fake prince

Chapter 1153 What's wrong with the crown prince

Chapter 1153 What's wrong with the crown prince


Tang Wei yelled, but Qian Wei frowned and pondered alone. He killed three people just now. It is not the first time to kill someone with a stick. Beheading, even clearing up bandits and supervising wars shortly after the founding of the country.

"It's the first time I've been shot for a crime that doesn't deserve death." Qian Wei shook his head, his mouth was extremely bitter, but he just looked down with firm eyes: "I'm for the imperial court, why should I regret my personal reputation?"

Just as I was about to reach out and pat the gavel, I suddenly heard a loud voice from the hall: "My lords, I want to report—"

The incomparably shrill cry, as ear-piercing as a night owl, suddenly appeared, frightening everyone present.

The gavel in Qian Wei's hand almost fell off, and the muscles on his face twitched. Even though this gaffe belonged to all the staff, it still made him feel furious.

"Crack!" Qian Wei slapped the gavel hard, furiously: "Your Nanbo Mansion is suspected, and you are considered a hero, so you are honored. You are not called Uncle and Shizi, but you are asked. Dare to shout at the court now, it is simply presumptuous!"

Unexpectedly, these words once again stimulated Hong Dao under the hall.

Hongdao cried out almost crying: "No! I am the son of Zhennanbo! There is a monster who suppressed me and replaced me!"

Both Qianxu and Tanping changed their colors. It was originally a matter of interrogating fraud. In reality, no one would think that the fraud was directly related to Zhen Nanbo. Zhen Nanbo had no chance to get the test questions. Worth—a good honorable heir, rest with the country, to do this kind of thing that doesn't have much benefit and has a lot of ramifications?
Not to mention a mere servant, why should he participate?
But now, when Hongdao yelled out this voice, not only Qian Wei and the others were shocked, but even God seemed to be shocked as well. After this yell, there was a rapid "boom", and then a group of extremely bright electric lights came, shining The entire lobby was brightened with snow, dust fell from the beams, and then the lobby was dark again, and there was only a torrent of rain pouring down. That was all, but what made people palpitating was that a fireball appeared faintly, and it rushed directly towards Hongdao .

Tan Ping and the others were all stunned. He had been governor of Shuntian Mansion all these years, and he thought he had seen everything, but he had never seen this scene before, and today he opened his eyes.

The same is true for the yamen servants, have they ever seen this?They were all stunned, unable to move even if they wanted to, as if a force was pressing them down, making them carry a heavy mountain on their backs.

Only Qian Wei, seeing this scene, not only was not afraid, but grimly grinned with gloomy eyes, slapped the gavel heavily, opened his strange eyes and shouted: "This is the imperial court, and I, Qian Wei, obey the order." Interrogation, which monster dares to worship?!"

This sound was not loud, but this yell seemed to be another burst of thunder coming from a very far away place, which directly overwhelmed the rumbling thunder in the lobby, making the crowd with their ears buzzing all of a sudden. The ears are refreshed!
With a bang, the faintly appearing fireball turned into a ball of green fire, which was extinguished immediately with a swoosh.

This scene, coupled with Qian Wei's majestic drink just now, is really like the legend described in the storybook.

"..." The eyes of everyone were shocked, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"You are Hongdao, what grievances do you have? Tell me quickly, tell me, is there a monster who instigated you to cheat in the imperial examination?"

"No, it's not." Hongdao just said this. Seeing that the official above turned livid and murderous, he was obviously very dissatisfied. He is actually a very smart person, so he immediately changed his words: "But This monster, pretending to be a villain, and cheating, will cause chaos in the capital!"

"Oh? Are you telling the truth?"

"Everyone is a villain." Originally, the son of Uncle Zhennan should not be called a villain, but he has been a servant for ten years. Once he is threatened, he still instinctively calls himself a villain.

"The emperor's blessing..." Qian Wei let out a heavy breath, and then he spoke again, but he seemed to reveal a faint joy, turned around and said, "I will continue the trial, Mr. Tan, please go again. Surround the town of Nanbo Mansion!"

Having witnessed everything with his own eyes and heard everything with his own ears, Tanping already understood what Qian Wei meant.

The big demon actually replaced the eldest son of Zhennan, which probably did not happen in a short period of time. Since such a thing was called out, the false eldest son had to be arrested.

But this is not the key point, there are things that the big monster is causing trouble, and many things that should not be investigated and should not be in-depth can be pushed to the big monster.

Regardless of whether the fraud in the imperial examination happened because of the big monster, these things can be pushed out, and an explanation can be given to the people of the world.

After all, the scene just now, but many people saw it, it was not fake!
This is indeed the blessing of the emperor, turning a huge scandal into invisible.

Nodding towards Qian Wei, Tan Ping stood up and drank without saying a word, "Come on!"

At this time, there was another frightening thunder, but Tan Ping didn't hesitate anymore, and ordered sharply: "Prepare your horse, call Shanzhuying immediately, and go out with me, hurry up!"

At this moment, the torrential downpour had already fallen, but under the vigorous wind, only a moment later, a group of 80 to [-] people had already gathered.

Tan Ping got on his horse and ran straight out, followed by nearly a hundred riders also galloped out, dozens of riders rushed straight across the street, their horses' hoofs rattled rapidly, and they had the potential of a thousand troops.

Horses are not allowed in the capital except for emergency military situations, even if the capital is connected with the pro-army and the population has exceeded 70, this was a huge burden in ancient times.

But fortunately it is raining heavily now, and there is no one on the street under the crackling rain curtain, only a few people patrolling the street holding gongs. Spit: "This group of bastards... galloping in the rain, they deserve it for being killed."

Tanping couldn't hear the scolding, so he rode his horse across the street and arrived at the gate of Zhennanbo's mansion.

At first glance, the main door of Zhennan Bo's mansion was closed, but the side door was open. From a distance, there were two doormen sitting in the gatehouse, chatting and eating melon seeds, Tan Ping felt a little at ease.

Just now, instead of riding in an ox cart, I just rode a horse directly, and instead of taking a footman to the Yamen, I led over seventy riders to rush over, in order to take down the suspected false prince with lightning speed!
"Surround, go up." Tan Ping got off his horse, even though he was wearing ragged clothes, he couldn't resist the heavy wind and rain, the inside was already wet, but he didn't care, he just yelled.

At the corner gate, a doorman was sitting and talking, although he could faintly hear horseshoes, but it was raining heavily, so he didn't pay special attention, waiting to see the governor of Shuntian Mansion leaving and returning, and bringing more than [-] cavalry with him, all of them showed a change of expression , hurriedly stood up.

"Where's your heir?" Tan Ping asked sharply.

"Your Majesty?" One of the doormen hesitated for a moment, and the other spoke quickly, and said, "Your Majesty just went out and said he was shopping."

"Come on, chase after me!" Tan Ping's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he ordered directly: "Go quickly and seal the city gate! No one is allowed to enter or leave the city gate!"

As the prefect of Shuntian Mansion, it is natural to issue such an order temporarily, but this order scared several disciples of Nanbo Mansion in the town.

What's going on here?
Shizi, what happened to Shizi?
(End of this chapter)

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