fake prince

Chapter 1162: The Shocking Secret

Chapter 1162: The Shocking Secret
The two got into the bullock cart, which was very big, with two rows of seats in the front and back, and a small table in the middle.

Su Ziji sat down, and a wild Taoist handed over a wet towel. Su Ziji wiped his face and hands with a hot towel, and took another cup of tea. Feeling the human beings and monsters secretly watching outside, he said: "You Say, you are the real son Hongdao of Zhennanbo Mansion?"

"Yes, Your Highness, the villain is Hongdao." Xie Hongdao replied.

"Tell me, why did you come to see Gu?" Su Ziji leaned firmly on the cushion, looked out of the car, and said with a slightly sad look in his eyes.

He didn't ask to sit down, let alone offer tea, Xie Hongdao was very used to bowing, and looked around, besides himself and his grandson, there were wild Taoists and Huidao.

Xie Hongdao hesitated for a moment, knowing that he could not see the grandson alone.

The so-called, please cover the left and right, and let all the people around the grandson avoid it. This is only possible in dramas, and it is impossible in the real world.
Xie Hongdao knew that a nobleman's time was precious, and he had to defeat and win the trust of his grandson in just a few words, and immediately said solemnly, saying word by word: "That's right, the villain was replaced by a monster before, and his memory was tampered with. So I have been following that monster and knowing many of his secrets."

"Oh?" Su Ziji became interested when he heard this, and looked at it with a teacup in his hand.

He suddenly had a premonition that the big demon who replaced the real son in front of him must have a big picture, and knowing the secret of this big monster would only benefit him and not harm him.

Seeing that his grandson was interested, Xie Hongdao felt relieved, and continued, "This monster, whose alias is Xie Zhenqing, has done many things, one of the biggest of which is to deliberately let the villain return the Great Return Pill and Putting the alchemy formula in advance where it can be found in the mausoleum is equivalent to dedicating this great return pill to the current emperor."

Speaking of this, Xie Hongdao looked at Taisun, but found that Taisun's expression did not change, and he was not too moved. His heart moved, and he could only continue talking.

"This Great Returning Pill is said to prolong life and increase longevity for a hundred years."

Speaking of this, Ye Taoist couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You are talking about the mausoleum of Emperor Wei Long'an, right? Although this emperor lived to be 67 years old, which is not considered a short lifespan among the emperors of all dynasties, it has nothing to do with a hundred-year longevity, let alone increasing a hundred-year longevity."

"If it really has this effect, why did Emperor Long'an refuse to accept it and keep it as a gift to Jinshang?"

While talking, he sneered a lot, and in a blink of an eye, seeing Hui Dao was in deep thought, he couldn't help being surprised: "Why, did I say something wrong?"

"Actually, according to the records of the master, the Xiao Huan Dan can prolong life for a few years. Although the Great Huan Dan does not have the power to increase the lifespan of a hundred years, it is said that it does have the effect of prolonging life for two periods."

"As for what you said, why Emperor Wei Long'an didn't use it, I don't know." Huidao said in a down-to-earth manner, looking at the grandson.

The grandson waved his hand thoughtfully, "Go ahead."

"Yes, to successfully refine this Great Returning Pill, you must do one thing..."

Could it be that Xie Hongdao wanted to say, use the heart of a beginner?Su Ziji smiled slightly, he already knew this secret.

Xie Hongdao then said something that was enough to shock Su Ziji, and he just listened and said: "...It is to exchange dragons for dragons!"


As soon as the words fell, there was a muffled thunder outside the bullock cart, and the lingering sound continued for a long time.

Then someone shouted in the distance: "It's going to rain! Close the windows!"

It sounded like an innkeeper, but almost at the same time, everyone in the car shuddered, Huidao couldn't help but change color, the sky was thundering, it meant that the secret had been broken!

What Xie Hongdao said in front of him is true!

Su Ziji also realized it immediately, his face changed color, he glanced around, and then smiled: "Master Huidao, please go and kill all the monsters that are following you immediately, leaving no one behind!"

This was the first time he called Hui Dao, and he spoke politely, but decisively. Hui Dao didn't resist, and without saying a word, he jumped off the bullock cart.

When Huidao left, Su Ziji's face turned around, became calm again, and said, "Go on."

Xie Hongdao, however, took a look at the wild Taoist who was still in the ox cart. Su Ziji knew what he was thinking. From what he said as soon as he came in, he guessed that the next thing to say might be more important. I wasn't so taboo when I told the truth just now, but now I'm more careful.

Su Ziji said, "This is Gu's confidant, just talk about it!"

"Yes!" Since the grandson had already said that, Xie Hongdao was not afraid that what he would say next would make the grandson angry with him, so he said it boldly.

"The meaning of exchanging dragons for dragons is that the Great Rewarding Pill is effective for ordinary people, but not for emperors. Because emperors have the hope of thousands of people, and every action is related to the destiny of heaven, so it is necessary to prolong the life of the emperor and find someone who bears the destiny. Its refining medicine."

"Emperor Long'an didn't know this reasoning, so although he refined the Great Return Pill, it didn't work for him."

"According to what the big demon said, although the Great Returning Pill left by the emperor of the Wei Dynasty has only been presented for a short time, this dynasty has actually achieved a true Great Returning Pill, which can be effective for the emperor..."

"Today, it is said that the emperor's luck was at most three years, but after taking this Great Repayment Pill, the emperor who had gone earlier was able to live again, and he lived for another 20 years..."

Su Ziji understood the meaning of the words in an instant, and gasped, he really couldn't calm down now, his face turned livid.

The death of the prince!

The real reason for the death of the prince was found!

The prince actually wanted to prolong his life because of the emperor's life, so he was regarded as the most important "medicine" to increase the life of the emperor!What a crazy thing!
The prince of a country, who is both talented and famous, and the eldest son of the queen, if he was killed for other reasons, it is easy to understand, but for the emperor's own selfishness, in order to use the prince's life to make a big reward And die, it is appalling!

"Pa" Ye Daoist held the silver bottle, handed it over to Su Ziji, his hand trembled, and splashed it on the table. Fortunately, it was warm water, so there was no major trouble, but Ye Daoren didn't insert it, trembling : "This is impossible..."

Hearing this shocking news, even the savages couldn't hide their shock.

What absurdity!

It's ridiculous!

Everything, including the death of the prince's family, is all because of this incident?

The emperor's heart is so cruel, it is obvious that he used the prince's life to make the elixir, killing the prince is enough, and even erasing all the blood of the prince's line known to the outside world, isn't this a bit too much ?

Did you do something with an open mind, so you simply cut the weeds and root them out?

No wonder!
No wonder the old emperor quickly repented after establishing the lord, and pressed him every step of the way. Is this going to do another big redemption?

And it's still old-fashioned, but still using this kind of frame to convict the grandson, and then not only stigmatize the grandson, but also get his life to make pills?
In this way, all the things that I couldn't figure out at first were all strung together!
(End of this chapter)

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