fake prince

Chapter 1159 Seeking a ray of life

Chapter 1159 Seeking a glimmer of life


The surroundings were startled suddenly, everyone's faces turned ashen at first, and then they woke up with a start, and hurriedly held Zhennan Bo, some helped Zhen Nanbo to call, some people went to look for soup and water, some people stared at him at a loss. Know what you can do.

Mrs. Uncle looked blankly, and only said in her mouth: "Uncle, there is nothing wrong with you..."

But the housekeeper was able to hold on, and called someone: "Uncle is in distress and lost his mind. He is unconscious for a while. It's okay. Go and call Mr. Zhang, and don't make any noise."

When someone orders, someone will naturally execute it immediately. There are one or two doctors in the rich and powerful mansions, so that they can be found immediately when there is an emergency.

If the disease cannot be cured, you can only go to a famous doctor outside, or simply go to an imperial doctor.

Although Zhen Nanbo was deprived of his rank, it is impossible for the doctor in the mansion to leave immediately. He came over as soon as he was invited, and immediately went up to check.

"Ah..." At this time, Zhen Nanbo gasped heavily, woke up, his face was sallow, his hands were trembling, and he wanted to get up, but he couldn't get up at all.

This inspection is bad news!

"Uncle, this is a stroke. The internal wind is not light..." Zhang Langzhong straightened up and sighed. As soon as he said this, everyone looked at the person who was helped to lie on the bed, and there was a trace of despair on their faces.

Uncle Hao's title was cut off suddenly, which was a heavy blow to the entire town of Nanbo Mansion.

However, in the imperial decree, although the title was cut, the house was not confiscated, and the third-rank general Zhaoxin was not even cut off. There is hope.

As a result, Uncle had another stroke at this moment!

Looking at it like this, Zhang Langzhong didn't need to say anything to know that Uncle had suffered a severe stroke. This was a great stimulus!

The uncle didn't fall down, and he still has connections to manage. Once he fell down, who would he rely on, the wife or Xie Hongdao, who was the servant yesterday?
This uncle's mansion is about to disperse.

"Qing'er...Qing'er..." Zhen Nanbo, who was lying on the bed, struggled and yelled, as if his mind was not clear, and he was still thinking about his son.

Madam Uncle burst into tears and said, "Don't shout, master, don't shout, he's gone already! Gone! That's a monster, not our son!"

"Qing'er... Zhenqing..."

The person on the bed opened his dull eyes and murmured the name of his so-called son. It was obvious that he had received two major blows, and his head was directly confused.

"Doctor, what's the matter?"

"This is an internal wind. I was confused for a while. I prescribed a few medicines for clearing the mind and lowering the blood. After a few hours, I will be refreshed." Zhang Langzhong was thinking about how much money he still had, and whether he could go to another house, but he continued to say .

Although he was thinking about it, he didn't slack off. He concentrated on prescribing the prescription and ordering to get it. You don't need to go to the store, most of the houses have it. , go!"

When people were asked to decoct the medicine, Mrs. Zhen Nanbo looked at her husband with red eyes, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Resent it?

Naturally, he was complaining, Zhennan Bo's mansion had always been low-key and didn't disturb others' eyes, so why was it picked up by the big monster and replaced by the big monster's son?
I have raised the big demon as my son for these years, even if I feel hatred at this moment, how can these years of feelings be erased immediately?

Hey, things have come to this point, and it doesn't make sense to think about these things.

The title is gone, and now people are also sick, the whole uncle's mansion is like a building that is about to collapse, what can I do?

It's not just Mrs. Uncle who is panicking, the servants, even the calm housekeeper, are also panicking now, not knowing what to do next.

First of all, the uncle's mansion will be greatly changed. The mansion is not an imperial gift, so it can still be kept, but some courtyards are not suitable for people without nobles, so they can only move out and seal the yards.

The door plaques and some furnishings in the mansion will also be removed and put in the warehouse.

There are also some buildings and decorations that have to be changed. In this precarious time, it is necessary to do these things urgently. Otherwise, it will be fatal to be sued to the emperor again.

Xie Hongdao just stood by, watching the servants coming in and out, watching the servant girl serving his biological father to drink medicine, watching his mother standing aside, persuading with tears.

Seeing that his father was old and confused, but he was still thinking about "son", such affection between father and son made Xie Hongdao feel even more uncomfortable.

He didn't know what he could do, and what they needed him to do now.

I have been just a servant all these years, even though I can read and write, I haven't read a book seriously at all.

Those years when I was a prince were too far away for me, I only vaguely remembered many things, and it is impossible to pick up the studies that have been wasted for these years.

Xie Hongdao walked out silently until he got outside, into the empty courtyard, but still no one noticed this, no one chased after him, no one came to ask, and no one noticed.

Although he was recognized, there was no place for him to stay in this huge mansion.

Those who are close to him in his memory are also impossible to come back.

If I said that I was lucky before, I have already confirmed this point now.Although he was recognized, in fact, perhaps Xie Zhenqing was the eldest son whom he had hoped for.

Xie Hongdao didn't dare to test it out. Was it because he didn't say anything in the lobby and just died there under torture? Zhennanbo's mansion will remain the same as before, and neither father nor mother will be saddened by major changes despair?
There was still noise in the distance, and no one cared about it. Standing in the corner in silence for a long time, the original depression was suddenly ignited by something.

"Bastard, why?" Xie Hongdao's eyes were burning, why, why should he want to die for that evildoer?
Why did no one care about him when his father fell down.

Why is it that the uncle's demise of the nobles is originally a sin committed by monsters, but it has become the reason for him.

Thinking of the big monster who took everything away from him, Xie Hongdao's eyes glowed like will-o'-the-wisps: "No, why? I am the son of Zhennan Bo."

Saying this, there was a sudden noise, and when I looked up, it was actually a cat passing by. I didn't care at all, but when I turned around, I couldn't help being startled, and suddenly my hair stood on end.

"When I was this demon's servant before, I remembered that this man controlled many monsters, some of which were animals."

"Could it be one of them just now?"

"No, I know many secrets of this monster. If I stay in the mansion, I will definitely die when he reacts!"

"Only by fleeing to the Taisun's Mansion now, before he can react, I can have a chance!"

Nanbo Mansion, a big town, could not give himself a sense of security at all. As soon as Xie Hongdao was alert, he took nothing, looked around, and directly kicked his feet on the wall, fell from above, and landed silently .

If it is said that the only benefit from being around that big monster is that he has to kill for the big monster, and has to learn the ability to protect himself and kill people.

After coming out, Xie Hongdao didn't stop at all, and ran directly to Taisun's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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