uncle, the accounts have been reconciled."

"Well, let's talk!" Zhen Nanbo collected himself, took a sip of tea, and continued to write and talk.

"Yes!" The butler said directly without using paper.

"In our mansion, last year, the master's monthly silver was 900 taels, the total monthly money of slaves and maidservants was 1357 taels, carriage and horse expenses were 142 taels, clothes were 1647 taels, heating was 136 taels, food and beverages were 1597 taels, enlightenment was 196 taels, opera and banquets were 166 taels, maintenance The mansion cost 72 taels..."

Zhen Nanbo didn't think it was boring. Every family had finances. In the past, they must have been very serious, but today they are just absent-minded.

"The monthly payment for slaves is 1357 taels, and there are 87 servants in the house, with an average of 16 taels?"

I was a little surprised, the male servants in the capital were slightly higher than the female servants, but they were around 10 taels a year, and each was 6 taels more, but then I laughed again, they were ordinary servants, and there were big maids and housekeepers on top of them, so naturally To be decent, this figure is not much, if any.

"Master! Master Yin Tan of Shuntian Mansion is here to see you!"

Just thinking about it, the sudden sound from outside made Zhen Nanbo's pen pause, and a drop of ink fell on the paper, and the writing was completely useless.

"The governor of Shuntian is here?"

He simply put down the pen, and looked at the anxious steward outside the door, feeling even more uneasy in his heart.

The steward said hastily: "The person has already entered, and he is going to the main courtyard soon, and he is still carrying a water and fire stick. It seems that the person who came is not good!"

Bad visitor?
Zhen Nanbo walked out of the study, and only when he walked into the courtyard, he saw the people who entered the main courtyard. Isn't the one walking in the front the one from Shuntian Prefecture Yin Tanping?
I am an uncle, according to the rules of this dynasty, the king and the county king are super-ranked, the country is fair, the county is the first-rank, the county is the first-rank, the country is the second-rank, the county is the second-rank, and the uncle is the third-rank.

I have also dealt with this Shuntian governor in the past, and the governor has always been polite to me, when did he directly break into the mansion like this?

The yacha was followed behind, indeed, with water and fire sticks.

Zhen Nanbo's color changed slightly, which would be an offense to any honorable person. With Tan Ping's personality, it is impossible for him to do such a behavior if there is no important matter.

I don't get involved in the struggle for the heir apparent, neither support the kings nor the great-grandson, and I never go against the emperor's affairs. It can be said that among the many nobles, he is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

What can I do to make Shuntian Fu Yin come to the door in person?

Seeing that Zhennan Bo was surprised, Tan Ping did not go around the bush, cupped his hands towards him, called Uncle, and asked straight to the point: "Is there a man named Hong Dao in your house? Someone reported him for leaking the exam questions. Is this the official?" Come and take him back for interrogation, and please call him out, so as not to cause misunderstanding."

"What? Hongdao, how is this possible?"

Zhen Anbo thought about many possibilities, but he never expected that Tan Ping would come after Hong Dao, let alone that Hong Dao, a servant, would be involved in the big case of Chun Wei's leak!

Zhen Nanbo couldn't help being frightened and angry: "Hongdao is just a mere servant, how can he know the exam questions, and how can he leak them?"

Could this be to trick himself?
If it is said that the most capable person in Zhen'anbo's mansion is himself, a servant in Zhen'anbo, who leaked the questions of this tribute test, what kind of joke is this?
Then he said coldly: "There is indeed a man named Hongdao in my house, but he is a servant in the house and has been ill for many days, how could he know this?"

In fact, Tan Ping didn't believe it either. If it was Zhennanbo who leaked the question, it would be more plausible.

What ability does a low-level servant who serves others have the ability to get in touch with the exam questions, leak the exam questions, and get involved in such a big case?

But since it is a clue, it cannot be ignored.

Tan Ping cupped his hands again, and said sincerely: "Uncle, you also know that the incident in Chunwei is very big this time, and it has already been heard by heaven."

"This is mostly accusation and accusation, but since someone mentioned it, it must be taken for interrogation. In order to avoid accidents and make it unclear, I came here by myself. Uncle, please understand."

Now that we've talked about it, can we still object? Besides, this is indeed Tanping's kindness. Zhen Nanbo was silent for a moment, then nodded: "If that's the case, let someone bring him here."

"Go, bring Hongdao here, and if he is too sick to leave, bring two more people to carry him over."

"Yes!" The housekeeper immediately responded.

One of the wing rooms where the son lived, was deserted and deserted. The bed was covered with a quilt, but the person under the quilt was shivering and had a sick look on his face.

This person is having a dream, and the self in the dream seems to be Hongdao, but also seems not to be Hongdao.

He knew very well that he was 15 years old in the dream, and he was lying on the bed like this, his forehead was hot, his body was cold, he was shivering all the time, and he was calling for his father.

A person who couldn't see clearly touched his forehead and said anxiously: "These doctors are really incompetent. They can't cool down after so long, so go ask the doctor again!"

"Yes!" Someone responded.

I don't know how long it took before a doctor appeared in front of him. Hongdao tried to open his eyes to look, but only saw a blurred face, but strangely, he knew that the doctor was staring at him with his head down. When he looked, The doctor suddenly laughed, and then began to rub his face with his hands.

Hongdao looked at the doctor's face in horror, which was originally blurred in his eyes, and gradually changed into a face that was exactly the same as his. Although this "exactly the same" was only a subconscious cognition in the dream, it was still blurred in reality. I don’t know clearly, but the self in the dream was terrified and wanted to scream, but the voice was stuck in my throat and I couldn’t yell out. The doctor didn’t stop until the doctor’s face, which was only a bit similar to my own, became exactly like myself. Come down, look at yourself, and smile again.


What exactly is going on!


Anyone can come here, help me!help me!There is a monster here, he has become me, he is pretending to be me!

Hong Dao shouted loudly, but the strange thing was that no matter how he shouted, no one responded. Gradually, everything around him dimmed, from gray-white to dark gray, and then quickly turned to black.

It's getting dark!

As the night approached, Hongdao faintly felt that something was wrong. He instinctively knew that if this place was completely shrouded in darkness, something very tragic might happen to him.


"What did you call me?"

"who are you?"

Unfamiliar faces appeared in front of him. Hongdao looked desperately, but found that he didn't recognize anyone. He suddenly felt great fear, but he didn't know what to do. He just ran in vain in the dark, shouting .

I don't know how much time passed, a tiny light suddenly appeared in front of him, Hongdao was overjoyed, and ran towards that direction with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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