fake prince

Chapter 1167 To Habayashi

Chapter 1167 To Habayashi
After hesitating, Su Ziji took a few more steps, and the wild Taoist hurriedly followed, and found that the rain was still falling, and the rain fell on his face. Facing the wind of the rainy night, even the wild Taoist couldn't help but gather up his clothes.

"Your Highness!" When we reached the end of the path, there were many figures under the two lanterns, and someone suddenly called out.


Just as Su Ziji paused, Ye Daoist took two steps forward, looked around vigilantly, and was startled.

"I'm careless, next time I will bring the guards inside instead of staying outside."

Just looking at it, I felt a little more relieved, and saw some people gathered around, most of them looked like Juren, all of them had a bookish look, and all of them took off their shirts, and all knelt down in front of Su Ziji.

This scene happened so suddenly that Su Ziji was also surprised and didn't understand what happened.

Could it be that Juren wants to ask for his life?
"Everyone, it's rainy and cold, and the ground is cold. Get up quickly, so as not to hurt your body. If you have anything to do, you can stand up and talk to Gu. Please get up, everyone!" Su Ziji said hurriedly. He also symbolically helped the Juren who was kneeling at the front.

As a result, these Juren still knelt on the ground and did not get up.

The Juren who was supported by Su Ziji was even more serious: "Your Highness, we are not only kneeling down to your grandson, but also kneeling to your grandson's benevolence!"

"Xing Ye hanged himself to death. In the eyes of nobles, this is probably just a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning. Grandson, you actually paid to send someone to take the coffin home. If Xing Ye knew it, he would be grateful. I also feel the same, please Please wait for me!"

As he spoke, he took the lead and paid respects to Su Ziji very solemnly.

Only then did Su Ziji know why they did this, it was for Xing Ye?

Su Ziji asked himself, in the past, he did a lot of things to cultivate a good reputation, but the matter of giving money to Xingye was really not for the sake of reputation. I got this idea.

Unexpectedly, it was unintentional.

Su Ziji sighed inwardly, but he stood still, not stage frightened, sighed, and said, "I'm sorry to hear about this."

"But unfortunately, it's not just Xing Ye."

"Gu is also a child student, a scholar, a scholar, and a Jinshi who passed the exam step by step. I know that it is a ten-year period of hardship, 20 to 30 years, and the hard work. Only those who have been there will know."

"But Gu can't intercede for Xingye, because the government and the court are not wrong. Some of your sons come from poor backgrounds, gentry and eunuchs, and even Yingong students. But no matter what kind of background, at this point, you are all A man of the country, this time, he is preparing to jump into the Dragon Gate."

"The country's selection of scholars is a three-year comparison. It is to recruit you, or to assist in government affairs, or to comfort the local area, to adjust the people's sentiments. What the country wants is actually to take the heart of the court as the public heart, and to be loyal and do your best."

"The so-called governance of officials needs to be rectified, and this is the rule. It is a pity for Xingye. Gu can only do his best for personal friendship and human affection, but he cannot refute public opinion and ask for God's grace."

"You are grateful to Gu. In fact, Gu has nothing to be thanked for. Only by being grateful to the court can my heart be truly realized."

All the people who heard these words were silent, but the leader of the people bowed down again and again: "Your Highness's relief is doing the righteousness of a friend, but admonishing us is the way of the court. I understand it and I am really moved. Only I will do my best to repay you in case.”

This person spoke sonorously, with a faint sound of gold and stone, and he led the group of people to bow down together, not only raising people, but also the surrounding people who heard it, and bowed down in a crowd.

Fortunately, I also knew that the grandson could not be here all the time. After bowing down, he watched Su Ziji get on the ox cart, and then slowly dispersed.

After getting into the ox cart, the wild Taoist couldn't help laughing: "My lord, I already know that the leader is called Tian Fu, and I'm afraid he has the intention of clinging to him."

"Many ordinary people despise clinging. In fact, clinging is not easy. It shows that at least others are optimistic about the lord. In the current situation, they are betting on the lord."

"It's a good thing that you have such a reputation. Your hard work has not been in vain."

Su Ziji also smiled, but abruptly withdrew: "Tian Fu wants to cling to him, and he is also a candidate. I will give him this chance. If he can pass the exam, I will send him a post and invite him to come to the house to see him."


Su Ziji let out a long breath, just like the wild Taoist said, clinging seems to be derogatory, but in fact, another word is standing in line, being able to stand in line is indeed accumulating a lot of prestige.

But such a reputation is inseparable from previous accumulation.

Like back then, when Su Ziji eradicated the shrines in the capital, many people were not optimistic about it. They all felt that doing so would be laborious and offend others, and in the end it would only end up being called violent and cruel.

Unlike the king of Shu, he chooses light and convenient items to manage his reputation, which also gives people a feeling of elegance and no dust. It seems that as long as he does this, he can win everyone's love.

Su Ziji felt that everything has advantages and disadvantages.

There are not only one or two smart people in this world, how many of them are really stupid if they can pass the exam?
Dealing with the matter of the shrine, as long as a knowledgeable person will know that it is laborious and offending others, but he will also understand that doing so is beneficial to the people, the country, and many things. The only disadvantage is his own reputation That's all.

In this way, some people will be offended, but it will also leave the impression of being pragmatic in the minds of more people.

A person who can do things pragmatically, how bad can he be?
Su Ziji himself was talented and learned. Before he was recognized, he was a famous talent. Under his management, his reputation spread even more widely.

It is a good thing for Su Ziji that he is now operating in the name of benevolence.

"Actually, these are all useless efforts."

"Pragmatism and ability to do things are all the work of a courtier, not a gentleman's virtue. Benevolence has a little edge, but it is difficult to get into the palace. It is just a cleverness."

"Emperor and ministers, don't know how to laugh at me!"

"Cultivating plank roads in the open and keeping Chen Cang in the dark, the way of imperial learning, to put it bluntly, is the subtle enlightenment. The actual enlightenment is based on the years, and it takes three to five years to see the first effect."

"Supernatural powers can be advanced several times, but such supernatural powers must have a basis, a reason."

"I practice these useless ways, in fact, to give supernatural powers a reason."

"Tian Fu and those Juren are definitely investing in my great-grandson for the sake of their future, but normally, they have to observe and wait for a few years instead of clinging to it now."

"This is actually the way of Taixue, the proof of the first effect."

"Whether it's an old man, or the princes of the court, they are all outstanding people. If I blindly hide my strength and bide my time, not only will I be more suspicious, but I will also be pushed along."

"Don't you want to hide your strength and bide your time? Then simply remove your power and status, and just wait for death!" Su Ziji couldn't help laughing at the thought of some people's pretentious cleverness.

Those who really understand officialdom understand that pretending to be a pig will really turn into a pig, and power can only be obtained dynamically.

"I made all kinds of struggles, not only in line with human feelings, but also gave them the confidence to have everything under control in me. However, no one would have imagined that it would take three, five, seven or eight years to see results, and it would take one or two years to see results."

"Students and citizens may gradually return to their hearts, and as long as these two types can return to their hearts, their preparations will become more and more sufficient, and even the army can seriously consider it..."

Su Ziji thought for a while, then turned the bullock cart around, and said, "Go to the Habayashi Guard."

(End of this chapter)

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