fake prince

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164
"Hateful!" Hearing these words, the monsters showed ferocity, and they all became murderous in the face of this old man's repeated obstruction!
To be a monster is to have a strong desire to kill. This time I was sent a mission to hunt down and kill Xie Hongdao, and this must be done!

If you can't complete this task, I'm afraid you will be punished severely by the adults.

They don't believe it anymore, a dozen monsters besieged him, and they couldn't kill this old man!

"Let's go together! Kill this old man!" Tiger Demon shouted sharply.

"This old Taoist killed several of our brothers, we can't let him go, kill him. Take revenge for the brothers!" More monsters yelled.

As soon as the words fell, the tiger demon screamed loudly, and the sound waves shook his head, as if the whole alley was also shaking. At the same moment, six faint black shadows rushed straight in all directions, so fast that they arrived almost in a blink of an eye.


With a flick of his hand, Huidao immediately flung out several spells from his wide sleeves, and there was no need to ignite the fire, and the red light immediately lit up.


One was a body talisman, and it snapped, and immediately emitted a red light, which directly shone on the monsters that were in front of them.

"Ah!" It seemed to be paralyzed, and for a moment, several monsters could not move.


He wasn't an alchemist who majored in killing, but Hui Daozhen was extremely proficient in fighting, especially after he took refuge in Taisun, he had already begun to arm himself.

Among them is the accumulation of spells. A Taoist like himself who is inferior to Liu Zhan in combat skills can make up for this shortcoming in other ways.

Whether it was preparations for spells, instruments, or various instant kills, there was no suspense in this battle from the very beginning.

This is the inspiration I got after helping my grandson to do things.

With the blessing from the grandson, the alchemist who let himself join the grandson in this way became the nemesis who specializes in defeating monsters!

The talismans originally drawn were very common. When Taisun followed Yu Lu Fangxi to find him, the talismans he took out at that time were all passed down from the past, and they were rare editions.At that time, how could I have imagined that one day, he would be able to draw a more powerful talisman by himself?

Although Hui Dao is not as powerful as Liu Zhan's ultimate move, he also has sword skills. The mahogany sword may not be powerful enough to kill people, but it is just right for killing monsters!
A few screams sounded, and the monster closest to Huidao was instantly frozen. He could only open his eyes wide and watched the Taomu sword sweeping towards him, but he couldn't move at all. Finally, he screamed and was cut off by the Taomu sword. head off.

The monster that was not immobilized roared, and its sharp claws went straight to Huidao's back.

"Ding!" It was also a body-fixing talisman, and with a "poof", Hui Dao directly backhanded his sword, piercing his chest directly!
When the monsters saw this, their eyes were red.

But in the face of such a veteran who is full of murderous intentions and doesn't pay attention to martial arts, they have nothing to do!
They are ruthless, and the old ones are even more ruthless!

"Get out!" Seeing something bad, the tiger demon immediately shouted when he knew that he had hit the iron plate.

As soon as the sound came out, the remaining monsters no longer had the heart to fight, and turned around and fled.

"It really is an idiot!"

In the decisive battle between life and death, aura is very important. If you lose your aura, you will not be far from being killed.

The same is true for these monsters who suddenly felt fear and wanted to run away immediately.

I saw a monster rushing out, not far away, suddenly screamed, fell to the ground, his legs twitched, as if he had been cut by a wire.

"Ah! There is a formation here!" The monster who fell to the ground realized that there were traces of white wire nets on the footsteps, and it was this one that fell.

Still wanting to get up, just heard a "pop", and the demon head flew out.

There was a scream from behind, which made the monster escape faster, and then there was another scream of "ah", just for a while, Huidao killed another monster when he also saw the silk net trip.

"No, it's hidden. When did he put it on?" The group of monsters were all terrified.

In the dark rainy night, the old Taoist, carrying a blood-dropping mahogany sword, walked over step by step.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" A rabbit monster fell to the ground, it was not very courageous, it was already trembling with fright at this moment, and couldn't help but yelled.

Huidao's eyes were full of coldness, and he swung his sword directly.


"Run away!" When the rest of the monsters saw it, they were all terrified and had no intention of fighting any more. They "boomed" and fled in all directions.

"Run away, jump on it." If you can't do it on the ground, you can jump on the eaves and trees.

"Ah!" A monster jumped up and fell down again, white lines appeared in the air again, he immediately yelled in horror: "No!"

In an instant, Huidao's figure disappeared from the spot, and in the next moment, his figure appeared behind this monster, and he slashed down with a sword.


In the rainy night, he killed the last one after chasing him. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and he was soaked all over. On his robe, he didn't know whether it was rain or blood.

Obviously, he has gone crazy.

All the monsters who tried to escape were chased and killed by Huidao one by one.

There was only one monster, who had never shown his face from the beginning, hiding in the dark, watching this scene, trembling.

Because its original shape is a civet cat, it has its own way of hiding its body shape.

Hiding tremblingly on a tall tree, the civet cat didn't even dare to vent its breath until it saw the old man chasing after the tiger demon in the direction where the tiger demon was escaping.

"Meow, I can feel the silk thread." It was like lightning, and it fled wildly in the opposite direction.

"You actually let one go." When Huidao came back with the mahogany sword, he sniffed it lightly. In the rainy night, apart from the damp water vapor, there was also a hint of civet cat smell that had not completely dissipated.

The civet cat-based monster is extremely fast. Judging from the time, it has been running away for a while, and it should be impossible to catch up now.

The falling rain not only isolates the fighting from the screams, but also makes tracking more difficult.

Huidao frowned, staring at the direction where the civet cat might escape, but after all, he still didn't catch up.

It shouldn't be a mistake to kill so many monsters and only escape the weakest civet cat, right?
After washing the wooden sword with rainwater and casually carrying it on his back, Huidao turned around to where the ox cart was parked.


At the Taisun's ox cart, a group of Yamen servants are surrounding the ox cart, and the leader seems to be talking respectfully to the Taisun in the ox cart.

Huidao immediately passed by, and before he approached, those people smelled the strong smell of blood on Huidao's body, and immediately pressed their knives vigilantly over.

"It's Daoist Hui." The leader shouted to stop.

Not only Taisun has already said that he was attacked by a monster on the way, and asked the Taoist to chase and kill the monster who assassinated Taisun.

Huidao came here with the smell of blood on his body, but he didn't immediately make targeted actions. Many government servants looked at Huidao with a little surprise in their eyes.

And, for this person, he also knew Huidao.

"It's you, Lord Shi."

Hui Dao's gaze also fell on the leader of the Yacha team, an acquaintance, Shi Chengyan.

After Shi Chengyan saluted with the grandson, he was called out, and at this moment his eyes were also looking at Huidao. The two eyes met for a moment, then they each moved away.

The curtain of the car in front of Su Ziji was lifted, and he said to Xie Hongdao: "You have to do the task entrusted to you with all your heart."

"Yes! The villain will definitely live up to His Highness's expectations." Xie Hongdao also agreed awe-inspiringly, turned and left when he saw nothing to say.

Su Ziji glanced at Huidao who had just come back, then looked at Shi Chengyan again, and ordered: "I already know that Shuntian Mansion has mobilized the good hunting camp, real person, you go with Shi Chengyan, and strangle all the remaining monsters in the capital. "

"Also, follow the investigation and find out the person behind the monster, especially the fake son. If you really find out, report it to Yu Gu."

"Yes." Huidao and Shi Chengyan immediately responded awe-inspiringly, especially Huidao, when he raised his eyes, he saw Taisun's strong murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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