fake prince

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158
There was a heavy rain last night, and there was movement in the early morning of the next morning. The concierge took a peek outside again, and saw that the walls of Zhennanbo Mansion were surrounded by the Shuntian Mansion’s good hunting camps, not only blocking the front and rear doors, but even There were also people staring at the fence without a door, all of them were carrying knives, and it seemed that they were really moving.

There was a servant woman who wanted to go out with a food box and a basket, but was stopped by the people from Shanzhuying. She frowned and said, "What do you want to go out?"

"Master Bing..." The servant girl said with a low smile, "There are dozens of people in the mansion who have to buy vegetables every day. May I pass by?"

"No, there is an order from above... No one is allowed to enter or leave!" The people who are good at capturing the camp shook their heads repeatedly.

In the past, the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture also wanted to give Zhennan Bo a face, but now these people are not accommodating, and even the servants are prevented from buying things.

Even later, the steward came forward and offered money to help buy it, but no one agreed.

"No, I'm sure I'll help with this job normally, who dares to take the money now, isn't he afraid of losing his job?" Someone who was a little familiar said directly in a low voice.

This huge town, Nanbo Mansion, is actually like a big prison. Have the people here ever been wronged like this?

But even the stewards of the uncle's mansion, whose eyes were above the top in the past, can only bear it now, all of them are pale and trembling.

The more respectable stewards tentatively asked the capable people beside Uncle and Mrs. Uncle, wondering what was going on, and whether it would implicate people in the mansion?
"Oh, I don't know what happened. Madam cried all night last night, and the eldest son didn't look for it when he went out, and even welcomed that young man into the upper room to take care of him!"

"The master kept sighing and didn't sleep all night. Who would dare to ask about this situation?"

The maids and servants were all in a panic, but they didn't know what to do. How could they know that Zhennanbo and his wife were facing something more heart-wrenching than being besieged by armored soldiers.

"I didn't expect that the son I have been raising all these years, the eldest son of the uncle's family who has placed high hopes on him, is actually disguised by a big monster!"

"And the real son is a servant next to the fake son!"

Even though Zhen Nanbo and his wife felt distressed because of what happened to their own son, they were also deeply hit by the fact that many years of hard work were in vain and that there were no successors in the uncle's house!

Of course, after regaining consciousness, the husband and wife are even more terrified. The uncle's mansion has been hidden by a big monster for many years, and has also been involved in the imperial examination fraud case. What will happen to Zhennanbo's mansion?
"Ma'am, are you going to visit Mr. Hong...?" The maid next to Madam saw that Madam was restless and seemed to want to go out. The servant immediately understood and asked in a low voice.

The madam was graceful, she looked like a standard noble lady, even if she suffered the shock of her son being replaced, even though her face was pale, she could barely maintain her expression and would not collapse.

But the distance is only one step away.

She said sadly, "It's my son after all... Hey! My poor son!"

The people beside him listened and looked at each other, but they didn't dare to show any strangeness.

Madam is crying in pain, is it the son who has been sent back to the mansion, or the son who has fled and disappeared?
Among other things, it turns out that although the son is fake, he is personable and familiar with the scriptures. Although his body is a little weaker, he is heart-wrenching.

As for the real son, everyone sees him every day, he is just a servant, how to turn around at this moment?
Look, Zhennanbo has not accepted it until now, and has not visited him yet!

"Can Hongdao go to sleep?" the lady asked when he walked to the courtyard where Hongdao stayed after being sent back.

This courtyard is not the courtyard where the eldest son of Bofu lives, let alone Hongdao's original room. Since the big monster lived there, who knows if there is something terrible hidden in it?
As soon as Hongdao was sent back, after learning about this, the uncle ordered the courtyard to be sealed up.

Not only was he feeling awkward, but also because the big monster lived there, so no one could destroy the scene inside. If the emperor wanted to send someone to investigate, wouldn't it be an added crime if he destroyed it here?

So after Hongdao was sent back, he lived in a side courtyard very close to the main courtyard.

The two servants guarding the door looked at each other, and one of them hurriedly replied cautiously: "Hongdao...Young Master, you're not asleep yet..."

After hearing this, the madam went in with a servant and a maid.

After entering the courtyard, the people inside noticed it.

Hongdao, oh, it should be called Xie Hongdao now, Xie Hongdao came out and bowed deeply to Mrs. Uncle: "Mother."

This call was extremely dry.

It's not just him, Madam was in a trance, but looked at the former servant, she couldn't believe it, and asked dryly: "My son, are you okay? Are you used to living here?"

Xie Hongdao replied: "Mother, don't worry, living here is very good."

"Oh, that's good." Madam looked at him, not knowing what to say.

These years, she and Xie Zhenqing have been mother and son, and her son is sick and weak, so she and her husband put in a lot of energy, and Xie Zhenqing is more filial to her and his uncle.In fact, even now, Madam still can't figure it out, how can such a son who is good in everything except his health be a monster?

Xie Hongdao has been with Xie Zhenqing for many years, and he also lived in the uncle's residence. With just one glance, he can tell what Mrs. Uncle is thinking.

The already uncomfortable mood was even more painful because of the care that his biological mother unconsciously showed for Da Yao.

Thinking of when he was just sent back, when Zhen Nanbo, who was his biological father, looked over, Xie Hongdao stood there, almost unable to maintain the smile on his face.

But if this matter is really investigated, can father and mother be blamed?
After all these years of getting along, treat him like your own son, how can it be possible that you don't have the slightest nostalgia for that big monster?

But the question is, what did I do wrong?
To be replaced and turned into a slave is to be the worst, okay?

The two briefly said a few more words, Mrs. Uncle also wanted to be nice to him, Xie Hongdao could also feel this, facing Mrs. Uncle's gaze, he could only force a smile, and in turn comforted: "Mother, I can now Waking up, no longer being forced by that big monster, this is already a blessing in misfortune..."

"Don't worry, I've learned something over the years, so I won't let you lose face."

Just as he was speaking, someone suddenly ran in and reported: "Ma'am, the eunuch Xuanzhi is here!"

"What?" At this moment, an ominous premonition emerged in everyone's hearts, and Mrs. Uncle immediately said to Xie Hongdao: "My son, follow me out to receive the order!"

Arriving at the courtyard, after all, it was Xungui's house, an incense table had been set up, Zhen Nanbo also came out from the main courtyard, and the group knelt down.

Just looking at the eunuch who declared the decree, he knew that there was nothing good to happen, so he unfolded the imperial decree with a cold face and read it in a shrill voice.

Xie Hongdao knelt in front of the crowd, his head was buzzing, he could hardly hear any sound, only a few words kept echoing in his ears!

"...Although it's a monster, it's also caused by not cultivating virtue. How can you be in the hall of honor if you are so indifferent? Let's cut off the title of Earl of Zhennan..."

The earl was cut off, the earl that the ancestors traded their lives for was cut off like this!
"I...accept the order!"

Zhen Nanbo's face turned pale, but he still insisted on kneeling down to thank him for cutting the noble.

The eunuch didn't accept the bank note handed over by the housekeeper, and just left.

Everyone in the mansion looked anxiously at Uncle Zhennan who was standing holding the imperial decree... No, he can no longer be called uncle.

He stared blankly at the imperial decree in his hand, for a moment, his body suddenly went limp, and he fell down.


(End of this chapter)

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