fake prince

Chapter 1157 Rewards

Chapter 1157 Rewards
Qian Wei was feeling emotional when the emperor saw him in a daze, because he said, "Qian Qing, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how to deal with the aftermath of these things." Seeing the emperor smiling and looking at him, Qian Wei replied immediately, bowing his head respectfully, not daring to look directly at him.

After all the previous things, Zong Qianwei is still loyal to the emperor, but he also has lingering fears about the emperor.

"Yeah, it's not easy to deal with the aftermath!"

The emperor was very satisfied, stroked his forehead and let out a deep breath, but his expression was much more relaxed.

What is important now is not the governance of the world, nor the war of the world, but the most important thing is the internal problem - grandson.

The emperor doesn't need a subject who will resist him, even in the name of serving himself as the court, what he needs is someone who is both capable and loyal only to himself.

"Shou Fu went to pay his old age this morning, what do you think?" The emperor stood still while pacing.

He himself had told Qian Wei about the resignation of the first assistant.

But although Qian Wei is loyal, he is not stupid. Naturally, he will not let himself look as if he knows the truth. It is not a trivial matter to appoint or appoint an important minister of the country, it should be decided by the emperor."

"It's just that if you ask me for your opinion, I think that the chief assistant has always done a good job, and he's not yet seventy, so he can still serve the emperor for a few more years!"

Although the chief minister had said that he would leave, there were almost no cabinet ministers who did not want to be chief ministers, and Qian Wei was also a cabinet minister, so he was naturally moved for a moment. Therefore, I feel that I am afraid that I am not qualified for this position, so I dare not go along with it.

After hearing this, the emperor just nodded his head, as if he had listened, but after a while, he suddenly turned around and said, "Qian Wei, accept the order!"

"I accept the order." Qian Wei immediately knelt down and said respectfully.

"I ordered you to be the chief examiner, responsible for the future Chunwei!"

"...Yes!" Qian Wei responded immediately, but in his heart, he was even more amazed at the ability of the chief assistant to figure out the emperor's mind.

Shoufu was able to judge that if he answered in this way, the emperor would immediately order him to be the chief examiner of Chunwei.

Sure enough, those who can be the first assistant are all outstanding people, and I am far inferior.

The capital is a city with sea transportation and canals, but at the end of the previous dynasty, the finances were short of money and there were frequent wars, so it was silted up, and it was difficult for large ships to pass. The emperor ascended the throne, and the finances gradually became abundant. The river was governed for more than ten years, running through the sea transportation and the canal, so the ships gathered. Business flourishes.

There were mat sheds along the river and the street. Because of the sudden thunder and thunder, many people were terrified, not knowing what happened.

"The sound of thunder is so evil. Could it be some kind of monster?"

"It's possible, you don't know, it's said that there are ghosts here."

"Ah, what the hell?"

"I heard that it was a female ghost from the previous dynasty who hanged herself to death. She sighed quietly at night and scared away several people. The nearest one was bought by Gu Xiancheng, but she moved away in fright after not staying for a few days. No one dares to buy it anymore."

"What you heard is wrong. It's not a matter of the previous court. It's because this family got involved with the prince more than ten years ago, so he died..."

"Not only that, I heard that that one is old and confused, and treats his grandson as an enemy again!"

"Hush! Silence, don't talk about these, and save yourself from trouble!"

The pedestrians who were sheltering from the rain had a pleasant discussion, but when they heard this, they hurried away immediately, as if they were very busy, and many people would rather walk a longer distance in the rain.

Over the past few months, not only have various strange things happened in the court, but even the people in the capital have encountered strange things one after another.

The flattened shrine was once haunted by wild gods, which is a consensus shared by many people.

In addition to this, rumors about the grandson's strangeness and about various real dragons were circulated in private.

And during the time period between the old and the new, the old dragon's aura has declined and he can no longer give the capital protection, so some supernatural events also happen from time to time.

Some monsters that have only been known from outsiders before, can be encountered occasionally in the current capital.

This feeling is indescribable, and it makes many people subconsciously uneasy.

Today's big thunder appeared after the imperial examination fraud case, and it is still the sound of thunder. This is really impossible not to think about it!

And the source of the recruitment of Menlei is that the secret room of the remote Gu family's house is dilapidated, full of monsters, and the only "person" mixed in it is the fake son of the Nanbo Mansion of Zhennan who can't be found in Tanping now. , Xie Zhenqing.

Xie Zhenqing's handsome face was covered with dust, and even the clothes that were not dusty in the past were torn in many places, making the whole person look in a mess.

With his brows furrowed, he slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he opened them, he stood up abruptly and staggered a bit before he stood still.

The devastation everywhere, everything in sight made him feel cold in the bottom of his heart.

How powerful the sky thunder is, it even kills all the big monsters it recruits, and the comfort in the capital makes me forget the terrifying power of the sky!
"My lord!" Just as Xie Zhenqing felt a headache and was thinking about what to do next, a weak voice came from not far away. Xie Zhenqing turned his head to look, only to find that the civet cat was standing up against the wall.

Not only that, there was also a sound from outside, it was two little monsters, these two little monsters were also seriously injured, but because they didn't enter the secret room, they just stayed in this house, they took their lives because of it, and Tone, but also more out of air and less in in.

"How long has it been?" Xie Zhenqing pressed his forehead and asked.

The civet cat panted, and replied weakly: "My lord, three hours have passed..."

"Three hours..." Xie Zhenqing's head is buzzing now, not as responsive as in the past, but after listening for so long, he finally regained some consciousness, and secretly said: "It's broken!"

"Hongdao knows that I have a lot of inside information, so I can't stay!"

"It must be dealt with quickly." Xie Zhenqing immediately asked, "How many demons are there in the capital?"

Before the thunder bombardment, he didn't dare to say that he only attacked this place. There are monsters hidden in this place and a few other places. I don't know how many monsters can be used by him.

"My lord, there are only six of us in the house!" The civet cat nodded and said.

Six, civet cats are barely considered big monsters, but their injuries are serious, and the rest are not big monsters, and they can't even transform into human form.

Xie Zhenqing gritted her teeth: "Notify all the Yaozu in the capital that Hongdao is already a traitor. He betrayed our Yaozu, and our Yaozu will punish him."

"If this person is not in Zhennan Bo's Mansion... then go to the Taisun Mansion to intercept him, and kill him so that no one is left alive!"

After finishing the order, Xie Zhenqing glanced at it, and said again: "Whoever can complete the task, I will personally bestow the demon power, help him to be promoted, and teach three chapters of the law!"

"Yes!" The civet cat immediately became active, and responded immediately with a few slightly injured monsters.

You must know that there are differences in grades of demonic power. Once the superior person bestows the demonic power, he will immediately gain many benefits.

If carp and other aquatic species are bestowed by the Dragon Lord, there is a glimmer of hope to turn into a dragon!

This reward is not too high, the civet cat immediately forgot all about the miserable scene just now.

(End of this chapter)

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