fake prince

Chapter 1163 Three Years Looking for a Swordsman

Chapter 1163 Three Years Looking for a Swordsman


The sound of raindrops broke the silence in the car, Su Ziji sat leaning on his chair, his expression a little numb, and Ye Daoist was even more stiff.

Looking around, I can see the drizzle, and the pavilions and streets near and far are all covered in it. The spring rain is still cold, and there is a high probability of death in the rain in ancient times, so the streets are sparsely populated and very quiet.

Seeing Su Ziji watching the rain scene, his eyes full of confusion, with a look of sadness and joy, Ye Taoist and Xie Hongdao didn't dare to be alarmed, and stood there blankly.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang heard Su Ziji sigh and chant.

In the past 30 years of searching for a swordsman, the leaves have fallen and branches have fallen several times.

Ever since I saw peach blossoms, I have no doubts until now.

Su Ziji chanted very slowly, each word seemed very heavy, although Xie Hongdao was persecuted, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him, his grandson was rich and noble, but it was hard to feel the affection of his father and grandfather, and himself, finally, his parents were still alive.

The savage Taoist seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer. The lord's family background was so miserable!
Thinking of the death of the prince and the extermination of the family, some people fled with the infant prince in their arms, traveled thousands of miles, and arrived in Linhua County, where they became commoners and lived a peaceful life for more than ten years, but the good times did not last long, but He died again, leaving only the lord alone.

After several struggles, the protagonist won the first prize, and by chance, he recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan. He thought he could enjoy family happiness, but unexpectedly, he not only failed, but fell into the emperor's deep, vicious and inhumane trap.

The dignified grandson is just a pill for refining medicine.

Thinking of this, Ye Taoist's eyes turned red and he almost shed tears.

"My lord, this is the end of the matter, what else can I say, but fate does not only love one person." Ye Daoist wiped the corners of his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I have studied Taoism, and I know a little about it Well, the emperor may have received the destiny, but once it defies the sky, the destiny will disappear and the destiny will change."

"Since the lord has become the great-grandson, he is the legitimate heir of Dazheng. This is the destiny given to you by the heavens. If you say that you will not take it, you will be blamed. The prince also accepted the destiny back then, but he didn't know how to fight for it. You must not leave the prince. the old way!"

Su Ziji said nothing, just nodded heavily, closed his eyes to calm his emotions, opened them again, looked at Xie Hongdao in front of him, and asked, "Why did you reveal this secret to Gu?"

Xie Hongdao knew that this was the key moment, so he knelt down in the bullock cart and kowtowed again and again: "Your Highness, the Zhennanbo Mansion has declined because of the villain, and the villain just wants to kill the monster now, and then To revive the family, in order to achieve these two goals, the villain will die for it!"

"Is it?"

Su Ziji's eyes were dark and cold, he stared at it for a while, and then said coldly: "Gu can promise you, if you do things with all your heart, in the future, Gu will restore your family's title."

As soon as these words fell, a flash of light illuminated the inside and outside of the bullock cart pale, and then there was a terrifying explosion of thunder, which made the bullock cart tremble. Fortunately, the cart was stopped now, otherwise the bullocks would run wild.

At the moment when the surroundings suddenly brightened, Xie Hongdao's eyes inevitably looked at Taisun.

Taisun's face was icy cold, but Xie Hongdao knew that what Taisun said was true!
And at this time, I have no other way to go, once the emperor knows that he knows this secret, not only he will die, but Zhennanbo's whole family will die.

It seems that there is a choice, but in fact there is no choice at all, so no matter whether what Taisun said is true or not, I can only believe it!

Lightning flashed across, and the light inside the bullock cart dimmed again.

Su Ziji's eyes were cold and cold, and he said to Xie Hongdao: "Chunwei will take the exam again, and the examiners will be re-selected, but the original thirteen examiners can be won."

"You work with monsters, and you are from Zhennanbo. You should know all the families in the capital and know how to contact them safely and secretly."

"Go, test these 13 people and see how they treat Gu."

Su Ziji thought for a while, and then said: "If someone is willing to be close to Gu Gu, you can write down the name and report it to Gu Gu. If you don't want to get close, you don't have to worry, just write it down and report it to Gu Gu together. "

This task is not easy, but Xie Hongdao is not surprised but happy.

Since he wanted to take refuge in the grandson and win a future of Zhennan Bo's mansion, he had to show his value and let Su Ziji take a look.

If I, the real son of Zhennan Bofu, can't serve the grandson or make meritorious service, why should I talk about winning a future for the Bofu?
Xie Hongdao knew that this was a certificate of honor, and immediately kowtowed again and again: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, the villain will definitely contact them well and examine their attitude towards His Highness, but..."

He smiled wryly, and said, "The villain is being hunted down by monsters. These monsters are good at hiding and tracking. If I leave, they will swarm up again. At that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the villain to escape."

Xie Hongdao did have rules for how to contact these people, and he was never timid. Although he used to be a servant in the uncle's mansion, the information he had and the methods he learned were not comparable to ordinary people.

But although he has the ability to kill, he can still face off against ordinary monsters, but facing the siege of a group of monsters, he really has no choice but to escape for his life.

I'm afraid that as long as he leaves Taisun now, he will be chased and killed by monsters immediately.

Su Ziji said lightly: "You underestimate the people who are alone, these monsters are nothing more than mere..."

Just as he was speaking, there was a sudden scream from outside, the sound was sharp and ear-piercing. Su Ziji smiled and stopped talking, just raised his cup.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Faint screams came from the east or west in the rainy night. This was the beginning of Huidao's killing. At this time, in the rain, I could see the lights of the houses were on, and even separated by an alley, I could hear the watchmen watching the night. The gong was beating slowly, and the sound of "I'm safe and sound-dang" came from time to time.

There was no one at night, and the monsters were harvested one by one, which did not attract much attention.

Even if someone nearby heard the screams, such a terrible sound, ordinary people would not dare to come out to check.


Huidao didn't wear old clothes, standing wet all over, in front of his eyes were a few corpses, all kinds of animals, the blood flowed down with the rain, but Huidao took the time to ask: "Strange?" , you are just monsters who are not even big monsters, it is possible that He De was able to hide his figure, and it took a little effort for Pindao to find you?"

"Bah, why should we answer you?"

About a dozen monsters were confronting Huidao in the alley, outside and in the trees further away.

They refused to answer, but although their teeth were sharp and their paws gleamed with cold light, they remained motionless, their eyes fixed on the old man, not daring to relax for a moment.

A tiger demon said angrily: "Hey! You are old-fashioned, we have no enmity with you, why do you come out to support this pillar?"

A monster around it also shouted: "What does the person we want to kill have anything to do with you, and you came to stop it? You also killed our brothers!"

"Do you know who we are, if you offend us, you are the enemy of the monsters in the world!"

But Huidao knew that he had killed some monsters, and the remaining monsters were already afraid, so they were so aggressive.

If you were really not afraid, you would have rushed forward, and then with a downcast face, you said in a cold voice: "It seems that you don't want to answer, the poor can only show mercy and send you on your way."

"As for the monster race..." Hui Dao sneered, his disdain already palpable.

(End of this chapter)

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