fake prince

Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155

"As for you, come!" Qian Wei said coldly with a gloomy face, "Take off his official uniform!"

"Lord Qian, the 20 years of being an official..." Liu Shiquan trembled his lips, begging to see, it is not easy to be a Jinshi in his 20 years of studying, how could he just take off his official uniform without being tried?

If you don't strip off your official uniform, you are still a "criminal official", but if you strip it off, you are a commoner. This difference is very different even in prisons.

But just after he said this, Liu Shiquan stopped himself, because he broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of what Wang Jinzhong said just now.

When it comes to Ouchi, you can't talk about it, and you can't argue. If you refute and defend yourself, I'm afraid it will not only be useless, but also catastrophic.

Just because Wang Jinzhong, the lowly eunuch just now, actually tried to bite Ma Shunde in front of the court, and even wanted to bite Ma Shunde, so who else?If Shun Teng caught it, it would be a terrible thing!
Let this matter be like this, Liu Shiquan thought with a pale face, it's fine if he dies, it's a foregone conclusion, and it's impossible to change it, if he hurts his family again and makes his relatives guilty, he will be the sinner of his family!

After figuring this out, Liu Shiquan no longer struggled.

Liu Shiquan stopped struggling, Qian Wei stared at the prisoner, but showed a trace of warmth, waved his hand to stop the Yamen from stripping his clothes, and asked, "Liu Shiquan, are you guilty?"

"The lower official is convicted, and everything will be dealt with by the Hou court." After Liu Shiquan finished speaking, he fell silent.

"If I knew today, why bother?"

Qian Wei said with emotion, he had no intention to ask further questions, saying that in reality, the trial is just an explanation to the court, now that there is a culprit and a scapegoat in the middle, if the trial continues, it will be tantamount to creating a problem for the emperor, and even more embarrassing for the court .

After thinking about it, he said: "Since you are convicted, you should still be obedient to the court and go to prison to reflect!"

As he said that, Qian Wei waved his hand and asked someone to drag him down: "Leave the hall, come and prepare the car!"

Qian Wei can no longer sit still in Shuntian Mansion, this matter must be reported in time, and the ending of this matter must be finalized, and this matter must not be allowed to escalate!
What's more, I couldn't think of a closing excuse before, but now the excuse has been delivered to the door. It can not only have an explanation to the emperor, but also an explanation to the scholars in the world.

I must convince the emperor to let this case be settled!

"Go to the palace!" Qian Wei said as he got into the ox cart, put down the curtain of the cart, leaned back, sighed, and couldn't help pressing his temples.

In fact, from the very beginning, Qian Wei made a conclusion first, and then looked for evidence. This matter will develop to this point. What surprised me is that Wang Jinzhong, a bitch, is really daring to say such a thing. As for other things, everything is expected .

It is precisely because of this that Qian Wei has even more headaches.

Fortunately, among the misfortunes, it happened that Zhennan Bo's son was replaced by a big demon. Should it be said that it was God's blessing?

Closing his eyes, Qian Wei was working on the manuscript, thinking about how to speak before he arrived at the palace.

When we arrived at the palace, it was still early. At this time, the emperor was usually dealing with things. He went straight to the main hall where the emperor often went. Along the way, he could see guards patrolling all the time.

Outside the main hall, there are many armored soldiers, all of which give people a sense of depression and solemnity.

Qian Wei could feel that the atmosphere in the palace was more disturbing than when he came here before.

"The wind and rain are coming!" Qian Wei glanced at the sky, and the dark clouds rolled in, making him even more oppressed.

His chest seemed to be clogged with something, and even the palace that he often visited in front of him seemed to be different from usual, as if shrouded in misty colors, giving people a feeling of dusk when the sun sets.

"Lord Qian?" At this time, a big eunuch hurried out from the inside, and when he lowered his head, he saw Qian Wei standing under the stone steps. He was startled, trotted down, and asked, "Do you have something to report to the emperor?"

Although Qian Wei didn't like eunuchs, the eunuchs in front of him usually kept a low profile. Unlike Ma Shunde and Wang Jinzhong, he nodded coldly: "I have something urgent to report to the emperor. It is related to the case of fraud in the imperial examination. The case has been cleared. Come here to report to the emperor!"

Qian Wei is a frequent visitor to the palace, and he is an acquaintance in the eyes of these people. At this moment, he has to report the case of imperial examination fraud that has been proven. Even though his attitude is indifferent, the eunuch does not dare to neglect at all, and immediately said: "Master Qian, please stay here later." , our family will go in and report to the emperor!"

As he said that, he hurried up with the hem of his clothes, and hurried towards the hall.

But at this time, in the side hall, the person who hurried to arrive before Qian Wei was none other than the great eunuch Ma Shunde.

Ma Shunde has replaced Eunuch Zhao as the new Governor. He is in charge of almost all intelligence matters outside, involving major fraud cases in imperial examinations, which is the top priority of the emperor. As early as the accident in Zhennanbo Mansion and the death of Qian Weizhang At the time of Wang Jinzhong, the news had been quickly delivered to Ma Shunde.

When Ma Shunde got the news, he almost fainted. While cursing Wang Jinzhong to die, he came in such a hurry that he didn't even bother to wipe his sweat, just to come to the emperor one step ahead of time and tell the emperor the information he got.

When I reported it, I was extremely uneasy.

The emperor glanced at Ma Shunde, who was pale and sweaty, and frowned: "You are also a fourth-rank eunuch, how do you look like this, how can you raise your spirits?"

"Yes, the slaves are not enough to nourish their energy, I hope the emperor will forgive me!"

Ma Shunde's face was pale, but he didn't dare to hide a single word. He told everything that happened in the hall of Shuntian Mansion. Even Wang Jinzhong couldn't say a single word when he bit him. He replaced the eldest son of Zhennanbo.

"...Because all the gates of the city are closed now, Tanping is leading people to search around. If it wasn't for the guilty son of the false town, Nanbo, how could he have fled in a hurry? What's more, it is Wang Jinzhong who is talking nonsense in the lobby!"

Ma Shunde knew in his heart that no matter whether he was involved in the fraud in the imperial examination, the Supreme Being in front of him would not be able to get away with it, and he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

But this matter, can he say it?

Even though he knew in his heart that the emperor hinted at all kinds of things before, he couldn't say anything!

"Wang Jinzhong is biting everywhere, and his intentions are even more unpredictable. He is really insane. The servants are not strict with others. They are really guilty. Please forgive me!"

Ma Shunde talked about the big demon, and this matter can be completely blamed, and he also emphasized that Wang Jinzhong is hateful. Apart from these two, he simply confessed his guilt and let it be dealt with.

Because he knew that any defense he had would be a deduction rather than a bonus.

After all, Wang Jinzhong bit him. If he didn't take the opportunity to make the emperor hate Wang Jinzhong, if the emperor followed suit and pushed himself out as a scapegoat, wouldn't he be going to die immediately?

This is not nonsense, although Wang Jinzhong did not say that he was instructed by the emperor, but as long as a person who is not stupid listens to those words, he will feel a little different.

The emperor did this, and he guessed it, but this matter cannot be made public, let alone exposed, otherwise, no matter who it is, it is inevitable that they will die, and the person who bears the brunt of the disaster will only be himself. slaves!

Looking down at Ma Shunde who was kneeling at his feet, the emperor's face changed slightly, as if he couldn't make a decision for a while, and then he sneered after a long time: "This dog slave dares to bite randomly, good death, good death!"

As soon as these words fell, Ma Shunde couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and his heart sank. This time, he seems to have escaped again?
(End of this chapter)

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