fake prince

Chapter 1154 Immediate death

Chapter 1154 Immediate death
"Also, seal Zhennanbo's mansion, and no one is allowed to go out without my order!" Tan Ping shouted even more sharply.

"Go, go back and dispatch troops."


More than [-] cavalry left more than ten people to block the front and rear gates. The rest of the people, apart from rushing to the gates of the city immediately to issue orders to seal the gates, there were still a few cavalry who followed Tanping back. Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes Get up again.

The rain is pattering, but the meal has to be eaten, and now it is time to make dinner, every house is smoking, only one house is empty, this is a big house, not far from the city gate, it is dark, it seems that no one lives .

At this time, one person entered, it was Xie Zhenqing, who led the civet cat along the wall and arrived at a wing room, which looked very ordinary, with a table and a bundle of firewood leaning against the corner, no one cared.

Xie Zhenqing and the civet cat looked at each other, then pushed the table with his hand, only heard the sound of "quack", the table turned over, and the bricks underneath were also removed, revealing an entrance.

The civet cat rushed in first, then stood up halfway, stretched out its claws, and heard a sound of "Peng", and the candles on the wall were lit. It turned out that this was a secret room.

This secret room is not very big, and there is an altar in the middle. After Xie Zhenqing entered, a group of black shadows appeared in the dark room, all of which looked strange. They were monsters hiding in the capital where the dragon spirit is the most prosperous. They all knelt down .

Entering the altar, the civet cat took a deep breath: "I can finally say, it's really uncomfortable outside."

"How's the situation here?" Xie Zhenqing ignored it and asked.

"This house is the residence of an eighth-rank small Beijing official. It is small and unobtrusive. An official, no one dares to mess with it, so it is very safe."

"And there is a secret passage leading out of the city, in case something happens, you can go out here."

Xie Zhenqing nodded and was about to speak. Suddenly, there was a dull and loud noise from nowhere. The sound seemed to be spring thunder, but also seemed to come from the heart.

spring thunder?

No, no, it happened.

In an instant, Xie Zhenqing's reaction was very quick. He suddenly chanted the spell, and only heard a hum, and the altar, which was only lit by candlelight, suddenly brightened.
And the next moment, a flash of light illuminated the secret room in a pale white, and then there was a chilling thunder explosion, and the altar hidden in the ground exploded directly!

"Ah!" A few screams, followed by the sudden lightning, the surrounding monsters screamed, and some of them were blown out without even making a sound, or even torn apart!

And Xie Zhenqing snorted, and just spit out a mouthful of blood.

Shuntian government office lobby

There was a sound of struggling outside, and a high-pitched voice yelled directly: "Presumptuous! Our family is the servant of His Majesty, don't be rude! Our family can walk by itself!"

Another person was pushed and shoved in without saying a word.

Qian Wei sat in the lobby and watched the two come in with cold eyes.

Among them, the one who looks fair and has no beard is Wang Jinzhong, the eunuch serving the emperor in the palace.

One person looks like a civil servant, and it looks like a civil servant, and it is Liu Shiquan.

Wang Jinzhong, who was still talking softly, entered the lobby of Shuntian Mansion Yamen and smelled the smell of blood in the air. When he lowered his head, he saw a pool of blood on the ground in front of him.

This pool of blood looked soggy, it couldn't have been left over from before, and this terrible blood loss, even if no one was seen, could make people immediately realize that in this place, someone was beaten to a bloody mess just now.

Regardless of whether that person is still alive or not, I'm afraid he will be destroyed!
Wang Jinzhong's whole body trembled suddenly, and his face, which was not dark at all, became even paler.

Even Liu Shiquan, as a civil servant, should have more backbone. Seeing this scene, his body trembled and his legs became weak.

As a civil official, Qian Wei's attitude towards civil servants is naturally different from his attitude towards eunuchs.

There is a saying that "a scholar can be killed but not humiliated." He said lightly: "Liu Shiquan, you are an official ordered by the court, and I will allow you to stand up and answer."

He glanced at the two yamen servants behind Wang Jinzhong again, and the two yamen servants immediately kicked Wang Jinzhong's legs, and with a plop, they pushed Wang Jinzhong down.

Wang Jinzhong's face was flushed, and he shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Our family is also a high-ranking eunuch, and an official ordered by the court!"

Why can Liu Shiquan stand up and answer because he is an official ordered by the court, but he has to be humiliated by this?
It's fine if he doesn't say this, but once he said it, it added fuel to Qian Wei's already ignited anger. It was impossible for him to admit that the emperor was at fault, and it was naturally these eunuchs who were at fault.

These eunuchs obediently pleaded guilty and then were beaten to death, that is the end they should have. Don't want to dare to roar in court?

"Shut up, you're really shameless!" Qian Wei slapped the gavel: "You are such a lowly eunuch, are you still an official? If you don't confess, who ordered you? Tell me! Otherwise, you will be punished!"

You can't punish a doctor, so you should be careful with Liu Shiquan's punishment, but a eunuch is nothing more than a slave, so in such a big case, it is natural to use torture to interrogate him.

This person must also be the breakthrough point!
Qian Wei also knew that such a lowly eunuch would never dare to talk nonsense, if he didn't talk nonsense, it was just death, if he talked nonsense, then life would be worse than death, a bad death!
Wang Jinzhong was pressed on the shoulders on both sides, trying to struggle, when he heard this, he sneered with a pale face, obviously very dissatisfied with Qian Wei's interrogation of himself.

Just when he was about to continue to entangle with him about whether he was an eunuch or not, his head suddenly buzzed, and a more intense evil fire shot up from his chest.

Qian Wei saw this eunuch who was originally dissatisfied, and suddenly sneered and said, "Our family is a minister, who can order me? Of course it is Ma Dugong and..."

The following words seemed to be strangled by something, and suddenly he couldn't speak.

Qian Wei, who was sitting on it, turned pale with fright when he heard the first few words, and was about to stop immediately, but it was too late.

I thought it was bad, but this eunuch actually said such a thing in public, if he told that one, it would be impossible to deal with this matter.

In the end, I don't know if the eunuch suddenly realized that he said the wrong thing, or because of God's favor, Wang Jinzhong didn't say what he said behind him, and he opened his mouth like a cock with its throat strangled. It looked absurd, but it scared Qian Wei. endlessly.

"You dare to talk nonsense in the hall of Shuntian Mansion. It seems that you, a bitch, will never tell the truth! Come on! Immediately kill him!"

That's not right, my lord!The two yamen servants who followed Wang Jinzhong were stunned and looked up at Qian Wei, obviously hesitating.

Anyway, this is also a courtier in the palace, a high-grade eunuch!
It also involves major cases such as fraudulent imperial examinations. If there is a disagreement, they will be executed. Isn't there something wrong?Could it be that the adults suddenly became confused?
The hesitation of the two yamen is really reasonable.

Qian Wei knew what he was afraid of, but he couldn't tell others.

He glanced over with a vicious gaze, and said coldly: "You don't want to be rode, do you want to be rode yourself? Come on! Drag the two of them down first, and beat them twenty times each!"

"...Yes!" As soon as the other yamen heard this, some were clever, and immediately came up to drag the two people down.

Beating these two people, anyway, is to beat lightly, it is better than staying and being named to beat the eunuch!Even if something happened, it had nothing to do with them.

After a while, there was the sound of meat being smacked outside, and the ouch sounded once or twice before it turned into a muffled grunt, apparently gagged to avoid further trouble.

There was a slower yamen servant who had no choice but to hold down Wang Jinzhong under the watchful eye of the Shangguan. Wang Jinzhong already knew that the situation was wrong, and first of all he hated himself. How could he say this?
Seeing Qian Wei's cold eyes and murderous expression, he struggled desperately, neither of them could hold back.

"Take it down!" Now that they moved their hands, a few yamen hesitated, and used vicious tactics. After hearing a click, Wang Jinzhong screamed and was pushed down.

"No!" Wang Jinzhong knew that he didn't have the treatment of two Yamen servants who were punished with sticks. The two were just punished, and the executioners were also acquaintances. At most, they suffered some flesh and blood.

If he was beaten, he would really be beaten to death!

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his face was as pale as paper, he glared viciously at the people sitting in the lobby, struggled desperately, and at the same time cursed sharply: "Officer dog, the emperor will not spare you! You will die worse than our family! Our family is waiting to see how you die!"

When he spoke, the yacha was already crackling hard.

Qian Wei just sat in the hall like this, and didn't let anyone drag him down, just listened to the curse with such a gloomy expression, and urged in a cold voice: "Hit hard, and die immediately!"

Originally, the yacha had tried his best, but he still had some reservations. In case the lord suddenly regretted it, he could stop it in time.

Hearing the lord urging the stick to die again, the two executioners looked at each other, a ruthless look flashed across their faces, and they will use up their breath next time.

There was only a muffled "plop" sound, and Wang Jinzhong groaned. What was originally a scream turned into a muffled groan, and after two "plop" sounds, there was no sound.

In just a few blows, he really beat the person to death on the spot!

Looking at this scene, Liu Shiquan's face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and large beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

For a moment, he was really scared.

(End of this chapter)

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