fake prince

Chapter 1169 Found it

Chapter 1169 Found it

The atmosphere in the camp had already eased up, and thousands of households crowded around to chat and laugh. Just when Wu Tiantian was panicking, he felt Taisun glanced at him inadvertently.

Take Toyoda hurriedly tried his best to restrain his frustration, looked at Taisun, and at the same time forced a smile.

But seeing Taisun didn't know whether he didn't look at him at all, or turned away after looking at him. Taisun was listening to the introduction with a smile on his face, which made Wu Tiantian feel more and more uneasy.

The more unpredictable Taisun is, the more he feels that he may have been seen through by Taisun.

"No, it's impossible."

But as soon as this uneasiness appeared, Take Toyoda suppressed him. He is the third son of Wu Qianhu's family, but why he can become a hundred households is because he is honest and honest. This acting skill has been honed since childhood, let alone an outsider. Even family members, relatives who get along with each other every day, are also confused by their own appearance.

All relatives are like this, so grandson will know people again, how can it be better?
A clever woman can't cook without rice. Knowing people is nothing more than identifying them through words, attitudes, and actions.

But if he speaks close, has a respectful attitude, and acts diligently, who can see through himself?

Taisun must not be able to see through his true thoughts. It can only be said that Taisun already has a disturbing temperament. When such a person still controls the imperial reserve, it is difficult not to be afraid.

"In the past, a single sentence would have knocked me out of hell."

"However, now I am acting according to the order. No matter what the emperor's intentions are, I am under the emperor's order to supervise and report to the grandson. It is a matter of course and an upright thing."

"Not only can I not feel guilty, but I have to penetrate into Taisun's inner circle so that Taisun can make me his confidant."

Thinking of this, Taketoyoda finally overcame the inexplicable shadow in his heart and joined in.

Su Ziji only took a casual glance, and everyone, including Wu Tiantian, saw the reaction in his eyes.

Then his eyes fell on Habayashi who had already dispersed. Although the officers may not be loyal, and the soldiers may not be loyal, but at least if there is a reasonable reason, it can be used.

Royal Palace
The surroundings of the palace where Jiulongyi is hidden are quiet and silent. It is as if a bright moon is hidden inside the palace, shining faintly, which is very obvious in the dim light.

"Dragon Ball has changed."

Someone reported the matter immediately.

The emperor came very quickly, and the door opened after a while, without bringing many people, the two eunuchs came first, and then saw a young man carrying the emperor rushing over, and Meng Lin, who had been guarding the Jiulongyi, went to the palace. Salute the emperor.

The emperor was very anxious, and impatiently said to Meng Lin: "Excuse me!"

On the other hand, he got out of Xiaoyu, walked a few steps in quickly, and leaned over to have a look.

After looking at it, he still didn't give up. He took out a single glazed mirror from his sleeve. It was a tribute from the local government last year. It was only round and inlaid in a gold ring. The handle of the mirror was about the length of a palm. The bronze mirrors used are only a few circles smaller than ordinary bronze mirrors.

He took a mirror and leaned up to look at it, and finally saw clearly.

There was no time to lament that he was getting old again, the emperor stared at the light on the Jiulong instrument, only to see that this dragon ball was glowing faintly, which was obviously different from before.

Not only is the light brighter and more obvious, but the color is also obviously darker and more.

If the "finished product" is divided by [-]%, it is now at the level of [-]%.

The emperor just looked at it like this, and was silent for a long time. The guards and eunuchs inside and outside the palace stood stiffly with their hands down, like puppets.

"Why did it increase by half all of a sudden?" The emperor stared at the flickering candlelight in a trance, his eyes were dim, and after a long time, he glanced at everyone and asked.

Before that, the Light of Dragon Ball in Jiulongyi was only more than [-]%, but since it passed half, every point of increase is difficult, and half percentage doesn't look like much, but for the emperor, no matter it is a visual impact or psychological urgency, All very strong.

"Return to the emperor's words." Meng Lin lowered his eyelids: "The servant does not know, the servant only tells the truth."

The emperor's question seemed ordinary, but Meng Lin couldn't answer it.

There is no right answer to this matter, even if the answer is correct, the emperor who is already tense may suddenly become suspicious.

You are originally an eunuch in the palace, and you know a lot about the affairs of the foreign court—how did you know that?

But the emperor's words had to be answered, Meng Lin lowered his head and answered this sentence, and stopped talking.

"Huh!" The emperor fell silent again after hearing this answer. In fact, he didn't expect to ask anything from Meng Lin's mouth. The deathly silence once again returned to the hall. The emperor stood and looked down at Jiulongyi. , but have a little understanding.

Putting the mirror back into his sleeve pocket, the emperor turned and left.

When Meng Lin saw him, he just bowed and saluted, and silently sent the emperor out. His first task now was to keep an eye on the Jiulongyi and report abnormalities at all times. Other things, unless it was the emperor's order, had nothing to do with him.

"Go to the imperial study room!" The emperor immediately gave orders as soon as he left the palace, and the eunuch didn't make a sound, just lifted Chengyu and went straight to the imperial study room.

There was also a little eunuch who ran quickly, braving the rain, and when Cheng Yu arrived at the imperial study, all the lights outside had been turned on, but the room was not open.

"Light up the lamp and open the door." The emperor ordered, but his eyes were full of satisfaction.

The imperial study room is where the emperor works, and there are countless secrets hidden in it. There used to be eunuchs who didn't know whether they had ulterior motives or were stupid.

After several visits, naturally no one would dare.

"Yes!" With the emperor's will, the eunuch opened the door, lit the lamp, and then bowed to stand. At this time, the candles were brightly lit, and there were books on three walls of the imperial study room. rummage up.

If it was pulled out and found to be wrong, it was thrown aside first.

This appearance made the eunuch serving the emperor a little flustered.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what are you looking for, I will give it to you... Ouch!"

Speaking of rules, a eunuch wanted to come over to help, but was kicked out by the impatient emperor.

The eunuch immediately lay there and did not dare to move. A big eunuch was a godfather, and when he saw this, he immediately hated iron and steel. When the emperor turned his back and didn't pay attention, he pulled him out by the collar.

After leaving the imperial study room and a little farther away, the eunuch reprimanded him: "Are you out of your mind? After several lectures, every piece of paper in the imperial study room cannot be sorted according to the order."

"If it wasn't for the emperor's presence, and he was obviously anxious to find something, if you get together like this, you will die with fifty sticks, and lie down for a few months."

The little eunuch was scolded by the big eunuch, but he didn't dare to refute.

After all, recently, several young eunuchs were dragged out and executed with sticks because of poor service.

It wasn't that he didn't want to back out just now, but after that kick, he was really scared to the point where his legs became weak and he couldn't move.

The eunuch pushed him and told him to go outside to stay, while he himself seemed calm but came back with the same anxiety in his heart.

Through the purple curtain, you can hear the crackling sound inside.

But with the lessons learned from the past, the eunuch didn't dare to go in and do anything, he could only listen intently, in case the emperor called for someone suddenly, but he didn't hear it.

Several eunuchs looked at each other, and it was the same.

In the imperial study room, the emperor looked around, his eyes fell on a corner of the west bookshelf, he walked over immediately, scanned the catalog, pondered for a while, took out a book and looked at it, and his brows were slightly relaxed Open some.

found it.

(End of this chapter)

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