fake prince

Chapter 1151 Spring Thunder

Chapter 1151 Spring Thunder
"This is the person, he is Hongdao."

A servant pointed, but the head catcher went up to look without making a sound, and saw a young man lying on the bed, tossing and turning, with a layer of sweat floating on his flushed face, his lips were dry, his closed eyes were restless, and the eyeballs were inside. It moved around and made noises from time to time, and it seemed that it was immersed in a nightmare.

"Without a doubt?"

"Yes, that's him." The servant replied without hesitation.

The yamen servants are all veterans, and they knew it was a real illness at a glance. They spit out bad luck and were afraid of infection, so they didn't come forward. The head catcher said coldly: "You still dare to slow down at this time, drag him out, is it possible Want me to do it!"

"Yes!" Yacha had no choice but to go over and directly pull him up and drag him to the ground.

Seeing that the person seemed to be awake or not yet, he didn't care, confirmed that it was this person, tied his arms behind him tightly, and dragged him away.

"Wait a minute!"

When the person was dragged out of the courtyard and was about to be dragged to the front yard, a figure hurried over from behind, panting, making people worry that if he ran faster, he would cough up blood on the spot.

"What are you doing?" The visitor walked a few steps closer, took a look at the man who had been tied up, and suddenly became furious.

"Hongdao is the servant of this son, who are you? You entered Zhennanbo's mansion to take people? Is there any law?"

"Shut up!" Just as he finished speaking, a cold voice came from ahead.

"Father..." Xie Zhenqing saw that it was Zhen Nanbo who stopped her, and he wanted to say something, so Zhen Nanbo gave him a stare.

This glance made Xie Zhenqing discouraged, and looked back at her father with an expression of unwillingness.

"Pull him out, pull him out!" Zhen Nanbo was also very uncomfortable in his heart, but he had no choice but to wave his hand and ask people to pull Hongdao out quickly, out of sight and out of mind.

"Father, what the hell is going on here?" Xie Zhenqing asked with an ugly expression on his face.

Zhen Nanbo sighed: "Yin Tanping of Shuntian Prefecture personally brought people to bring Hongdao, saying that Hongdao was related to the imperial examination fraud case, and he wanted to take him back for interrogation... Hey! My father is also confused about this matter, but Yin of Shuntian Prefecture personally It's such a big case to arrest people, and being a father is just an ordinary honorable man, how can he handle it?"

"But father, Hongdao is just a servant of Zhennan Bo's mansion and his son's servant, how could he be involved in the imperial examination fraud case?"

Xie Zhenqing spoke hurriedly.

Seeing his son in such a hurry, Zhennanbo felt uncomfortable. Although Hongdao was just a servant in Zhennanbo's mansion, if this matter went deeper, who knows if it would cause a catastrophe to Zhennanbo's mansion? ?
Now he only hoped that Zhennanbo's mansion could break free from this vortex, as for what would happen to Hongdao himself, he could no longer control it.

Although giving up directly like this will have a little impact on the reputation of Zhennanbo Mansion, and it will also make some people feel that Zhennanbo Mansion is deceitful, but when it comes to such a big case, it is not easy to get out of it unscathed, where else can I go? What else do you want?

He looked at his son, slowed down his voice, and persuaded: "Don't worry about him anymore, it's not for you and me to deal with it. If he is innocent, the Shuntian Mansion will naturally release him. If he is really involved, then the It has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you, you have to remember this!"

With that said, Zhen Nanbo hurried back.

Xie Zhenqing, who was left in place, looked at the figures of those people going away, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"what happened?"

"Why did the prefect of Shuntian lead people to take down Hongdao all of a sudden?"

Hongdao was taken away. The sudden occurrence of this incident broke the plan and made Xie Zhenqing feel that everything was out of control.

Obviously, all these years are in his own hands, how could there be such a sudden change?

Xie Zhenqing felt ominous. For a person like him, such a feeling definitely did not appear for no reason. The appearance of any intense emotion was an omen!
"Is it a secret from heaven?" He touched his heart subconsciously, thinking to himself, and his face turned livid immediately when he thought of this.

"It seems that this mansion may not be here for long!"

You don't need to check it out, you can guess that there are probably people hiding around the Nanbo mansion in this town. Other forces stared secretly, trying to dig out something.

He couldn't just go out like that, let alone call someone over.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhenqing walked forward slowly, but gradually drew closer to the corner of the wall. Suddenly, he took out an ordinary-looking pebble from his sleeve pocket, and threw it out with a whimper.

This stone is very small, so if someone is staring at it outside, they are afraid that they will not notice this ordinary small stone without any writing on it.

But this is a secret signal, and it has its own mystery.

He didn't go to the front yard right away, but walked slowly, and within fifty steps, there was a civet cat poking its head out in the nearby grass, and let out a soft cry.

Others watching, will only see Xie Zhenqing walking over, squatting down to tease the civet cat.

In fact, after squatting down, Xie Zhenqing moved his hand, but his words were quick and quick: "Listen, there is a sudden change now, and Prince Zhennan may not be able to suppress it anymore, so prepare to evacuate immediately! "

The civet cat nodded slightly towards him, and got into the grass again.

Xie Zhenqing got up again, but this time, she speeded up and walked towards the front yard.

"This is Hong Dao?"

Standing in the front yard with soldiers, Tan Ping suddenly saw a group of soldiers pushing a man over. The man looked young, his eyes were half-closed, and he seemed to be in a daze. After looking up and down, he asked said such a sentence.

The head catcher in charge replied immediately: "Yes, my lord, this person is Hongdao! I'm going to drag him out of his room!"

"What's going on with him?" Seeing Hongdao who was pushed and fell directly to the ground, Tan Ping asked with a frown.

Why does this person look a little wrong?
"My lord, this Hongdao is sick." Another clerk went over, grabbed Hongdao's hair, checked it carefully, and touched Hongdao's forehead. His forehead was hot and his face was flushed. He was indeed sick.

"It looks really hot."

"Is it a real illness, or is it pretending to be ill? Let me come and see!" Tan Ping heard it, but he didn't believe it.

How could it be such a coincidence?The imperial examination fraud case just happened, and soldiers came to take Hongdao back, but Hongdao had a high fever?Is this pretending to be sick, or was someone poisoned?
Could it be that someone else was involved, this Hongdao is only a cover, so someone wants to kill someone without anyone noticing, right?

Tan Ping, as Governor of Shuntian, has handled many cases, and this has left a sequelae, that is, he is suspicious.

He walked over directly, leaned over, and took a closer look, trying to see if the kid was really sick and confused, or he was just pretending to be sick.

"Boom" just approached, and there seemed to be a muffled thunder in the distance, but Tan Ping listened carefully, and there was no more, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Chunlei, is this a coincidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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