fake prince

Chapter 1168 Creepy

Chapter 1168 Creepy
Ye Taoist has been watching.

Su Ziji ordered the car to turn around and go to Habayashi Guard. The wild Taoist thought for a while, and said again: "My lord, the promotion of poetry and biographies has now achieved some results."

"Oh? How's the situation?" Su Ziji asked with a smile.

Ye Taoist reported: "Although there have been twists and turns, the promotion of the master's poems and biographies has generally gone smoothly."

"Not only our people are promoting it, but storytellers are also singing it. These are all spontaneous, and now most of the people in Beijing have heard it."

"Sometimes when we go out to drink tea or go to restaurants and tea shops, we can often hear relevant discussions."

Saying this, he glanced at Su Ziji, saw that the lord looked satisfied, and nodded his head, the wild Taoist also had a little understanding.

It seems that in the future on this matter, we will have to work harder.

He just smiled at the moment: "This is also because it is a trivial matter, no matter who it is, it will not refute the face of the lord, even if it is the emperor."

After explaining the specific situation in detail, Su Ziji nodded, "This is really a trivial matter."

In the officialdom, whatever position you get, you get the treatment. The so-called difficult matters refer to major events that match your status. For example, it is not easy for a provincial official to move the provincial treasury, but it is not easy to move the county treasury. It's just a matter of one sentence.

Even if the emperor wants to treat himself as a pill, he will respect himself to a certain extent, and will not dismiss such trivial matters.

But who would have thought that his murderous intent lies in this trivial matter?
Su Ziji thought quietly, Habayashi Guard had arrived.

As early as when Su Ziji decided to change his route to come to Habayashi, a guard rode over to report the news first, so when the ox cart arrived at the gate of the Habayashi camp, Bi Xin, Wan Qiao, Lou Yuanbai, Wu Tiantian, Xu Chan and others had already arrived. Waiting at the door.

"The minister has seen the grandson." These people all came forward to pay respects, with meticulous etiquette.

Seeing is to emphasize the status of monarch and minister. It can be said that as a superior person, he has a problem with his brain to abolish this. If it is really abolished, he has to emphasize organizational rules and make up for it from other places. Su Ziji waited for them to finish their obeisance before waving his hand Standing up, he said: "There is no need to be too polite, just come and have a look. Is Habayashi Wei training properly these days? If you have any difficulties, you can talk to Gu."

Talking casually, Su Ziji was surrounded and went inside.

Apart from the wild Taoist, two guards from Taisun's mansion followed, and the rest stayed at the ox cart.

Although Su Ziji asked casually, these people did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

Bi Xin followed suit step by step, and replied: "Returning to Your Highness, Habayashi Wei has been practicing properly these days. Those boys can eat three bowls of rice every meal, and they scream as soon as they practice. They just feel that they have endless strength." , if you don’t believe it, go and see it later, it’s all much stronger!”

"It's all thanks to His Highness's improvement of the food in the army, so that they can eat meat every meal."

Su Ziji smiled, which was also a small kindness for taking advantage of the grandson's privilege.

Wan Qiao also said: "Yes, if there is any difficulty now, it is not, it is that these boys are looking forward to the day when they can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but as a forest guard, it is necessary to see blood. How can there be so many opportunities?"

Others also answered in a hurry, Su Ziji listened, thoughtfully, and closed the folding fan with a "snap".

"Sure enough, the Tao of Taixue has less effect on people with higher status."

"These people, very few of them are loyal to me. They all talk well and seem to be convinced of me, but in fact they are loyal and treacherous, and treachery is even greater than loyalty."

Focused on taking care of Taketoyoda. This person left a deep impression on me at the beginning. Now I identify him, and find that this person is more enthusiastic than before. With his honest and honest appearance, even if he is good at distinguishing people from traitors, I am afraid that I will be fooled by the performance.

If it weren't for the hook, it's really hard to see that Take Toyoda is a traitor!

Not only a traitor, but also a traitor who hides evil intentions and acts more loyal than others!
"Could it be that the emperor promised this person something again, and I feel that the malice has deepened. Is this the emperor around me, laying a net?"

Su Ziji laughed when he heard more than one person mentioning the exercise of the Habayashi guards: "It's not that the Habayashi guards don't have opportunities to exercise, and they can be pulled out to suppress bandits later."

This sounds like a good way to train the army. The suppression of bandits takes a short time and can see blood. If you encounter large-scale bandits and water bandits, it will also give the army a lot of training.

In fact, it is all on paper. The world has been in peace for 30 years, and the place has been cleared long ago. There are no bandits and water bandits to suppress, especially around the capital.

Hearing what the grandson said, these generals were all happy, and exchanged glances with each other. Is this the emperor and grandson they are familiar with?
While speaking, Su Ziji was let into the barracks.

The Habayashi guards also got the news that the grandson was coming, and they had already lined up to wait. When Su Ziji passed by, they all knelt down, bowed together, and shouted: "I have seen the grandson!"

This is actually a very common and normal thing, but it made Wu Tiantian who came with Su Ziji startled.

Su Ziji didn't pay attention to what the officers who followed were thinking, he waved his hand, let Habayashi Wei flatten his body, then went over, checked the nearest row of Habayashi Wei one by one, and asked: "How are you eating, how are you living, how are you training?" How about it, but it’s still bearable.”

"Going back to His Royal Highness, of course I can bear it, I have inexhaustible strength in my body now!" A Habayashi guard answered loudly when asked.

Su Ziji smiled and nodded: "Okay, very good!"

I am indeed very satisfied. I asked a few people, and the answers were all sincere. It can be seen that the way of Taixue combined with the title of grandson has a very good effect. Taisun, it is not advisable to get too close to the military power, so he waved his hand immediately: "I'm just here to see, you can go back to the camp later."

"Yes!" Naturally, hundreds of households ordered to disperse, and the rest continued to make fun of it, but Wu Tiantian was much more silent than before.

Although he didn't talk a lot in the first place, compared to before, he could only say five sentences, but now he only speaks one sentence, and his silence is still too obvious.

Xu Chan had a good relationship with Wu Fengtian, and they were walking together at this time. Seeing Wu Fengtian fell silent, he felt something was wrong, so he asked, "Brother Wu, why did you suddenly stop talking? But what did you think of?"

Taketoyoda shook his head and only said, "It's nothing."

His eyes fell on Taisun, the guards of the Habayashi had dispersed back to the camp, only hundreds of households were left talking to Taisun, pointing and inspecting, he looked carefully, and felt that the scene at this moment, as well as the previous scene, were nothing more than normal.

I didn't notice anything strange. Thinking about it carefully, I probably just thought too much.

Habayashi guard respects the grandson only because the grandson is the crown prince and the commander of Habayashi, and Habayashi respects and submits to the grandson and the commander of Habayashi. All of this is a matter of course.

But the thing is like this, he also persuaded himself to think so, but as long as he recalled the scene just now, Taketoyoda always felt horrified.

Something that seems to be eerie and frightening is hidden in it.

(End of this chapter)

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