fake prince

Chapter 1152 Bring it up

Chapter 1152 Bring it up


There was a ray of light in front of him, and suddenly a stronger light burst out, Hong Dao flushed all of a sudden, it seemed that he was running in the right direction, and he could go out here!

The more he ran, the more he felt the ray of light in front of him became brighter and brighter, but he was very tired from running, and felt as if his whole body was being dragged by a mountain, and even simple movements like lifting his legs and taking steps weighed a thousand catties.

"No, I can't give up."

Not only the will to not admit defeat, but also the fear that made him grit his teeth and persist. He could feel that if this opportunity was gone, he would be finished.

"Come on, whether you can go out or not is up to you!"

Feeling that everything around is darker, there is a faint sound of water, it seems that something terrible is chasing after him, Hong Dao didn't care about anything, he gritted his teeth, struggled to jump, and jumped into that ray of light...


In reality, just as Tan Ping approached Hongdao, Hongdao suddenly reacted. His body struggled, his expression was ferocious, and with a short cry, he struggled again, and then stopped moving.

Tan Ping frowned and continued to stare, noticing that although the man was not moving, his eyelids were still rolling.

Sure enough, she was pretending to be sick, and she pretended so poorly!

Tan Ping sneered, straightened his body, and ordered: "Even if you are sick, you have to carry it to the yamen and take it away!"

"Yes!" The yamen servants responded loudly, and five people came up immediately, carrying Hongdao's head and limbs, and carried him out directly.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, there was a sudden sound, followed by a person walking quickly, with an anxious expression on his face.

"My lord, my servant is sick. Why don't you let him see a doctor first, and then go to the yamen when he is better? If you are worried, you can send someone to guard here. The weather is still cold. If you just take him back like this, I'm afraid not only won't you be able to ask anything, but your life will be lost!" Xie Zhenqing seemed to be very concerned about this person and begged for mercy.

Zhennanbo has been quietly watching from the sidelines. In fact, Hongdao is really sick or not. It doesn't matter.

But he didn't expect that his son, who was always sober, would come to stop him again. Didn't he explain the stakes to his son before?
My son is not such an unconscious person, why did he do this kind of thing again?

Zhennan Bo blushed and was about to speak, Tan Ping was already very upset, he came by himself to give Zhennan Bo face, and he didn't want anyone to be ignorant.

In the past, I heard that Zhennan Bo's son was always talented and learned, but I didn't want to be more than that, so I restrained my expression, glanced at it lightly, and scolded: "There are also suspicions in your mansion, how dare you stop Shuntian Mansion from doing business?"

"Master Tan, my son is just worried about delaying the matter, and he didn't intend to obstruct... He still doesn't back down!" In the last sentence, Zhen Nanbo said sharply, already filled with anger.

Xie Zhenqing's face flashed with greenness, if Tan Ping were to take Hongdao away to the yamen today, given Hongdao's current situation, the previous suppression and substitution technique would really fail.

He has done a lot of things for this identity, and he has done a lot of things with this identity. Could it be that he just gave up?
Isn't this a failure?
After Tan Ping finished his reprimand, he ordered the Yacha again to carry him away.

"Uncle Zhennan, I will take a step first." After speaking, he raised his hand at Uncle Zhennan and was about to stride out directly.

Xie Zhenqing looked at their leaving figure, slightly moved the hand hanging by her side, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

"Boom" there was another muffled thunder in the sky, Xie Zhenqing suddenly blushed, then turned blue again, sighed secretly, and could only take a few steps back to get out of the way.

"The heaven's secrets have been leaked!" Whatever you do at this time will be exposed immediately, and you will be backlashed, and there will be no time to evacuate.

If you can't bear it a little, you can make big plans, so you still can't act in a hurry at this time.

Xie Zhenqing's hand finally clenched into a fist, just watching helplessly as the person was taken out.

As soon as Zhen Nanbo turned his head, he saw his son's appearance. He wanted to say something more, but felt that he was too lenient to him. He wanted to scold him, but he couldn't bear it. He just snorted coldly and walked directly beside Xie Zhenqing. Nature is very different.

Xie Zhenqing also felt it. Normally, he would definitely explain a few words, but now, with a gloomy face, he looked up at the sky, turned and left, and when he reached a corridor, he said to the flowers: "Hurry up, leave quickly!" ,time is limited."

"Hmph, the eldest son of Zhennanbo, he got his name from waves." Tan Ping also thought about it. In the past, he would not easily offend Zhennanbo's mansion.

Being the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture is not an easy job, you need to deal with all the dignitaries in the capital.

But then again, a brick may fall from the Son of Heaven's feet, killing two people, and one of them may be someone with a background.

So it's good that these dignitaries didn't have any accidents, but once an accident happened, the end may not be as good as that of ordinary people.

When it comes to imperial examination fraud, since Tan Ping is one of the responsible officials, it is impossible for anyone to show face, because if he is not careful, he may have an accident himself!
I originally came here in person today, so as to avoid the inferiority of Zhennanbo's mansion and leave some room for it, but judging by the appearance of this son, I am afraid that there will be no second generation of Zhennanbo.

"Put him into the ox cart and take him away!" Commanding the yamen to carry him up, Tan Ping also got into the ox cart, followed by two other yamen, to prevent Hongdao from jumping off the car and fleeing.

Because there was a car, the speed was extremely fast, and he arrived at the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion in a short while. Several yamen servants dragged Hongdao in, and as soon as they entered, they saw the court.

The clerk sat kneeling with a pen and paper in his hand, and the yamen servants stood on both sides of the public hall with a big stick of water and fire in their hands. Watching Tan Ping forced a smile, he asked, "Did you bring it?"

"Bring it." Tan Ping sat down with rustling clothes, and said, seeing a large pool of blood under the courtroom, and a man whose life or death was unknown fell face down on the ground, his eyelids twitched, and he didn't say anything.

"Pull it down, bring it up!" Qian Wei cast a cold glance at the entrance, and ordered.

There was a slight movement at the entrance of the lobby, two yamen servants pulled one of them down, dragged bloody long bloodstains, seeing that he was dying, just passed by Hongdao who was pulled up.

Hongdao originally had his eyes closed, but at some point, he opened them. Looking around, he saw that this was actually a yamen. The bloody smell in the air made people sick, but it was like the cold winter air. Let Hong Dao's dizzy head wake up instantly.


He was thrown under the hall heavily, and then the yamen sent a majestic prestige, when the prestige suddenly stopped, the whole hall was immediately silent, so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling.

Hearing this voice and feeling the serious and murderous atmosphere, Hongdao's whole body trembled, as if the past that had been covered by fog was instantly clear.

(End of this chapter)

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