fake prince

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165

A group of people left, and the rain became heavier at this time, and the raindrops as big as soybeans crackled the car windows.

Seeing the group of people going away, Su Ziji thought for a while and said, "Let's go on, Xing Ye's matter has to be dealt with."

The wild Taoist's face glowed blue, and he said: "My lord, why don't I deal with it, your status is precious, so it's better not to be contaminated by such a bad smell."

Su Ziji smiled and said: "Fengyun, you think about me, I know, but, just say that the East Hongqiao not far away, 100 people saw it, and there are [-] descriptions, because people's hearts are different."

"Xing Ye's death is self-inflicted, and it's a trivial matter for us, but we treat Yu Lu differently. It's the same person with the same status and the same status as me. If he hanged himself suddenly, or was he implicated in the cause, don't you feel guilty?"

"Their hearts are heavy. If I look at it lightly and say it makes sense, I won't be a friend who compares my heart to my heart."

After hearing this, Ye Daoist's eyes were a bit complicated, and he said after a long time: "Yes, I will go with you."

Turning around the inn, there was already some commotion, but at first glance, there were a few police officers holding iron rulers on patrol, presumably the government had already visited, and they should have checked the situation.

"I heard that brother Xing's body has finally been put down."

"Hateful, even if the fame is deprived, he is still a scholar, so humiliating."

"Well, who told them to cheat?"

Several people standing in the lobby of the inn were discussing in low voices about Xing Ye's suicide by hanging himself. They were obviously concerned, and their expressions were dignified and lonely.

When I saw it, I heard a yell: "I have already been prosecuted, and I committed suicide in fear of crime. The higher-ups have ordered that the fame and fame should be deprived, so I will deal with it as a civilian!"

"It should be buried. If there is no coffin, it will be cremated. Don't bother us with everything."

Then, while the boss was bowing, a group of patrolmen and Yamen came out one by one, with a very impatient attitude.

Su Ziji was also on the side, and did not step forward. Watching him leave, Fang heaved a sigh of relief and fell silent.

Obviously, the government confirmed that Xing Ye had committed suicide by hanging himself, so they no longer cared about it, and only let the innkeeper handle it himself. Seeing the bitter expression on the owner's face, he said yes again and again, and sent him away before he took a deep breath.

"Boss, how do you deal with it?"

"Hey, he still owes me 17 taels of accommodation money, but he is also a guest, so I'll buy a coffin and send it to Yizhuang outside the city for cremation!"

"Cremation? It should be sent back to my hometown." Some people were dissatisfied.

"My lord, my lord." The boss cupped his hands and begged for mercy: "Sending corpses back to the hometown, there is such a business, but it's a long way, and it's very bad luck. There's no one or two hundred taels of silver, it's impossible!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone present fell silent.

This is a lot of money, this court is not stingy, and the salary can be said to be generous, but a fifth-rank person counts various allowances, and it is only 424.38 taels of silver a year.

Even if he is a prince, his annual income is only 12473.8 taels of silver.

One 200 taels is affordable, but who is willing to pay?

"Even so, you have to be decent when you leave. I'll pay five taels of silver for a piece of clothing."

"I pay seven taels, the coffin to be fired should be thicker!"

"I'll pay six taels, let's make some money to do a ritual."

The innkeeper originally planned to send people there directly, but some scholars donated money one after another. Although not many, they accumulated dozens of taels of silver.

The innkeeper seemed very moved, and he bowed his hands together: "In this case, I will send someone to buy a coffin, and then hire a bullock cart. Then I will change into new clothes, put it in the coffin, and send it to the Yizhuang outside the city."

"Delay more time, everyone don't feel bad luck."

"How could it be?" Although it seemed like everyone was saying this, their eyes wandered away, and the trial was about to happen. It's better not to get this bad luck, and try not to get it. It's impossible to return the hotel, so you can go to another place to open a house. Nothing more than an extra money.

"This is the death of a rabbit and a fox."

Su Ziji smiled and didn't speak. I don't know if it was a rainy night, but the inn was a bit gloomy and cold. When he came to Xing Ye's room, someone came out of it.

It seemed that two people came to visit. Seeing Su Ziji standing outside the door, the two of them were stunned for a moment. One of them had an elegant demeanor and a bookish face. Back off first.

"My lord, this person seems to have seen you before."

"It's okay to recognize it, I'm not doing ghost worship."

Su Ziji walked into the deserted house again. The person who was hanging from the beam had been laid flat on the bed. The body of the person who was hanged was already stiff. Naturally, it was not very attractive, but it looked like it had been taken care of. However, I also put on new clothes. Although they are not good-looking, they are much better than before.

And the person who took care of his remains, needless to say, was naturally the person from the hotel.

"The boss has a heart!" Su Ziji sighed with emotion. Obviously, as soon as the government allowed it to be put down, they sent someone to sort out the remains.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi were standing beside them silently.

Su Ziji withdrew his gaze, and said: "Death cannot be brought back to life. The funeral is important. I took 300 taels, 50 taels to buy a coffin for Xing Ye, 150 taels to send back to his family for travel expenses, and the remaining 100 taels." , but to leave it to his family, so that they can live a good life after the burial, I wonder if 300 taels is enough?"

Yu Lv immediately said: "Grandfather Xie, 300 taels is enough, even if there is a small gap, I will be able to make up for it."

In fact, even if the grandson does not pay the money, no one will say anything.

There is no friendship between Taisun and Xing Ye, it is nothing more than the relationship they have seen.

Xing Ye himself tried to cheat and was stripped of his fame. He felt that he had no way to survive, and that's why he had the current result. All this was not caused by his grandson.

What Taisun is doing now is based on morality, so you can't turn a blind eye when you see it.

That's it, I also took out 300 taels, which is enough.

For many people, 300 taels is a savings that they will not be able to spend in a lifetime. For a family, even if they are already extremely poor and live on 100 taels of silver, it is enough to relieve their vitality and live a good life.

Fang Xi also said in a low voice: "I and others have also donated some one after another. Some people have a good family and donated ten taels, and some donated a few taels. In addition, Fang Xi and I pooled together two or three hundred taels. .”

"Three 400 taels are used for a family's livelihood. It should be enough to buy more than ten acres." Yu Lv said with a sad expression.

If Xingye's family were to choose, they would definitely not hope to get such a sum of money, but hoped that Xingye would survive.

It's just that things have come to this point, and it doesn't make sense to say these things.

Fang Xi thought for a while, and then said: "Speaking of which, I know some people who can find a reliable boatman... It would not be difficult to send Xing Ye back directly."

Yu Lv answered: "This saves the family from traveling back and forth, it can be faster and save some money."

The most important thing is that generally speaking, it takes at least some time on the way from the capital to the hometown.

After traveling a long distance, if Xing Ye's family members arrive before taking the coffin back, after all this, the corpses will probably rot when they return.

It's still cold now, as long as there are some preparations, it should be able to be buried decently when it is transported back.

But what they want to do, Su Ziji, who has already paid money, doesn't care about it. He nodded and said: "It is indeed a good way to find a reliable boatman."

After a pause, Su Ziji looked outside the courtyard, the sky was completely dark, the cold wind passed by, his eyes seemed to penetrate the streets, and he said slowly: "The imperial examination will be in three days, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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