fake prince

Chapter 1166 I hope I don't have this day

Chapter 1166 I hope there is no such day

Yu Lv was startled, and said: "The Ministry of Rites has dispatched, and the Shuntian Mansion has already notified you."

Fang Xi also raised her head all of a sudden: "It's a good thing to be able to take the imperial examination again immediately. Some exams have limited expenses, and if they stay here for too long, I'm afraid they will go home without money."

Su Ziji turned around and said, "Then how are you preparing?"

Fang Xi immediately said: "I have repeatedly previewed my homework on weekdays and memorized the books, but I still feel a little bit out of place with the current policies of some imperial courts."

Su Ziji looked out of the window in deep thought, without saying a word, he said after a while: "Then I will give you two a test question, you two will answer it, and I will see your level."

It is quiet here, no one will come if there is nothing to do, so it is very suitable to take a test here, although it is a bit of a hell.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi don't have time to worry about whether it's suitable or not. The grandson is busy, so they don't see each other whenever they want.

At this moment, I am willing to give myself a test, which is to give me some advice.

Not to mention that Taisun was quite good in the imperial examination back then, much better than the two of them.

Now that he is in the center of politics, he will be the top of the mountain, and he can see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance. The grandson's knowledge is definitely first-class, much better than all the officials.

Even if he could figure out the preferences of the new examiner, it would be better to get a few words from his grandson here.

Therefore, both of them responded immediately.

Su Ziji said: "One person and two people, whether they have intentions or not."

This was a question directly, and it was the original exam question. Fang Xi and Yu Lv were startled. However, because of the leak, these two exam questions had been rehearsed a long time ago, but they still thought about it carefully.

Su Ziji waited with his arms folded.

After a while, Fang Xi had an answer, and replied: "Your Highness, my answer is...you will not be rewarded if you do good with your heart; you will not be punished if you do evil without intention."

After hearing this, Su Ziji smiled lightly, and looked at Yu Lv without saying yes or no.

Yu Lv thought for a while before saying clearly word by word: "Your Highness, my answer is...good will be rewarded even if one is willing, and evil will be punished even if one has no intention."

It can be said that the answers of the two people are diametrically opposite.

Regarding this topic, many people have been discussing and even arguing about it for a long time. Judging from the expressions of Fang Xi and Yu Lv, it is obvious that they have already argued more than once.

When Su Ziji mentioned this, his face was expressionless, he first commented on Fang Xi, and sighed: "Fang Xi, you may not win."

"Your Highness, why do you say that?"

Fang Xi was a little surprised, and still a little bit dissatisfied. Although he didn't study hard for a while, he changed it later. He worked hard and thought he was not different from others. Why did he think he might fail the exam before he took the exam?
Su Ziji saw his dissatisfaction and puzzlement, so he didn't argue, and said quietly: "Your thinking is still limited to the perspective of ordinary scholars, not from the perspective of governing the country."

"Strictly speaking, even scholars are somewhat unqualified."

Su Ziji's tone was casual, but his words were serious: "What are you studying? The Four Books and Five Classics. What are you studying? It's Chunwei, and the state selects scholars to be officials to govern the country."

"If you do good with your heart, you will not be rewarded, and if you do evil without your heart, you will not be punished. It sounds good, but people in the world are not sages. Who can do good without heart, and if you don't reward you if you have the heart, then everyone will be unkind."

"Why, if you don't reward if you have the heart, who will do good deeds?"

"Not to mention that evil is not punished. Only you know your heart and others don't. Who can know whether you have intentions or not. If something bad happens, you will naturally be punished."

"Or, some people kill people, some people betray the country, and call me unintentional, will you let me go?"

"Therefore, if you do good with your heart, you will not be rewarded for being good; if you do evil without your intention, you will not be punished for being evil, which is really a bad word for the world, and it directly conflicts with the imperial government and Confucius."

"The story about Zigong redeeming people and Zilu receiving an ox, don't you know?"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Xi was not convinced, and wanted to jump up to defend, but was startled suddenly. This is a famous allusion.

Zigong redeemed the Lu people from the princes, and he came and gave up without taking the gold. Confucius said: "Give and lose. From now on, the Lu people have not redeemed people. If you take the gold, it will not harm you. If you don't take the gold, you will lose it." There is no redemption."

When Zilu rescued the drowning man, his man worshiped him with an ox, and Zilu accepted it. Confucius said: "The people of Lu will surely save the drowning man."

Zigong didn't need to pay for redeeming people, everyone didn't redeem people, Zilu saved people and received cattle, everyone did a good deed.

Thinking about it carefully, Fang Xi couldn't help but change color, the color of dissatisfaction gradually faded, revealing deep thought.

This reason is actually very simple. From the two allusions, it can be seen that if it conflicts with the great government, how can it be admitted?

This reason, both of them are scholars who have already passed the Juren examination, as long as they point it out, they will naturally understand.

"To put it bluntly, this is using ghosts and gods to suppress the human way and the king's law, and our exam is in the human world. It is only natural for the human examiner to demote you."

After Su Ziji finished speaking, he turned to Yu Lv and said, "What you said is that kindness must be rewarded even if one is willing, and evil must be punished without intention. It is generally correct."

"It's just that it's not human."

"Although internal law and foreign Confucianism are mentioned, external Confucianism is still necessary. If there is no word benevolence, the judiciary will easily become a legalist tyranny. If the examiner thinks you are mean and admits you lowly, you have nothing to say. There is also a reason for falling."

"The crime should be judged by the facts, and the seriousness should be judged by the intention or unintentional."

"This is in line with the teachings of the sages, and also in line with the hearts of the country and the law."

Yu Lu and Fang Xijiu read the scriptures and immediately realized that this is the original meaning of the mean. The mean is not the meaning of mediocrity, but the harmony of law and human feelings, literature and martial arts. It can be said that this legal principle is not easy for all generations. can leave it.

Seeing that both of them were deep in thought, Su Ziji smiled again as if he realized something, "Actually, even if this is the case, it's still a bit inferior. They can only pass the exam, but they can't pass the exam."

Yu Lu and Fang Xi knew that Taisun was giving advice, and the opportunity was really rare, so they listened carefully, but they really didn't understand.

"Your Highness, why?" Yu Lv asked in puzzlement. Could there be a third answer to this test question?Although my own answer is not very precise and pertinent, but after reconciliation, it is perfect.

"If you are just scholars, this theory is enough!" Su Ziji fiddled with the fan in his hand, slowly folded it, and said, "But now, you are doing a tribute test, jumping through the dragon gate, and asking for help." official."

"The next question, what is the position of the people in the official, and how to explain it?" Seeing the puzzled expressions of the two, Su Ziji asked with a smile.

Fang Xi didn't understand why the question was skipped, she was a little surprised, and thought about it for a while: "The people's livelihood is related to the fate of heaven, even one person can't be careless, we have to start with small things."

Yu Lv didn't speak, but from his expression, it was obvious that he agreed with what Fang Xi said.

"It's still off." Su Ziji shook his head, and under the surprised gazes of the two, he said, "You've got a wrong footing, and you haven't figured it out yet."

"It's still the same. If you are just scholars, this theory is enough, but now you are in the tribute exam, you are jumping through the dragon gate, and you are begging for an official."

"If your family has [-] hectares of land and you are too busy to recruit a few stewards, what is the first requirement?"

If Yu Lu realized something, but he couldn't figure it out, he just replied: "Of course he is honest and sincere, he is neither treacherous nor slippery, and he is good at farming."

"What's the difference between honesty and treachery?"

"Of course, are you sincerely working for my family..." Yu Lv slowly opened his mouth when he said this.

"Looks like you understand."

"If you say that the boy's test is about basic skills, and the scholar's test is about literary talent."

"As for the examination, the test is based on the rules. The merits of the candidates are not small. If you go up, you can jump the dragon's gate, and if you go down, you can live in the village. Those who don't follow the rules and understand the rules will not be admitted."

"As for the promotion at various levels, when it comes to the tribute examination, the question is about your sincerity and devotion, whether you are considering it from the perspective of the court and the emperor."

"Now do you know why the deviation?"

"Yes, I understand. The tribute test is a leap to the dragon gate. You can become an official in one jump. What an official is is a servant of the country, just like a squire in charge of affairs."

"What is the position of the people in the official, if the focus is on the people, it is not for the king and the court to consider, only to put the king's country first, and then consider the people's livelihood. "

This is the thinking that an official should have. Even if the article is well done, if the thinking is still limited to the scope of ordinary people, there is no way for the examiner to appreciate it.

"But this...this is completely different from what we have always learned!" Yu Lv said with a frown, showing hesitation and struggle.

This view, even if I can understand it, is somewhat contrary to the past cognition, so it is difficult to accept it.

Fang Xiyi's expression turned ugly. Obviously, it was more difficult for him to accept such a point of view, and he even had great resistance to such a point of view. Isn't this a traitor?
Su Ziji sighed: "Yu Lv Fang Xi, if you really understand this point, the Jinshi position will be here."

If you don't understand, even if you pass the exam, it is impossible to be listed in the front, probably you are a fellow Jinshi, but if you are an exam, you can take the exam, who wants to be a fellow Jinshi?
Not to mention being demoted, who wants to fail the ranking and waste their life?
"Talent and learning are the beginning, rules are fame, and stance is official status. Although these three questions will not be tested in the affirmative exam this time, the spirit is the same."

Su Ziji closed his fan with a half-smile, and the words were all on this point, and there was nothing else to say, this is a secret book that fathers may not tell every son.

"These two, you two should think about it carefully in two days. If you can figure it out, both of you may be able to be listed on the gold list. I wish you both can be named on the gold list."

With that said, he nodded towards the two of them and walked out.

Arriving outside, he saw Ye Taoist, who was standing guard outside the door, only a few feet away, with a complicated expression on his face, apparently he had heard everything.

It was night now, looking around in the corridor, there were many lights, and not far away were the lights of thousands of houses. In such a night, the two of them didn't speak for a while.

"My lord." Later, turning around the corridor, the wild Taoist smiled and said, "Do you know what I'm thinking when I walk with you?"

"Well, do you feel that loneliness is a bit indifferent and a woman's benevolence?" Su Ziji also smiled: "There are so many things to think about, but you spend time on them?"

The savage Taoist was taken aback by the words, and then laughed: "No, ruthlessness is not necessarily a real hero. Why is Lianzi not a husband? I just think that you are a rare king. I am with you and follow you. I feel at ease and very happy." Rest assured."

"Really?" Su Ziji thoughtfully, sighed and went on, saying, "Actually, I'm just a living person, how can I not have emotions and desires?"

"It's a person who lives, it's simple to say, but looking at the history, how many emperors can do it?" The wild Taoist heard it, and sighed: "For example, today, I'm afraid that living is not human at all. .”

"Yeah, he's no longer alive..." Su Ziji suddenly thought of the memories he had gained from the prince. It was very warm, but a chill came over his body, and he said after a long time: "Actually, he used to He is also a person who cherishes his wife and son, but before he knows it, he changes."

"I just hope, I don't have this day."

(End of this chapter)

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