fake prince

Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161

"The city gate is on fire, and it will bring disaster to the fish in the pond!"

Su Ziji looked at the suicide note for a long time and sighed.

Xingye said in this letter that he had been in poverty for ten years, his family had endured hardships, and even the traveling expenses were money from selling fields. gained fame.

Not only was all the efforts of the family in vain, but it also cheated everyone related to him.

In this way, how could he have the face to go back?

Go back, can't go back.

Stay, and can't stay at all.

The future is hopeless and gloomy.

Instead of continuing to linger on, it is better to kill yourself, so as not to become a shame and burden to the family after returning.

Every word is really crying blood, and there are still some wrinkles on the letter paper, as if tears flowed down when writing, and the letter paper was wet.

After reading the suicide note, Su Ziji couldn't help falling into silence.

Was Xingye wronged?
To be honest, Xingye was not wronged to end up like this, after all, that's what the court law stipulated.

It is related to the imperial examinations and the fate of many people. If you want to get ahead, you have to crowd out many people and walk on that single-plank bridge.

People who have only seen the bridge have infinite scenery, but how many people have fallen off the bridge?


Under such circumstances, anyone who tries to cheat in the imperial examination will be severely punished, even the cheater's off-line and off-line will be found out, and the examiner will be implicated. Only in this way can the whole world accept his failure , Accepting that he was deposed was only because of insufficient level, but he questioned the court and justice.

This doubt is the negation of the court.

Use heavy codes for important things!
Xing Ye was stripped of his reputation for cheating, and went home silently to face the elders in his hometown, but who told him to cheat when he bought the title?

If he hadn't done this in the first place, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

But then again, if no one sells the test questions so arrogantly, if no one presents real questions to lure these candidates on a large scale, so many candidates will not be involved.

It shouldn't have happened, it's not normal.

In the past, even if Xing Ye was not [-]% sure about this imperial examination, he would never dare to hide something and bring it in.

Because people like Xing Ye have indeed memorized everything in the books they learned, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have studied hard for ten years.

For many people who have reached the level of juren, entrainment is basically useless. What they have to do is to "bet" in advance, betting on the examiner's preferences, rushing to read the examiner's previous articles, try to figure out the meaning of the court, and do some articles in advance. Time to polish, and then to bet on the possibility of using these articles.

Most of the preparations made by Juren are such preparations.

So if no one leaked the test questions, even if someone made nonsense about some test questions, as long as it wasn't true, and it wasn't true that someone was cheating, it wouldn't cause any bad effects.

So even if Xing Ye was happy for nothing, at least he could go back to his hometown and continue to be a juren.

"It really hurt Chi Yu." Su Ziji murmured, this was just a small aftermath of his fight with the emperor.

One aftermath, I don't know how many people's fate has been changed.

As a high-ranking person, every move, even just a momentary liking, if someone figured it out, it might have a great impact.

It's not a saying that the upper and lower are effective.

Su Ziji thought again, Xing Ye is dead, what about others?Many Juren were deprived of their fame. It is not known whether they went back in embarrassment or chose the same path as Xing Ye.

Even some people in the rich and powerful were not spared, like Zhennanbo, who was obviously a victim, the big demon replaced Zhennanbo's eldest son, and used the real son as a servant, Zhenanbo's family is really an innocent victim .

As an ordinary person, how could he see through the spells of the great demon?
Moreover, the dignitaries in the capital also somewhat know that there are restrictions on the big monster here, and it is impossible to think about it in this regard.

But the good title was still cut off because of the emperor's anger.

It can be seen that even the rich and powerful cannot escape Chiyu.

Su Ziji was just contemplating, when suddenly there was a commotion outside, he recovered his senses and asked, "What's going on outside?"

The wild Taoist also looked outside, and a guard hurried in and reported to Su Ziji, "Your Highness, a man covered in blood came outside the inn, claiming to be the real son of Uncle Zhennan, and begging to see you!"

Su Ziji frowned slightly: "The real son of Uncle Zhennan wants to see Gu?"

I just thought of Zhennanbo's family just now, but Zhennanbo's real son suddenly ran to find me, still like this, is this another trick of the emperor?
Or is there a monster waiting for an opportunity to attack him?

Su Ziji let go of his consciousness and swept away, frowned slightly, subconsciously touched his waist, and suddenly a murderous look rushed up from his eyebrows.

"There is a demonic aura, but there are more than a dozen monsters lurking near the inn, and they haven't approached yet."

"The majestic capital, the center of dragon energy, is actually a group of demons dancing wildly!"

Although Su Ziji didn't know whether these monsters came after the man who claimed to be the real son of Zhen'an Bo, or they came together with the monsters to wait for an opportunity to attack him, but this side must be seen.

Su Ziji sneered, and within a moment, he had already recited the mantra, then he waved his hand and said, "Let him come over."

He didn't leave the room, although there was a dead man hanging beside him, but it was quiet here, no one came to see the dead body, it was a good time to talk.

Soon, following the sound of footsteps, a person staggered in from the outside, indeed with bloodstains, when he saw Su Ziji, he glanced at it first, as if he was making sure of something, then said with a puff and knelt down: "Your Highness , the villain Xie Hongdao, I have something important to report to you in secret."

"Little man?" Su Ziji was a little ridiculous, a dignified son, calling himself a villain?

However, this was a request to speak in secret. Seeing that Yu Lv Fangxi wanted to avoid it, Su Ziji stopped him and said, "Then go out and talk in Gu's carriage."

Since this person said so, he probably didn't want to talk about things in the inn.

Xie Hongdao nodded in front of him, followed Su Ziji and walked out.

On the way out, he attracted more attention than when Su Ziji came in.

Su Ziji was wearing casual clothes, and many people didn't know that this was the grandson, but the people walking out behind Su Ziji had bloodstains on their faces, hands and clothes. Enough to scare many people.

Originally, another person died, but now, everyone hastily avoided, fearing like tigers and leopards.

With a flash of Su Ziji's eyes, he felt the eyes of the monster staring at himself and Xie Hongdao. His heart moved, and he believed it.

The monster's malicious eyes couldn't hide from himself.

"Are you being chased by monsters?"

Su Ziji couldn't help but look forward to it, maybe this Xie Hongdao really has something for himself?

(End of this chapter)

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